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Marcelo comments on new housing package

20 FEBRUAR 2023
Comprar Casa em Portugal Governo Portugal Habitação Acessível Mais Habitação Presidente da República
The President of the Republic stresses that it is necessary to "understand in detail" the measures presented by the Government.
Marcelo comments on new housing package
Source: Unsplash
Author: Redaction

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa commented on the new legislative package of housing, making comparisons between these new measures and a melon: "people say that you only know if the melon is good after opening it. It is necessary to open the melon", defending that although there is still no clear idea about the package of measures, it is imperative to understand the costs involved, what the effects will be, how long they will take to produce results and how many families will be covered by them. 
The president states that "the question is to know how these objectives will be achieved. Firstly, if they are achieved quickly; secondly, if they are achieved in a way that really improves the situation of so many families; thirdly, if there is the machinery to put them in place (at State and local government level), if the banks are sensitive to certain changes that they have to introduce, and if the taxes to be reduced will effectively change the situation of the Portuguese". 

It is also possible to add that "without knowing exactly what the laws say", the president of the republic refrains from commenting on them, and adds: "the Government and the Prime Minister have sent me ideas, but they haven't sent me the laws".

Comprar Casa em Portugal Governo Portugal Habitação Acessível Mais Habitação Presidente da República
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