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Condominiums: Support to reduce energy consumption approved

7 APRIL 2023
Imóveis Gestão Condominios Eficiencia Energetica
APEGAC welcomes the opening of a program to support residential condominiums that supports works that enhance energy efficiency.
Condominiums: Support to reduce energy consumption approved
Source: Pexels
Author: Redaction

The Portuguese Association of Condominium Management and Administration Companies, APEGAC, welcomes the approval and opening of the Competition Notice that focuses on residential condominiums, under the Environmental Fund’s Residential Condominiums Support Program, which aims to finance energy efficiency measures that promote the improvement of the thermal comfort of residential buildings, energy bills and the renovation of the housing stock. This information reached the newsroom of SUPERCASA Notícias in a statement and the opening of the Notice of Competition took place on April 4.

According to the notice, "it is intended with this program to promote the adoption of measures of thermal insulation of the facades, roofs and pavements, which have greater potential for energy efficiency and energy saving in buildings" licensed for housing, for this purpose, until 31 December 2006.

The condominiums with more than 16 years, represented by its administration, may apply provided that, among other requirements, they prove financial capacity to finance the work, "deducted from the value of the incentive to be granted by the Environmental Fund"and must also ensure the technical monitoring of the work in question. Applications should be submitted by 28 December 2023.

The allocation for this notice is 12 million euros, with a maximum of 150 thousand euros or between four thousand and five thousand euros per fraction that is in contact with the solutions adopted, and the reimbursements vary between 70% and 80%. A support of EUR 400 is earmarked for technical support.

"The approved applications must be implemented on the ground, within a maximum period of two years", according to the notice, not being eligible expenses with projects, licensing, direction or supervision of the work, safety coordination, among others, as well as respective VAT.

With the application must be presented, among others, the taxpayer number (NIPC) of the condominium, proof of the existence of a bank account (current and common reserve fund), minutes of the election of the condominium administration, land register, constitutive title of horizontal property, housing license and the minutes of the assembly that approved the work.

The payment of the support will be made with an initial advance that can reach 20% of the incentivehowever, the refund implies the early delivery of the invoice and receipt of proof of payment, and must be included in the invoice, in detail, the work done, as well as the photographic record that proves the completion of the work, and the condominium can "request the payment of the reimbursement of eligible expenses in the scope of the intervention, throughout its execution".

From what is announced, the support for the realization of works on the facades does not include the windows, which APEGAC "absolutely incomprehensible", because it is through these that, in many cases, the dwellings have less thermal comfort, energy loss and thermal efficiency. In addition, some of the solutions for thermal insulation of the facade implies the replacement of windows, so that the work is properly performed.

"Nor is it understood that the project, preparatory studies and supervision of the work are excluded from the cost of the work, when it should be the State to promote this study and supervision of the work, as a way to ensure its proper execution. Excluded is also the value of VAT, which has a significant weight in the cost of the work; moreover, APEGAC has long requested that the maintenance and conservation works of buildings, especially the oldest, such as this notice, be exempt from VAT, especially when the condominium proves the existence of the common reserve fund, as a way to encourage the constitution of this fund and, above all, to promote the good maintenance of our housing stock", underlines Vítor Amaral, president of the association, in the same statement that SUPERCASA Notícias had access to.

Imóveis Gestão Condominios Eficiencia Energetica
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