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Mission, vision and values: define the essence of your brand

8 AUGUST 2024
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It is important to define where your brand goes, structuring the basic points that define it.
Mission, vision and values: define the essence of your brand
Source: Adobe Stock
Author: Redaction

Does your real estate agency answer the fundamental question: "why do we exist?" This is the question that defines the purpose of the company, its role in the market and the impact it wants to create. It is important that your mission is well defined, clear, concise and inspiring, reflecting the values and goals of the brand you are representing.

To build these foundations, we give you the guidelines you need to be successful.

Mission: the why

The mission of a real estate agency answers the basic question behind any brand, defined the reason why it exists, the purpose of the company, your role in the market and the impact you want to have.

Vision: to where

The vision, in turn, traces the future of the company. It is the idealized image of what the agency wants to be in the future. A clear and ambitious vision serves as a guide for all the decisions and actions of the company, and therefore will guide growth and development throughout its lifetime.

Values: the how

Values are the principles that guide all company actions. They define organizational culture and shape employee behavior. Values such as ethics, transparency, professionalism and respect for the customer are fundamental to build a solid and reliable brand.

Why are these three pillars so important?

Defining the mission, vision and values of an agency will bring more positive points than you can imagine, starting with the alignment of the team, which will be guided by the same values and goals, working in a cohesive and efficient way. But it’s not the only advantage.

There is the differentiating factor, because having a clear direction, the team can make decisions more aligned with the company’s strategy, avoiding deviations and uncertainties, and thus, chart a path that will help differentiate the agency from its competition, making it unique and memorable.

A brand with a clear and consistent identity is more valued by customers and generates greater trust and loyalty, contributing to sustainable and lasting growth.

How can you set these guidelines in your agency?

One of the most effective ways to build the notions of mission, vision and values is by involving your team in workshops, training and meetings where you implement the sharing of ideas and opinions. In addition, it is essential to analyze the market and identify the needs of customers as well as industry trends, and can then develop a development designed to meet the needs of a concrete audience.

But more importantly, it must be authentic and genuine, and spread its mission, vision and values in its communication channels such as website or social networks to demonstrate to the public what they are, exactly, its vectors and ways of acting.

To help you with this question, you can create on your real estate website a page dedicated to "Who are we", where you indicate the three pillars and define them according to the valences, goals and values of the company.

Did you know that the eGO Real Estate CRM for real estate management can help you with site improvements? Ask for their free advice and implement new pages and features on your website, improving it so that more users come to it and get to know its specialized services. Ask for your advice here.

Don’t forget that defining the mission, vision and values is the first step to building a strong and lasting real estate brand, because by having a clear purpose and a rich identity, your agency will be better prepared to meet the challenges of the market and achieve success.

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