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414 Дома и квартиры на продажу маленькие в Lisboa Закрытие: Campo Santa Clara (São Vicente de Fora), Португалия, из 360.000 € до 1.200.000 €, до 175 m²

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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 39 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 39 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 1 комната в São Vicente, Lisboa

360.000 €
1 комната Общая площадь 45 m² C.E.: C
Charming 1 bedroom apartment totally refurbished with small private patio, in the heart of the historic center of Lisbon. Situated in a quiet street in the traditional area of Alfama, close to supermarkets, cafes, restaurants and the typical Casas de Fado, it has a privileged location as it is 2 minutes walk from the National Pantheon and the Church of St. Vincent, 5 minutes from the Fado Museum, The Castle of St. George and the Cruise Terminal. In addition to the surrounding area, this apartment stands out for the quality of its finishes and the nice private patio. This property will be sold completely equipped and furnished, and is already inserted in local accommodation regime, with a high occupancy rate, so it can constitute a great investment opportunity with assured profitability. Ideal for tourist rental or as first dwelling. Don’t miss this opportunity, schedule your visit now! #ref:APA_187
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Квартира 1 комната в São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 45 m² C.E.: B
|| ИНВЕСТИЦИИ | Апартаменты с 2 спальнями | БЛАГОДАТЬ || || ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ СТОИМОСТИ СДЕЛКИ || У SWAN REAL ESTATE есть ключ к дому вашей мечты! Квартира, расположенная в семейном и жилом районе с новыми торговыми точками и услугами. Традиционная торговля, дизайнерские и мебельные магазины, кафе и рестораны, центральный район, легкость доступа, близость к общественному транспорту и различным социальным объектам. Недвижимость в ТОТАЛЬНОМ РЕМОНТЕ! Включает в себя ДОМАШНЮЮ ПОСТАНОВКУ! Образы АРХИТЕКТУРНОГО ДИЗАЙНА. Основные преимущества: - Кухня и гостиная в OPEN SPACE с 20м2; - ОТКРЫТЫЙ БАЛКОН С ВИДОМ НА РЕКУ; - На кухне лакированная мебель в белом цвете; - Плитка по всей стене за мебелью; - Кухня оборудована духовкой, плитой, вытяжкой, микроволновой печью, встроенной посудомоечной машиной, встроенной стиральной машиной, водонагревателем и встроенным холодильником с морозильной камерой; - Холл 3м2; - Полностью оборудованная ванная комната площадью 4 м2 с подвесной посудой; - 2 спальни, первая с 12м2 и гардеробной, а вторая с 12м2 и гардеробной; - Белые лакированные оконные рамы с двойным остеклением и распашными упорами во всех комнатах; - Подвесной потолок со встроенной светодиодной подсветкой, в туалете, кухне, гостиной и холле; - Предварительная установка кондиционера. Два фронта, Восточный и Западный. >>> здание ПОЛНОСТЬЮ ВОССТАНОВЛЕНО (крыша, водопроводные, электрические и канализационные колонны, фасады, лестницы, входная дверь, счетчики, почтовые ящики). Не упустите эту прекрасную возможность, прежде чем она уйдет с рынка и придет посмотреть эту квартиру для ИНВЕСТИЦИЙ или СОБСТВЕННОГО ЖИЛЬЯ! Мы с нетерпением ждем Вашего визита!! ЛЕБЕДИНАЯ НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬ | Жизнь - это искусство SWAN REAL ESTATE - это зарегистрированная в Португалии торговая марка с эксклюзивным портфелем активов и индивидуальным обслуживанием. В эпоху, когда каждая минута на счету, мы предоставляем каждому клиенту ряд персонализированных услуг консьержа и управления стилем жизни. Все, что вам может понадобиться, чтобы улучшить свой опыт. Благодаря опытной и высококвалифицированной команде, которая помогает и консультирует по различным проектам, связанным с инвестициями в недвижимость и не только, SWAN REAL ESTATE является идеальным партнером для тех, кто требует скорости, профессионализма, знаний, совершенства и бизнес-решений, соответствующих их целям. ВСЕ, ЧТО ВАМ НУЖНО, ЧТОБЫ УЛУЧШИТЬ СВОЙ ОПЫТ Уделяя особое внимание инновациям и мышлению, ориентированному на решения, SWAN REAL ESTATE разрабатывает платформу недвижимости, которая объединяет основные таланты из различных сфер деятельности, с самыми передовыми цифровыми инструментами, позволяющими сделать процесс управления, исследований и продаж простым, интеллектуальным и эффективным. ИННОВАЦИОННЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Разработка аналитической платформы, оптимизирующей процесс управления с точностью до секунды, позволяет не только точнее оценивать цены и ограничения; Как лучше всего определить стратегию, которую следует принять, бизнес за бизнесом. Глобальная технология, которая позволяет нам подключать наш портфель в режиме реального времени к международной сети элитных профессионалов, чтобы охватить потенциальных инвесторов, где бы они ни находились. ПРОДУМАННЫЙ МАРКЕТИНГ Работая со специализированными маркетинговыми стратегиями для сегментации целевой аудитории, мы можем уверенно посоветовать наиболее эффективные каналы для каждого бизнеса. PR-команда, занимающаяся исключительно разработкой кампаний, которые творчески и оригинально доносят портфель до потенциальных инвесторов. КОНСЬЕРЖ И ПЕРЕЕЗД В культуре, где каждая минута на счету, мы знаем, что нашим клиентам нельзя терять ни минуты. Именно поэтому SWAN REAL ESTATE предлагает вам услуги консьержа по управлению стилем жизни и недвижимости, с индивидуальным сопровождением, чтобы облегчить вашу установку и/или проконсультировать по различным проектам, связанным с вашими инвестициями. #ref:swan125stb
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 46 m² C.E.: D
Квартира с 2 спальнями стратегически расположена в самом престижном районе Лиссабона. Расположенный всего в нескольких минутах от железнодорожного вокзала Санта-Полония, он обеспечивает быстрый и удобный доступ к общественному транспорту, обеспечивая мобильность для знакомства со всем, что может предложить Лиссабон. Кроме того, близость к центру Лиссабона делает это место идеальным для динамичной и разнообразной жизни. Квартира, расположенная в полностью отреставрированном здании, гармонично сочетает в себе современный дизайн с традиционными элементами, в результате чего создается обстановка, излучающая элегантность и комфорт. Высококачественные материалы, используемые во всей конструкции, обеспечивают долговечность, а безупречная отделка отражает тщательную заботу о каждой детали. Квартира имеет площадь 46 м2, очень хорошо распределена и включает в себя: Большая гостиная с открытым балконом с видом на реку; Американская кухня с современной мебелью и оборудована духовкой, вытяжкой, плитой, стиральной машиной, посудомоечной машиной и термоаккумулятором, микроволновой печью, со встроенной техникой площадью 20м2; Зал площадью 3м2; Полностью оборудованная ванная комната площадью 4 м2 с подвесной посудой; Две спальни, первая площадью 14м2 со встроенным шкафом, а вторая площадью 12 м2 со встроенным шкафом; Эта квартира была спроектирована таким образом, чтобы обеспечить максимальный комфорт и практичность. Благодаря белым лакированным рамам из ПВХ и двойному остеклению с системой Oscillo Stops, он гарантирует звуко- и теплоизоляцию, создавая тихую и уютную обстановку. Встроенные светодиодные светильники и предварительная установка кондиционера добавляют нотку современности и удобства, а близость к различным местным предприятиям и услугам облегчает повседневную жизнь жителей. Недвижимость расположена в нескольких минутах от железнодорожного вокзала Санта-Полония, и с легким доступом к общественному транспорту и нескольким социальным объектам, с несколькими местными магазинами, дизайнерскими и мебельными магазинами, шоссе. Не упустите возможность приобрести эту невероятную квартиру с 2 спальнями в Лиссабоне. Благодаря привилегированному расположению, исключительному дизайну и функциональным пространствам, он представляет собой идеальный дом для пар или отдельных лиц, ищущих качество жизни и изысканность в оживленном городе Лиссабоне. Для получения дополнительной информации и планирования визитов, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами. Мы с нетерпением ждем возможности помочь вам осуществить вашу мечту о жизни в одном из самых желанных адресов португальской столицы. Это объявление было опубликовано компьютерной рутиной. Все данные нужно уточнить в агентстве недвижимости. . #ref:AH2410-FG
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: Выполняется оценка
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Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa
Cluttons Portugal
Cluttons Portugal
Лицензия на деятельность по недвижимости (AMI): 14434
MMMD Properties
MMMD Properties
Лицензия на деятельность по недвижимости (AMI): 21133

Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
Charming 2 bedroom apartment, fully refurbished and furnished, with open balcony and river view, located in a building with two fronts, target of total recovery works. The property is distributed as follows: - open kitchen to the living room in a total space of 20sqm. The kitchen has white cabinets, backsplash in tile, oven, hob, extractor fan, microwave, water heater, dishwasher, washing machine, and and built-in combination fridge freezer; - 2 bedrooms, both with 12sqm and wardrobe; - hall with 3sqm; - Full bathroom with 4sqm and suspended crockery; The window frames are white with double glazing and tilt and turn window and false ceiling with lights embedded in LEDs. It also has pre-installation of air conditioning. The images presented are 3D and not binding. Located in a traditional and residential area of Lisbon, very close to the river, with an environment of design and furniture shops, traditional commerce, restaurants and new points of trade and services, this charming and modernized building benefits from a location with easy access and proximity to public transport. #ref:LANE_6949_3
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Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Полезная площадь 47 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
Apartment inserted in a family/residential neighborhood, with new points of commerce and services. Central area, with traditional commerce, design and furniture stores, cafes and restaurants, easy access and proximity to public transport and various social amenities. Kitchen + Room w/ 20m2. Open balcony with river view. Kitchen with white furniture, equipped with oven, hob, extractor hood, microwave, built-in dishwasher and washing machine, water heater and built-in combined, hall w / 3m2, bathroom w / 4m2 with suspended crockery and 2 bedrooms, both with 12m2 and wardrobe. White lacquered window frames with double glazing and oscillating stops in all rooms. False ceiling with built-in LED lights in the WC`s, kitchen, living room and hall. Pre-installation of air conditioning. Building FULLY RECOVERED (roof, water columns, electricity, sewage, facades, stairs, entrance door, counters and mailboxes). VIVER NAS ONDAS is a real estate agency with 17 years of experience that also acts as a CREDIT INTERMEDIARY, duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal (Reg. 3151). Our team is made up of passionate and dedicated professionals, ready to make your dreams come true. We take on the responsibility of taking care of the entire financing process, if necessary, providing you with peace of mind and security. We are committed to finding the best home loan solutions available on the market, and we work tirelessly to achieve this goal. We take care of all the details of the process, from analyzing your financial needs to presenting the financing options that best suit your profile. Our mission is to offer an excellent service, putting your interests first. We work with commitment and dedication to make the process of obtaining housing credit simpler and more effective for you. #ref:EA-VSA
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Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
This 2-bedr. flat has been completely remodelled from scratch and has a privileged view: Kitchen + lounge w/ 20m2. Open balcony with river views. The kitchen has white units, tiles on the wall behind the units and is equipped with an oven, hob, extractor fan, microwave, built-in dishwasher and washing machine, thermal storage unit and built-in fridge-freezer; The entrance has a 3m2 hall, a 4m2 full bathroom with suspended crockery. The two 12m2 bedrooms each have a wardrobe. The window frames are all lacquered in white with double glazing and oscillating stops in all rooms. There are false ceilings with built-in LED lights in the bathrooms, kitchen, lounge and hall. Pre-installation for air conditioning. The flat has two fronts. The building has also been completely renovated (roof, water columns, electricity and drains, façades, stairs, entrance door, meters, mailboxes). OFFER: All the furniture in the house, which appears in the photographs, is a gift from the owner. Location: This is a family-friendly, residential neighbourhood with new shops and services. Traditional shops, design and furniture shops, cafés and restaurants Central area, easy access, proximity to public transport, and various social facilities. About us: Coldwell Banker is the oldest and most successful property network in the world. Founded in 1906 by the young Colbert Coldwell, it is considered the original start-up in the property market. Identifying trends, culture, values and professionalism, it is today the most recognised brand in the real estate market. Translated with (free version) #ref:CB10-0081
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua de São Vicente, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
2 bedroom apartment, under remodelling, inserted in a traditional building coated with tiles, completely refurbished and composed by 4 floors, in Lisbon, in the parish of São Vicente. Building with two fronts without elevator. The apartment is distributed as follows: - Entry hall - Equipped kitchen, open to the living room: 20 sqm, with a balcony that offers river view - Bedroom: 12 sqm with a small façade balcony (1,6 sqm) - Bedroom: 12 sqm - Bathroom: 4 sqm with suspended sanitary ware Other characteristics: - The kitchen has white cupboards; Tile all over the wall behind the cupboards; Oven, induction hob, exhaust fan, microwave, built-in dishwasher, built-in washing machine, water heater and built-in fridge freezer - White lacquered window frames with double glazing - Tilt and turn window frames in all the rooms - Suspended ceiling with recessed LED lighting in all the rooms - Pre-installation of air conditioning The 3D images reflect the finishes of the promoter. The apartment is sold furnished and equipped. São Vicente is an area of old houses, with residents who were born and raised in the neighbourhood, but also with some new young inhabitants that look for the city centre. It is a neighbourhood that is almost entirely on a hill, thus creating elevated points with privileged views over the historical area of the city and the Tagus River. Right here, by the river, we find one of the most pleasant areas of Lisbon, Cais da Pedra, where some of the trendiest restaurants in the city are placed, frequented by a cultured and sophisticated public, whether day or night. Here everything exudes serenity and well-being. In this parish there are some of the most typical areas of the city, such as Sapadores, São Vicente de Fora and Graça, one of the most beautiful and old neighbourhoods of the capital. With a curious mix of cosmopolitanism and rurality, this area is known and sought after by its viewpoints, where you can enjoy the most beautiful views of the city. It is also one of the tourist and historical sites of the city, with varied street local business. #ref:PF31267
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua de São Vicente, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Полезная площадь 47 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: C
2 bedroom apartment in Santo António, Lisbon with river view. Located in a family-friendly neighborhood with new points of commerce and services. Traditional trade, design and furniture stores, cafes and restaurants. Central area with easy access and proximity to public transport. The sale price includes home staging. The property is undergoing total refurbishment. Purely illustrative photos. 2 bedroom apartment consisting of a 14m2 living room with a balcony overlooking the river, a fully equipped kitchen with an oven, hob, extractor hood, microwave, dishwasher and washing machine, water heater and fridge-freezer. Two rooms of 7 and 8 m2 with balcony. Bathroom with shower tray. The renovation includes white lacquered window frames with double glazing and swing doors, false ceiling with built-in LED lights and pre-installation of air conditioning. Building fully recovered from roof, water columns, electricity, sewage, facades, stairs, entrance door, counters and mailboxes. The Parish of São Vicente is one of the 24 parishes in the municipality of Lisbon, located in the historic area of the city. With an area of approximately 2.86 km², the parish has a population of around 15 thousand inhabitants. Its history dates back to the 12th century, when the Order of Hospitallers built a church dedicated to São Vicente de Fora. Since then, the parish has grown around this axis, becoming one of the pillars of the ancient city. Among its best known sights is the Miradouro da Graça, which offers a panoramic view of Lisbon, the National Pantheon, which honors the great characters of Portuguese history, and the secular Feira da Ladra, which takes place every Tuesday and every Saturdays at Praça do Campo de Santa Clara. The parish of São Vicente also has a strong cultural tradition, highlighting the festivities in honor of São Vicente, patron saint of the parish, which take place every year in January and the Festa dos Santos Populares, in June, which attract thousands of visitors. with its popular marches and street entertainment. The parish has several public facilities, such as schools, kindergartens, libraries, museums, among others, in addition to a wide range of gastronomic options, with restaurants and traditional cafes that preserve the history and culture of the region. #ref:RR-T2-SV03
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
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Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 47 m² C.E.: Выполняется оценка
Apartment completely renovated in S. Vicente. Living room and kitchen in open space, with a balcony with river view. The kitchen has white furniture, tiles along the entire wall behind the furniture and is fully equipped with an oven, hob, extractor hood, microwave, built-in dishwasher, built-in washing machine, water heater and built-in fridge freezer. Wc complete with suspended crockery. The entire property has white lacquered window frames with double glazing, swing windows and false ceiling with built-in LED lights in the bathroom, kitchen, living room and hall. It also has pre-installation of air conditioning. Building with two fronts, completely renovated (Roof, Water Columns, Electricity and Sewage, Façades, Stairs, Entrance Door, Meters, Mailboxes). São Vicente is a neighborhood of old houses, with residents who were born and grew up there, but also with some new young people who seek the center of the city. It is a district that is almost entirely on a hill, thus creating high points with privileged views over the old town and Tagus river. Here, next to the river, we find one of the most pleasant areas of Lisbon, the Cais da Pedra, where are some of the most trendy restaurants in town, frequented by a sophisticated public, either day or night. Here, everything transmits tranquility and well-being. In this parish are some of the most typical areas of the city such as Sapadores, São Vicente de Fora e Graça, one of the most beautiful and oldest neighborhoods in the capital. With a curious mixture of cosmopolitanism and rurality, the area is known and wanted for its viewpoints, where you can enjoy the most beautiful views over the city. It is also one of the tourist and historical sites of the city with varied shopping streets with traditional shops. #ref:W-02RQHF
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Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира в São Vicente, Lisboa

360.000 €
Общая площадь 48 m² C.E.: C
Studio, with good areas, where the kitchen is fully equipped in open-space format. Good light, excellent finishes and great construction materials complement this flat that also stands out for its excellent location. This neighbourhood is one of the most magical in Lisbon. Perched on top of a hill, it offers unparalleled views of the city and the Tagus River below. It is known for many reasons. It’s an innate beauty, as is the variety of bars, restaurants, cafes and houses that offer a piece of the Lisbon lifestyle. It can be said that Graça is the embodiment of Portuguese tradition and culture. In addition, this venture guarantees a yield of 4%, or an optional flexible return. (Project Images) #ref:LANE_6474_E
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Квартира в São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Полезная площадь 48 m² C.E.: E
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 48 m² C.E.: B-
Refurbished 2 bedroom apartment, in a completely renovated building, located in one of Lisbon’s charismatic neighborhoods, with a great demand for living, residential area and close to shops, services and public transport. Traditional commerce, design and furniture stores, cafes and restaurants, a very central area with easy access. The apartment is on the third floor and consists of a kitchen + living room measuring 14.40 sqm and two balconies, one with a view of the River, two bedrooms and a complete bathroom. In the kitchen, the furniture is in white, tiles on the entire wall behind the furniture, equipped with oven, electric hob, extractor fan, microwave, dishwasher, washing machine, storage heater and combined refrigerator. Double-glazed frames in Oscilobatentes, white lacquered in all rooms and false ceiling with built-in LED lights. Pre-Installation of Air Conditioning. FULLY REPAIRED building (Roof, Water Columns, Electricity and Sewage, Facades, Stairs, Entrance Door, Meters, Mailboxes). NOTE: Please note that the photographs advertised are 3D. Find from our team all the procedural support and the best financial solutions you need to purchase your new home. We provide full support in credit intermediation services. Linked Credit Intermediary registered with Banco de Portugal with registration number 0007528. Come and see this property. #ref:0325.2-NBPN
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Paraíso, São Vicente, Lisboa

360.000 € 375.000 € 4%
2 комнаты Общая площадь 50 m² C.E.: B-
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Paraíso, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 50 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
Fantastic location, in a family-friendly residential neighborhood with new points of commerce and services, traditional commerce, design and furniture stores, cafes and restaurants. Located in the central area with easy access, proximity to public transport and various social facilities. Property in open space completely refurbished, in a total of 77m2. Fully equipped kitchen with oven, hob, extractor hood, microwave, built-in dishwasher and washing machine, built-in water heater and fridge freezer. Very sunny apartment with 2 fronts and pre installation of air conditioning All windows have electric shutters, the white lacquered window frames with double glazing and swing doors in all rooms. Wardrobes in both bedrooms. False ceiling with built-in LED lights throughout the house Building FULLY RECOVERED (Roof, Water Columns, Electricity and Sewage, Facades, Stairs, Entrance Door, Meters, Mailboxes). Property with home staging (furniture/decoration) included in the price. Ask for more information and book your visit! Contact us! [Habisale Imobiliária] ’It feels good to come home’ We are credit intermediaries duly authorized by the Bank of Portugal and we manage your entire financing process, always using the best solutions on the market. We guarantee a pre- and post-deed follow-up #ref:M10794
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 50 m² C.E.: G
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 50 m² C.E.: Выполняется оценка
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Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 50 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Rua do Vale de Santo António, São Vicente, Lisboa

Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa

399.900 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 50 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT553348 T2 remodelado na Graça Prédio reabilitado na totalidade (Encontra-se em fase de reabilitação) Apartamento vendido reabilitado e com cozinha equipada com: Frigorifico combinado Placa vitrocerâmica Forno Exaustor Maquina de Lavar Roupa Maquina de Lavar Loiça Termo acumulador Caixilharia nova Canalização, electricidade e rede de esgotos nova. 3 razões para comprar com a Zome + acompanhamento Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições. Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre. + simples Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas. + feliz O nosso maior valor é entregar-lhe felicidade! Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz. Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados. Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade! É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ! Notas: 1. Caso seja um consultor imobiliário, este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio. Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. 2. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão. #ref:ZMPT553348
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Квартира 2 комнаты в São Vicente, Lisboa
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