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Documentation when selling a property

26 八月 2022
Dicas Imóveis Mercado Imobiliário Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira Compra de Imóveis Comprar Casa em Portugal Mercado Residencial Portugal Registo Predial Eficiencia Energetica Licença de Utilização
Get to know the necessary documents to sell your house.
Documentation when selling a property
Source: Pexels
Author: Redaction

The business has come up and you need to have everything gathered and organised to be able to deed it, but we are not always aware of the documents required for this.
Knowing how all the paperwork and bureaucracy of this deed is done is bound to seem a little confusing.
Five important documents are needed for the sale, being them:

Caderneta predial
This document is like the identity card of the property, as it refers all the particularities of the property, it is issued by the tax and customs authority. It is necessary to login in the finance portal to obtain this document in PDF format, if you don't have a password to do this process you should request it.

Certificate from the Land Registry
To obtain this certificate you can do it online or at the registry office, however, please note that the online prices are more affordable and are around 15 euros. After requesting and filling in the form, you will receive an e-mail with payment instructions, and after payment, you will be informed of the access code to access the certificate on the website.

Housing Technical File
This paper provides information about the description of the technical and functional characteristics of the dwelling property, which was once called the "book of works". All the works carried out on the property will be presented in this document so that the property has proper transparency in the market.

Licença de utilização
For properties after 1951 this document is necessary (previous ones are exempt, but with the date of purchase) and4 its issue is the responsibility of the council where the property is located.
In the absence of this document one should go to the town hall and make the request. There is no fixed price to obtain this type of document.

Energy Certificate
All properties need this certificate, which mentions the energy efficiency on a scale from F to A+, the latter being the most efficient.
If you don't have this document, you will need a specialist technician authorised by ADENE to assess the property and subsequently issue the certificate.

After gathering these documents you can go to the house deed with your personal identification documents.
Dicas Imóveis Mercado Imobiliário Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira Compra de Imóveis Comprar Casa em Portugal Mercado Residencial Portugal Registo Predial Eficiencia Energetica Licença de Utilização
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