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22 Дома и квартиры на продажу в Nazaré Закрытие: Pederneira, Португалия, из 280.000 € до 3.600.000 €, начиная с 100 m²

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Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

425.000 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 276 m² C.E.: A
Эта великолепная квартира с 3 спальнями - совершенно новая с исключительной отделкой - является частью недавно построенного здания современной архитектуры и расположена на вершине Педернейры - одного из холмов, окружающих Прайя-да-Назаре. Квартира, состоящая из 3 спален (1 с ванной комнатой), гостиной / кухни в открытом пространстве, просторных зон для циркуляции, 2 ванных комнат, частного сада, балкона, откуда можно увидеть море Назаре. В квартире также есть закрытый гараж с автоматическими воротами. Здание Petronero было построено с использованием отделочных деталей и ряда исключительных материалов, а внешняя облицовка здания была выполнена с использованием капото, что обеспечивает современную теплоизоляцию, а также тщательное уделение звукоизоляции между фракциями и полами, а также нанесенная керамика создают действительно премиальную среду и комфорт интерьера. Квартира оборудована кондиционером, солнечной батареей для ГВС, частным барбекю рядом с патио, которое обеспечит вам отличные моменты приятного общения с семьей и друзьями, а также имеет закрытый гараж (бокс) в подвале здания. В этой квартире кухня полностью оборудована: варочной панелью, вытяжкой, стиральной машиной, посудомоечной машиной, духовкой, микроволновой печью, холодильником. Расположение этой квартиры в здании позволяет наслаждаться полным естественным освещением, с раннего утра и до заката. Что касается общей инфраструктуры в здании, то выделяются лифт и бассейн, с отличным солнечным освещением, которое позволяет проводить приятные моменты с раннего утра до сумерек. Педернейра - это жилой район, расположенный к востоку от деревни Назаре и даже сегодня сохранивший признаки традиций, такие как: старое здание ратуши, Материнская церковь и позорный столб. Есть посетители, которые считают вид со смотровой площадки Педернейра самым символичным из окрестностей, поскольку здесь можно увидеть весь пляж, маяк Сан-Мигель-Арканжу, приют и бесконечный вид на Атлантический океан. Основные моменты: Оснащен кондиционером - Samsung Электрические жалюзи Широкие терморамки с двойным остеклением Оборудованная кухня Цветной видеодомофон Подвесные потолки со встроенным освещением Подвесная сантехника Спальни со встроенными шкафами Общий бассейн Лифт Закрытый гараж Площади (приблизительно): Вестибюль- Гостиная - 25,10 м2 Кухня - 8,00 м2 Спальня - 13,50 м2 Спальня - 13,50 м2 Спальня (ванная комната) - 14,50 м2 Балкон (с видом на море) - 46,45 м2 Патио (южная сторона) - 90,90 м2 Гараж (бокс) - 19,20 м2 Расстояния: Рестораны - 3 минуты Супермаркеты - 5 минут Смотровая площадка Педернейра - 2 минуты Назаре (пляж) - 6 минут Лиссабон (аэропорт) - 1 час 13 минут Калдаш-да-Раинья (сады, музеи, магазины, мероприятия) - 28 минут Обидуш (средневековая деревня, замок, тематические мероприятия) - 34 минуты Óbidos (поля для гольфа) - 44 минуты Это великолепный вариант для тех, кто думает о том, чтобы провести приятные периоды отдыха на Серебряном побережье, наслаждаясь тем, что считается самым типичным пляжем в Португалии и известно во всем мире традициями своего народа, рыбалкой, гастрономией, спортивными мероприятиями на песке и гигантскими волнами, создаваемыми каньоном Назаре. Благодаря разнообразию и качеству доступности, которые предлагает Назаре, школам, услугам, здравоохранению, близости к торговле, ежедневным рынкам свежих продуктов, безопасности и дружелюбию его жителей, в сочетании с природной красотой деревни, вы можете изменить качество своей жизни на высокий стандарт и можете идеально, эта 3-комнатная квартира с видом на море и бассейн, рассматриваться как недвижимость для постоянного проживания. Свяжитесь с Casas & Properties и воплотите свою мечту в реальность. Живите и наслаждайтесь незабываемым и качественным временем в уникальном регионе Португалии - Серебряном Берегу. Запланируйте свой визит! #ref:019/2024.AD
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира в Rua da Atalaia, Nazaré, Nazaré

289.000 €
Полезная площадь 124 m² C.E.: B
Fantastic 1 bedroom duplex flat from 2019, 80 meters from Nazaré beach. Built with the best insulation materials, it offers, in addition to a privileged location, excellent thermal and acoustic comfort, as evidenced by its energy certification. The flat is sold fully equipped and furnished. (washing machine, fridge, hob, oven, microwave oven and extractor fan) It has a balcony open to one of the main avenues of Nazaré as well as a privileged view of the sand. Located in a privileged location and close to all the services and amenities you need from cafes, restaurants, local market, services, supermarkets, beach and sea, everything.... right there on your doorstep! This property is mainly characterised by its location... Excellent for living, spending holidays and weekends or even to monetise! We can consider this a luxury flat and properly prepared for local accommodation, being one of the properties with the highest proven profitability on the market. #ref:BH00042
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Квартира в Rua da Atalaia, Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Avenida do Município, Nazaré, Nazaré

440.000 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 105 m² C.E.: A
Если вы ищете отдых на море, не ищите дальше! Эта удивительная квартира с 3 спальнями, состоящая из 2 люксов, гостиной и кухни на открытом пространстве, двух балконов и частного гаража, предлагает идеальные условия для наслаждения прекрасным пляжем Назаре и всем, что может предложить эта очаровательная рыбацкая деревня. В этих апартаментах есть три большие спальни, идеально подходящие для размещения вашей семьи или гостей. Все номера светлые и просторные, что обеспечивает теплую и расслабляющую атмосферу. Балконы: Наслаждайтесь свежим океанским воздухом с двух отдельных балконов, идеально подходящих для отдыха с бокалом вина на закате или для завтрака под морским бризом. Уютная гостиная: Гостиная просторная и светлая, с выходом на один из балконов. Это идеальное место, чтобы пообщаться с семьей и друзьями или просто расслабиться после дня, проведенного на пляже. Хорошо оборудованная кухня: Кухня полностью оборудована всей современной техникой, предлагая вам возможность приготовить вкусные блюда и насладиться пребыванием в полной мере. На верхнем этаже есть терраса с видом на море и барбекю, которая является общим пользованием. Частный гараж: Эта квартира поставляется с частным парковочным местом, обеспечивающим безопасность и удобство для вашего автомобиля. Вся мебель включена в стоимость. Характеристики Назаре: Назаре - живописная деревня, расположенная на западном побережье Португалии, известная своими потрясающими пляжами и уникальной рыболовной культурой. Некоторые из примечательных особенностей Назарета включают в себя: Пляж с международной известностью: Прайя-да-Назаре известен во всем мире своими гигантскими волнами и является излюбленным местом для серферов со всего мира. Кроме того, он предлагает прекрасную обстановку для загорающих и любителей солнца. Удивительная гастрономия: Деревня славится своей вкусной кухней, основанной на свежих морепродуктах. Обязательно попробуйте такие блюда, как «Caldeirão» или «Arroz de Marisco» в местных ресторанах. Традиции и культура: Назаре богат культурными традициями и местными событиями. Традиционные костюмы рыбаков, известные как «семь юбок», являются обычным явлением на улицах, а фестивали, такие как Шествие Богоматери из Назарета, являются захватывающими событиями для посещения. Панорамные виды: Miradouro do Suberco и Miradouro do Monte São Bartolomeu предлагают потрясающий панорамный вид на деревню, побережье и Атлантический океан. Если вы ищете комфортабельную квартиру с непревзойденным расположением в живописном Назаре, не упустите эту уникальную возможность. Дополнительный: Характеристики недвижимости: - Кухня оборудована стиральной машиной, посудомоечной машиной, вытяжкой, индукционной плитой, микроволновой печью, духовкой, совмещенный холодильник и водонагреватель. -Двойное остекление - Плавающий паркетный пол - Электрические жалюзи - Подвесные потолки со встроенным освещением - Солнечные панели - Предварительная установка кондиционера -Лифт - Энергетическая сертификация-: A Свяжитесь с нами сегодня, чтобы запланировать визит и открыть для себя свой новый дом у моря! #ref:098/2023.PS
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Avenida do Município, Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

380.000 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 102 m² C.E.: A
Come and see this superior quality flat never inhabited yet with a 3-year warranty by a renowned builder in Nazaré. The flat on the 2nd line with sea view, consists of: entrance hall with wardrobe, living room and equipped kitchen, with the appliances still guaranteed, two balconies with a barbecue, three bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, one of them being a suite and two of the bedrooms also have access to a balcony and a full bathroom with shower cabin. In the basement you will find a storage room and parking for a car. The flat has pre-installation of air conditioning and video intercom. The building has 5 floors and only two fractions per floor. The building is close to the health centre, tax office, town hall, bus station and all kinds of services and shops. You can walk to the beach, which is 2 minutes away, seeing one of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal, where you can enjoy a wide range of typical Portuguese cuisine. Located in the fishing village of Nazaré, internationally known for its imposing waves and charming atmosphere, this beach attracts surfers and tourists from all over the world. It is located a few kilometres from the rest of the beaches of the Silver Coast and 30 minutes from Leiria. Don’t miss this opportunity to make Nazaré beach your seaside getaway. Get in touch with me. #ref:3054
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

дуплекс 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

369.000 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 173 m² C.E.: A
Property Description (T2) This development is a private residence consisting of luxury apartments located in Nazaré, on the cliff of Pederneira. This apartment has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and an open space living room and kitchen. Exceptional apartments: The residence’s modern and pure architecture favors natural materials and tones. Each apartment is made up of spacious and bright spaces, as well as living rooms that extend onto magnificent terraces/gardens located on the ground floor. The apartments also include equipped kitchens open to the living room, beautiful bedrooms, refined bathrooms and a magnificent outdoor space. In Mar a Vista happiness is also abroad: Common equipment that will cheer up the whole family. With two pools, one for adults and one for children. The wooded and flowered gardens will help you relax and allow you to share moments of conviviality among the residents. For the more sporty ones, a gym fully equipped by the promoter will be at your disposal. DESCRIPTION OF FINISHES, SERVICES AND INSTALLATIONS Air conditioning system for heating and cooling Hot water for sanitary use through heat pumps Thermal insulation ensuring class A energy efficiency Excellent sound insulation Kitchens equipped with built-in brand appliances Windows and balconies with double glazing 3 point security lock electric blinds Floor and baseboards of living rooms, dining room, kitchen, passage areas and bathrooms in ceramic flooring. Fully tiled bathrooms Floor and baseboards of the rooms in ceramic flooring or floating floor Italian-style showers and/or baths with a glass-enclosed shower enclosure Brand bathroom equipment Terrace floor and balcony Composite deck (WPC) or ceramic floor according to the floors TV sockets in the living room and bedrooms 1 Telephone and Internet connection per apartment video intercom DESCRIPTION OF COMMON AREAS BASEMENT: Parking spaces, storage and maintenance rooms Changing room with showers and WC by the pool Fully equipped fitness room 3 elevators LANDSCAPED AREAS: Heated swimming pool for adults Heated swimming pool for children Entrance gate with electric lock and video intercom Automatic garage door with individual command Book your visit now, we will be happy to welcome you! #ref:DÚP_236
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дуплекс 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

317.100 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 126 m² C.E.: A
2 bedroom apartment for sale in Gated Community with Swimming Pool, in Nazaré. Private condominium located in the wonderful city of NAZARÉ, with three buildings located in a complex of 4-star Tourist Apartments, modern and elegantly decorated, which attract all types of investors and tourists in search of their dream vacation or a permanent residence or vacation, next to the wonderful beach of Nazaré. Would you like to invest in this unique project? MORE THAN A TOURIST RESORT On the Portuguese Silver Coast, north of Lisbon, lies the sunny and picturesque small fishing village of Nazaré. The town may well be the most popular seaside resort in the region, with friendly and welcoming locals to visitors, fast connections to Lisbon Airport and future fast connections to a new airport providing an even wider global reach. The specific online search behavior for tourists looking for Portugal shows the following top 3 tags: ’beaches’, ’local cuisine’ and ’surf’. YEAR-ROUND OCCUPANCY A unique investment, the place has a constant flow of tourism, unhindered by the seasons. Affluent surfers, lifestyle hunters, and families come to Nazaré all year round. Thus, there will always be a solid base of visitors looking to rent the type of accommodation offered by Canhão da Nazaré. 36 LUXURY APARTMENTS The apartments are located in a 4-star complex, consisting of 3 buildings with 36 apartments in total. The range of apartments meets the requirements of our target groups: families, small and medium-sized groups and individuals. Each building is individually accessible via a staircase and an elevator, and are connected by a private underground car park with 38 allocated parking spaces and several charging points for electric cars. EXPECTED ROI of 5% The Nazaré Canyon offers a rare investment opportunity with a projected annual ROI of 5%, making this tourism venture a smart move for your finances. The survey showed that the project has a very good rent forecast. Based on the results of a feasibility study* conducted by an independent appraiser and the turnover achieved by comparable apartment providers, we can offer a projected net revenue of 5% per annum. Our goal is to achieve this higher ROI thanks to the increasing number of tourists who visit throughout the year. Canhão da Nazaré offers an exceptional real estate investment with potential extra value, high rent and consistent revenues over a period of 15 years, followed by renewal every 5 years. DESTINATION HAPPINESS Over the years, Nazaré has become a surfing destination. The waves, the sand, the sun, the people and the idyllic views the place attracts not only surfers, but also those who simply aspire to the relaxed surfer lifestyle. While the Nazaré Canyon project provides a perfect vacation spot for a well-heeled surfer personality, it covers a much wider audience. More and more people are buying into the popularity of surfing as a sport and lifestyle. Traveling opens the mind to new experiences. This applies to many holiday destinations and even more so to Nazaré. The unique climate means that its surf calendar runs 365 days a year. Investing in a surf hotspot that has a year-round influx of visitors can be very lucrative. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE The many giant waves are famous and provide a spectacular sight for surfers and non-surfers alike. The 230-kilometre-long, 5-kilometre-deep underwater canyon creates the right conditions for these waves. Since Garrett McNamara set a record in 2011 by surfing a 30-meter-high wave, Nazaré has attracted more and more surfers from all over the world. In 2016, Nazaré became the only venue in Europe: Europe has 30 million active surf fans licensed to host one of the World Surf League’s (WSL) Big Wave Tour events. These events attract many visitors from all over the world. For those interested, Canhão da Nazaré offers surf lessons that elaborate on this question. These lessons are provided in collaboration with our local business partner, a well-established surf school led by experienced surfers. HAPPINESS IN RETURN As an investor, you can also enjoy surfing and the surfer lifestyle. For four weeks a year you can stay in your property, enjoy what you have invested and earn something that may be more important than the return on investment of the Nazaré Canyon, namely happiness. Come and visit. #ref:ALC 0900_AI
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

295.050 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 106 m² C.E.: A
2 bedroom apartment for sale in Closed Condominium with Pool, in Nazaré. Private condominium located in the wonderful city of NAZARÉ, with three buildings located in a complex of 4-star Tourist Apartments, modern and elegantly decorated, which attract all kinds of investors and tourists in search of their dream vacation or a permanent residence or holidays, next to the wonderful beach of Nazaré. Would you like to invest in this unique project? MORE THAN A TOURIST RESORT On the Portuguese Silver Coast, north of Lisbon, lies the sunny and picturesque small fishing village of Nazaré. The village may well be the most popular seaside resort in the region, with friendly and welcoming locals for visitors, quick connections to Lisbon Airport and future quick connections to a new airport providing an even wider global reach. The specific online search behavior for tourists looking for Portugal shows the following top 3 labels: ’beaches’, ’local gastronomy’ and ’surf’. YEAR-ROUND OCCUPANCY A unique investment, the place has a constant flow of tourism, without obstacles of the seasons. Affluent surfers, lifestyle hunters and families come to Nazaré all year round. Thus, there will always be a solid base of visitors looking to rent the type of accommodation offered by the Nazaré Cannon. 36 LUXURY APARTMENTS The apartments are located in a 4-star complex consisting of 3 buildings with 36 apartments in total. The range of apartments meets the requirements of our target groups: families, small and medium-sized groups and individuals. Each building is individually accessible via a staircase and an elevator, and are connected by a private underground car park with 38 assigned parking spaces and several charging points for electric cars. 5% EXPECTED ROI The Nazaré Cannon offers a rare investment opportunity with a projected annual ROI of 5%, making this tourist venture a smart move for your finances. Research has shown that the project has a very good rental forecast. Based on the results of a feasibility study* conducted by an independent evaluator and the turnover achieved by comparable apartment providers, we can offer a projected net revenue of 5% per year. Our goal is to achieve this higher ROI thanks to the growing number of tourists who visit all year round. Canhão da Nazaré offers an exceptional real estate investment with potential extra value, high lease and consistent revenues over a period of 15 years, followed by renovation every 5 years. DESTINY HAPPINESS Over the years, Nazaré has become a surfing destination. The waves, the sand, the sun, the people and the idyllic views the place attracts not only surfers, but also those who simply aspire to the relaxed lifestyle of the surfer. While the Nazaré Cannon project provides a perfect vacation spot for a wealthy surfer personality, it covers a much wider audience. More and more people are buying the popularity of surfing as a sport and lifestyle our audience is growing. Traveling opens the mind to new experiences. This applies to many holiday destinations and even more so to Nazaré. The unique climate means that your surf calendar runs 365 days a year. Investing in a surf hotspot that has a year-round influx of visitors can be very profitable. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE The many giant waves are famous and provide a spectacular view for surfers and non-surfers alike. The 230-kilometre-long, 5-kilometre-deep undersea gorge creates the right conditions for these waves. Since Garrett McNamara set a record in 2011 by surfing a 30-meter-high wave, Nazaré has attracted more and more surfers from around the world. In 2016 Nazaré became the only venue in Europe Europe has 30 million active surf fans licensed to host one of the events of the Big Wave Tour of the World Surf League (WSL). These events attract many visitors from all over the world. For those interested, the Nazaré Cannon offers surf lessons that elaborate this question. These lessons are provided in collaboration with our local business partner, a well-established surf school led by experienced surfers. HAPPINESS IN RETURN As an investor, you can also enjoy surfing and the surfer’s lifestyle. For four weeks a year you can stay in your property, enjoy what you have invested and earn something that may be more important than the return on investment of the Nazaré Cannon, namely happiness. Come and visit. #ref:ALC 0900_K
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

308.700 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 100 m² C.E.: A
2 bedroom flat for sale in Gated Community with Swimming Pool, in Nazaré. Private condominium located in the wonderful city of NAZARÉ, with three buildings located in a complex of 4-star Tourist Apartments, modern and elegantly decorated, which attract all kinds of investors and tourists in search of their dream holiday or a permanent residence or holiday, next to the wonderful beach of Nazaré. Would you like to invest in this unique project? MORE THAN A TOURIST RESORT On the Portuguese Silver Coast, north of Lisbon, lies the sunny and picturesque little fishing village of Nazaré. The village may well be the most popular seaside resort in the region, with friendly and welcoming locals for visitors, fast connections to Lisbon Airport and future fast connections to a new airport providing an even wider global reach. The specific online search behaviour for tourists looking for Portugal shows the following top 3 tags: ’beaches’, ’local cuisine’ and ’surf’. YEAR-ROUND OCCUPANCY A unique investment, the place has a constant flow of tourism, unhindered by the seasons. Affluent surfers, lifestyle hunters, and families come to Nazaré all year round. Thus, there will always be a solid base of visitors looking to rent the type of accommodation offered by Canhão da Nazaré. 36 LUXURY APARTMENTS The apartments are located in a 4-star complex, consisting of 3 buildings with 36 apartments in total. The range of apartments meets the requirements of our target groups: families, small and medium-sized groups and individuals. Each building is individually accessible via a staircase and a lift, and are connected by a private underground car park with 38 allocated parking spaces and several charging points for electric cars. EXPECTED ROI of 5% The Nazaré Canyon offers a rare investment opportunity with a projected annual ROI of 5%, making this tourism venture a smart move for your finances. The survey showed that the project has a very good rent forecast. Based on the results of a feasibility study* conducted by an independent appraiser and the turnover achieved by comparable flat providers, we can offer a projected net income of 5% per annum. Our goal is to achieve this higher ROI thanks to the increasing number of tourists who visit throughout the year. Canhão da Nazaré offers an exceptional real estate investment with potential extra value, high rent and consistent revenues over a period of 15 years, followed by renewal every 5 years. DESTINATION HAPPINESS Over the years, Nazaré has become a surfing destination. The waves, the sand, the sun, the people and the idyllic views the place attracts not only surfers, but also those who simply aspire to the relaxed surfer lifestyle. While the Nazaré Canyon project provides a perfect holiday spot for a well-heeled surfer personality, it covers a much wider audience. More and more people are buying into the popularity of surfing as a sport and lifestyle. Traveling opens the mind to new experiences. This applies to many holiday destinations and even more so to Nazaré. The unique climate means that its surf calendar runs 365 days a year. Investing in a surf hotspot that has a year-round influx of visitors can be very lucrative. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE The many giant waves are famous and provide a spectacular sight for surfers and non-surfers alike. The 230-kilometre-long, 5-kilometre-deep submarine canyon creates the right conditions for these waves. Since Garrett McNamara set a record in 2011 by surfing a 30-meter-high wave, Nazaré has attracted more and more surfers from all over the world. In 2016, Nazaré became the only venue in Europe: Europe has 30 million active surf fans licensed to host one of the World Surf League’s (WSL) Big Wave Tour events. These events attract many visitors from all over the world. For those interested, the Nazaré Canyon offers surf lessons that elaborate on this question. These lessons are provided in collaboration with our local business partner, a well-established surf school led by experienced surfers. HAPPINESS IN RETURN As an investor, you can also enjoy surfing and the surfer lifestyle. For four weeks a year you can stay in your property, enjoy what you have invested and earn something that may be more important than the return on investment of the Nazaré Canyon, namely happiness. Come and visit. #ref:ALC 0900_AG
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

308.700 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 100 m² C.E.: A
2 bedroom apartment for sale in Closed Condominium with Pool, in Nazaré. Private condominium located in the wonderful city of NAZARÉ, with three buildings located in a complex of 4-star Tourist Apartments, modern and elegantly decorated, which attract all kinds of investors and tourists in search of their dream vacation or a permanent residence or holidays, next to the wonderful beach of Nazaré. Would you like to invest in this unique project? MORE THAN A TOURIST RESORT On the Portuguese Silver Coast, north of Lisbon, lies the sunny and picturesque small fishing village of Nazaré. The village may well be the most popular seaside resort in the region, with friendly and welcoming locals for visitors, quick connections to Lisbon Airport and future quick connections to a new airport providing an even wider global reach. The specific online search behavior for tourists looking for Portugal shows the following top 3 labels: ’beaches’, ’local gastronomy’ and ’surf’. YEAR-ROUND OCCUPANCY A unique investment, the place has a constant flow of tourism, without obstacles of the seasons. Affluent surfers, lifestyle hunters and families come to Nazaré all year round. Thus, there will always be a solid base of visitors looking to rent the type of accommodation offered by the Nazaré Cannon. 36 LUXURY APARTMENTS The apartments are located in a 4-star complex consisting of 3 buildings with 36 apartments in total. The range of apartments meets the requirements of our target groups: families, small and medium-sized groups and individuals. Each building is individually accessible via a staircase and an elevator, and are connected by a private underground car park with 38 assigned parking spaces and several charging points for electric cars. 5% EXPECTED ROI The Nazaré Cannon offers a rare investment opportunity with a projected annual ROI of 5%, making this tourist venture a smart move for your finances. Research has shown that the project has a very good rental forecast. Based on the results of a feasibility study* conducted by an independent evaluator and the turnover achieved by comparable apartment providers, we can offer a projected net revenue of 5% per year. Our goal is to achieve this higher ROI thanks to the growing number of tourists who visit all year round. Canhão da Nazaré offers an exceptional real estate investment with potential extra value, high lease and consistent revenues over a period of 15 years, followed by renovation every 5 years. DESTINY HAPPINESS Over the years, Nazaré has become a surfing destination. The waves, the sand, the sun, the people and the idyllic views the place attracts not only surfers, but also those who simply aspire to the relaxed lifestyle of the surfer. While the Nazaré Cannon project provides a perfect vacation spot for a wealthy surfer personality, it covers a much wider audience. More and more people are buying the popularity of surfing as a sport and lifestyle our audience is growing. Traveling opens the mind to new experiences. This applies to many holiday destinations and even more so to Nazaré. The unique climate means that your surf calendar runs 365 days a year. Investing in a surf hotspot that has a year-round influx of visitors can be very profitable. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE The many giant waves are famous and provide a spectacular view for surfers and non-surfers alike. The 230-kilometre-long, 5-kilometre-deep undersea gorge creates the right conditions for these waves. Since Garrett McNamara set a record in 2011 by surfing a 30-meter-high wave, Nazaré has attracted more and more surfers from around the world. In 2016 Nazaré became the only venue in Europe Europe has 30 million active surf fans licensed to host one of the events of the Big Wave Tour of the World Surf League (WSL). These events attract many visitors from all over the world. For those interested, the Nazaré Cannon offers surf lessons that elaborate this question. These lessons are provided in collaboration with our local business partner, a well-established surf school led by experienced surfers. HAPPINESS IN RETURN As an investor, you can also enjoy surfing and the surfer’s lifestyle. For four weeks a year you can stay in your property, enjoy what you have invested and earn something that may be more important than the return on investment of the Nazaré Cannon, namely happiness. Come and visit. #ref:ALC 0900_AC
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

320.250 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 132 m² C.E.: A
2 bedroom apartment for sale in Closed Condominium with Pool, in Nazaré. Private condominium located in the wonderful city of NAZARÉ, with three buildings located in a complex of 4-star Tourist Apartments, modern and elegantly decorated, which attract all kinds of investors and tourists in search of their dream vacation or a permanent residence or holiday, next to the wonderful beach of Nazaré. Would you like to invest in this unique project? MORE THAN A TOURIST RESORT On the Portuguese Silver Coast, north of Lisbon, lies the sunny and picturesque little fishing village of Nazaré. The village may well be the most popular seaside resort in the region, with friendly and welcoming inhabitants for visitors, quick connections to Lisbon Airport and future quick connections to a new airport providing an even wider global reach. The specific online search behavior for tourists looking for Portugal shows the following top 3 tags: ’beaches’, ’local gastronomy’ and ’surf’. OCCUPANCY ALL YEAR ROUND A unique investment, the place has a constant flow of tourism, without obstacles of the seasons. Affluent surfers, lifestyle hunters and families come to Nazaré all year round. Thus, there will always be a solid base of visitors looking to rent the type of accommodation offered by the Nazaré Cannon. 36 LUXURY APARTMENTS The apartments are located in a 4-star complex consisting of 3 buildings with 36 apartments in total. The range of apartments meets the requirements of our target groups: families, small and medium groups and individuals. Each building is individually accessible via a staircase and an elevator, and are connected by a private underground car park with 38 allocated parking spaces and several charging points for electric cars. 5% EXPECTED ROI The Nazaré Cannon offers a rare investment opportunity with a projected annual ROI of 5%, making this tourist resort a smart move for your finances. Research has shown that the project has a very good rental forecast. Based on the results of a feasibility study* conducted by an independent appraiser and the turnover achieved by comparable apartment suppliers, we can offer a projected net revenue of 5% per annum. Our goal is to achieve this higher ROI thanks to the growing number of tourists who visit throughout the year. Canhão da Nazaré offers an exceptional real estate investment with potential extra value, high lease and consistent revenues over a period of 15 years, followed by renewal every 5 years. DESTINY HAPPINESS Over the years, Nazaré has become a surfing destination. The waves, the sand, the sun, the people and the idyllic views the place attracts not only surfers, but also those who aspire simply to the relaxed lifestyle of the surfer. While the Nazaré Cannon project provides a perfect vacation spot for a wealthy surfer personality, it covers a much wider audience. More and more people are buying into the popularity of surfing as a sport and lifestyle. Traveling opens the mind to new experiences. This applies to many holiday destinations and even more so to Nazareth. The unique weather means your surf calendar runs 365 days a year. Investing in a surf hotspot that has a year-round influx of visitors can be very profitable. UNIQUE EXPERIENCE The many giant waves are famous and provide a spectacular sight for surfers and non-surfers alike. The 230-kilometer-long, 5-kilometer-deep underwater gorge creates the right conditions for these waves. Since Garrett McNamara set a record in 2011 by surfing a 30-meter-high wave, Nazaré has attracted more and more surfers from all over the world. In 2016, Nazaré became the only venue in Europe: Europe has 30 million active surf fans licensed to host one of the World Surf League (WSL) Big Wave Tour events. These events attract many visitors from all over the world. For those interested, the Nazaré Cannon offers surf lessons that elaborate on this question. These lessons are provided in collaboration with our local business partner, a well-established surf school led by experienced surfers. HAPPINESS IN RETURN As an investor, you can also enjoy surfing and the surfer lifestyle. For four weeks a year you can stay in your property, enjoy what you have invested and earn something that may be more important than the return on investment of the Nazaré Cannon, namely happiness. Come Visit! #ref:ALC 0900_AJ
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Rua das Traineiras, Nazaré, Nazaré

475.000 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 101 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
Квартира на 1-м этаже, расположенная рядом с рынком Назаре, всего в 200 метрах от самого типичного португальского пляжа. Окруженная коммерцией и услугами, но в районе, где вы можете наслаждаться спокойствием, эта квартира состоит из оборудованной гостиной / кухни 29,70 м2, площади циркуляции 19,20 м2, спальни 11,40 м2 с собственной ванной комнатой 2,45 м2, спальни 10,60 м2, третьей спальни 12,70 м2, балкона 12,70 м2 и балкона для спален 13,50 м2. В квартире есть парковочное место 16,15 м2, общий лифт и общий бассейн на террасе. Кухни оборудованы плитой, вытяжкой, духовкой, холодильником с морозильной камерой, посудомоечной и стиральной машинами (маракас). Общая отделка: Бронированная дверь, предварительная установка кондиционера, оптоволокна, электрических жалюзи и видеодомофона. Приходите в гости... #ref:049.D/2024.PA
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Rua das Traineiras, Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Rua das Traineiras, Nazaré, Nazaré

495.000 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 101 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
Квартира на 2-м этаже, расположенная рядом с рынком Назаре, всего в 200 метрах от самого типичного португальского пляжа. Окруженная коммерцией и услугами, но в районе, где вы можете наслаждаться спокойствием, эта квартира состоит из оборудованной гостиной / кухни 29,70 м2, площади циркуляции 19,20 м2, спальни 11,40 м2 с собственной ванной комнатой 2,45 м2, спальни 10,60 м2, третьей спальни 12,70 м2, балкона 12,70 м2 и балкона для спален 13,50 м2. В квартире есть парковочное место 16,15 м2, общий лифт и общий бассейн на террасе. Кухни оборудованы плитой, вытяжкой, духовкой, холодильником с морозильной камерой, посудомоечной и стиральной машинами (маракас). Общая отделка: Бронированная дверь, предварительная установка кондиционера, оптоволокна, электрических жалюзи и видеодомофона. Приходите в гости... #ref:049.H/2024.PA
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Rua das Traineiras, Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

369.000 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 101 m² C.E.: A
Mar a vista is a private residence made up of luxury flats, located in Nazaré, at the top of Pederneira hill, overlooking the sea and the Nazaré Marina. This flat is a furnished 2-bedroom duplex located on the 1st and 2nd floors of the building, with 1 open-plan kitchen and living room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1 large terrace, 1 storage room and 1 private uncovered parking space. Sun exposure: East, South West. Exceptional flats: The modern, pure architecture of the residence favours natural materials and tones. Each unit comprises a large, bright living room that extends out onto a magnificent terrace. The units also have fully equipped open-plan kitchens, beautiful bedrooms, sophisticated bathrooms and plenty of storage space. At Mar à vista, happiness is also out there! Communal facilities that will please the whole family. There are two swimming pools, one for children and one for adults. The gardens with trees and flowers will make you feel relaxed and allow you to share pleasant moments with the other residents. For sports fans, there is a fully equipped fitness room at your disposal. SIMPLIFIED COMMERCIAL DESCRIPTION OF FINISHING WORKS, SERVICES AND FACILITIES Independent hot and cold reverse cycle air-conditioning system Hot water for sanitary use through heat pumps Thermal insulation thus ensuring A-class energy performance Excellent sound insulation Filted wardrobes Equipped kitchens with built-in brand appliances Double glazed Windows and slinding doors Three-point locking system door Electric shutters Tiled floors in the living rooms, dining room, kitchen, passageways and bathrooms Fully tiled bathrooms Parquet or tiled floors and baseboards in the bedrooms Italian showers and/or bathtubs with a glass panel for the showers Brand bathroom fittings Terrace and balcony flooring-composite deck (wpc) or tiles according to the floors Tv sockets in the living room and in the master bedroom 1 Telephone/Internet connection per apartment Videophone DESCRIPTION OF THE COMMUNAL AREAS BASEMENT: Parking spaces, garage, cellars and mechanical rooms Dressing room with showers and wc adjacent to the swimming pool Fully equipped fitness room 3 Lifts/Elevators LANDSCAPED AREAS: Heated swimming pool for adults Heated swimming pool for children Play área Pedestrian gate with electric lock and videophone Automated garage door with individual remote control Nearby you’ll find all kinds of services (supermarkets, shops, restaurants, schools, pharmacies...). This duplex flat offers you an excellent location with privacy and peace, 30 km from Caldas da Rainha and 126 km from Lisbon airport, with quick access to the A8 motorway. Don’t waste time and book your visit now! #ref: 107334
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Rua das Traineiras, Nazaré, Nazaré

715.500 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 100 m² C.E.: A+
2+1 bedroom apartment on the 3rd floor comprising living room and kitchen in open space, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 of them en suite), two balconies, one with 12.75 m2 and the other with 13.55 m2 and a private terrace on the roof with 87.95m2 with unique views of Nazaré In the basement there is a private parking space. New development under construction in the best location in Nazaré, consisting of 4 lots, with apartments T1+1 and T2+1, in the center of Nazaré, next to the municipal market and just two steps from the beach. In addition to the proximity to the beach and the market, all services, cafes and restaurants are also available. In the first phase of construction, Building 1 and Building 2 will be built. The buildings will be built with high quality materials and will have a swimming pool common to all apartments and the apartments on the top floor will have a fabulous terrace with the possibility of building a private swimming pool with a breathtaking view of the beach and the houses of Nazaré. All apartments have generous areas and excellent lighting and are equipped with electric shutters, pre-installation of air conditioning, equipped kitchens and parking space. Sale prices between €375,000.00 and €715,500.00 Forecast Completion of Work: January 2025 If you are looking for tranquility, comfort and at the same time being close to everything, this is the apartment you are looking for. #ref:IMO-651_L
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Rua das Traineiras, Nazaré, Nazaré

Частный дом 3 комнаты Duplex в Rua Combatentes do Ultramar, Nazaré, Nazaré

1.050.000 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 467 m² Земельный участок 2.955 m² C.E.: A
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Частный дом 3 комнаты Duplex в Rua Combatentes do Ultramar, Nazaré, Nazaré

Частный дом 2 комнаты Triplex в Rua dos Calafates, Nazaré, Nazaré

360.000 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 150 m² C.E.: D
This versatile and charming building is situated in one of the typical streets of Nazaré, a few steps from the beach and surrounded by restaurants and commerce. It is a rare opportunity, offering a unique combination of commercial space and housing in a truly privileged location. Key features: Commercial Space: Basement and the ground floor, offers a total area of 100m², with sanitary facilities already equipped, this space is ideal for restaurant / shop. Apartment on the 1st Floor: The first floor of this building consists of a cozy apartment of 50m², with independent entrance. This well-distributed apartment offers two comfortable bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. It is an excellent opportunity for permanent residence or business for local accommodation. Perfect Location: This property is strategically located in Nazaré, one of the most beautiful and sought after seaside cities in Portugal. Its proximity to the beach and its central location close to restaurants and commerce make it an ideal starting point for entrepreneurs and investors. Do not miss this unique opportunity to acquire a property that offers incredible business potential and a charming apartment in one of the most privileged locations of Nazaré. Contact us to learn more and explore all the possibilities this exceptional building has to offer you. #ref:IMO-703
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Частный дом 2 комнаты Triplex в Rua dos Calafates, Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

455.000 €
3 комнаты Полезная площадь 109 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
New 3 bedroom penthouse on the 2st floor with views over Nazaré and the Ocean. With good areas and fully equipped, open-space kitchen, a suite and two bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. Two huge balconies serving all rooms in the apartment. Condominium with elevator and parking on the -1 floor. On the roof, panoramic terrace with swimming pool, where you can enjoy the fantastic sunset over the ocean. Construction to start at the beginning of 2023 and finish at the summer of 2024. There are opportunities that should not be missed ... this is one of them! #ref:BL604(6)
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

420.000 €
3 комнаты Полезная площадь 109 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
New 3 bedroom apartment on the 1st floor with views over Nazaré and the Ocean. With good areas and fully equipped, open-space kitchen, a suite and two bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. Two huge balconies serving all rooms in the apartment. Condominium with elevator and parking on the -1 floor. On the roof, panoramic terrace with swimming pool, where you can enjoy the fantastic sunset over the ocean. Construction to start at the beginning of 2023 and finish at the summer of 2024. There are opportunities that should not be missed ... this is one of them! #ref:BL604(4)
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

390.000 €
3 комнаты Полезная площадь 103 m² C.E.: Освобожденная собственность
New T3 apartment at the level of the ground floor. With good areas and fully equipped, open-space kitchen, a suite and two bedrooms with fitted wardrobes. Two huge balconies serving all rooms in the apartment. Condominium with elevator and parking on the -1 floor. On the roof, panoramic terrace with swimming pool, where you can enjoy the fantastic sunset over the ocean. Construction to start at the beginning of 2023 and finish at the summer of 2024. There are opportunities that should not be missed ... this is one of them! #ref:BL604(2)
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

310.000 €
3 комнаты Общая площадь 102 m² C.E.: F
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Квартира 3 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré

295.000 €
2 комнаты Общая площадь 114 m² C.E.: E
2 bedroom apartment, located on the first floor of a building on the first line of the Nazaré waterfront. With parking space with good access, in the garage of ground floor, equal space of storage in the basement and another storage room on the same floor of the fraction. It consists of kitchen, living room with fireplace, two bedrooms, bathroom with bathtub and wide balcony. The kitchen is equipped with a stove, extractor fan, water heater, refrigerator and microwave. It is used, in good condition, has good accessibility and good sun exposure facing the east. With good areas and good light. Very quiet building. #ref:IC - 0334
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Квартира 2 комнаты в Nazaré, Nazaré
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