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43 Grundstücke zu verkaufen auf Viseu (Bezirk), Portugal, von 350.000 € bis 800.000 €

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Grundstück auf Cambres, Lamego

800.000 €
Grundstücke 8.124 m² E.C.: E
Land with house, vineyard and 40 m of river front in the Douro Demarcated Region. The land has an area of 8124m2 and a two-story house measuring around 220m2. The land has direct access to the Douro River and approximately 40m of riverfront. The Alto Douro Wine Region is a particularly representative area of the landscape that characterizes the vast Douro Demarcated Region, the oldest wine-growing region regulated in the world. It is an area of more than 26 thousand hectares, classified by UNESCO, on December 14, 2001, as a World Heritage Site, in the category of cultural landscape and surrounded by mountains that give it particular mesological and climatic characteristics. The property produces around 2000 liters of beneficial wine. The «Benefit» is a right/authorization to produce Fortified Wine/Port with control. It is a kind of general (annual) ’quota’ for the processing of Grape Musts of the Douro into «Generoso» Wine (or Fine Wine), basically through the addition (benefit) of Wine Brandy to normal musts still in fermentation. #ref:PRT15147
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Grundstück auf Cambres, Lamego

Grundstück auf Repeses e São Salvador, Viseu

750.000 €
Grundstücke 24.338 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Grundstueck mit 24338 m2. Grundstuecke. 112 Meter gegenueber der Nationalstrasse N2 In der Naehe von: - Zugang zu IP3 - Zugang zur A25 - Supermarkt - Zapfsaeule Eingefuegt in ein Produktionswaldgebiet. Nutzungen: - Unbeschadet der Einschraenkungen, die fuer Gebiete innerhalb des REN, RAN oder der kommunalen oekologischen Struktur gelten, sind folgende Nutzungen zulaessig Municipal Ecological Structure, Spatial Fire Risk, unter anderen Einschraenkungen, sind die folgenden Nutzungen vereinbar die folgenden: - a) Gebaeude fuer eine landwirtschaftliche Wohnung; - b) Unterstuetzungseinrichtungen ausschliesslich fuer die Land-/Forstwirtschaft; - c) Gewerbe-, Dienstleistungs- und Industrieanlagen, die direkt mit der Landwirtschaft, Viehzucht und Aquakultur verbunden sind. Landwirtschaft, Viehzucht, Aquakultur, Fischzucht, Forstwirtschaft oder Nutzung von Energie oder geologischen Ressourcen. oder geologischen Ressourcen oder deren Lagerung; - d) Touristische Erschliessungen, die den Arten des laendlichen Tourismus entsprechen, Tourismus und Camping- und Caravaningplaetze sowie Unternehmen im Zusammenhang mit Dienstleistungen und Gastronomie Dienstleistungen und Verpflegung; - e) Einrichtungen zur gemeinschaftlichen Nutzung; - f) Friedhoefe, Telekommunikationsanlagen, Wasseraufbereitungsanlagen oder Klaeranlagen, Muelldeponien oder aehnliche Anlagen, elektrische Umspannwerke, militaerische Sicherheits- oder Gefaengnisanlagen, alle Einrichtungen oder Taetigkeiten, die nicht in staedtische Flaechen integriert werden koennen oder die die aufgrund ihrer Besonderheit oder der aufgrund ihrer Groesse mobilisierbaren Flaeche einen Abstand zu ihr rechtfertigen;. ihre Groesse; - g) Gesundheits-, Aufnahme-, Bildungs- oder Ausbildungseinrichtungen (oeffentlich oder privat) privat) - h) Rehabilitation, mit oder ohne Verlaengerung. Warum in Portugal investieren und leben? siebte. Das sicherste Land der Welt Global Peace Index 2023; Eines der besten Autobahnnetze der Welt; Portugal gilt 2022 zum 5. Mal in den letzten 6 Jahren als bestes Reiseziel Europas (WTA); Lissabon, das beste Reiseziel der Welt am Meer im Jahr 2022 (WTA); Die Insel Madeira ist 2022 das beste Inselziel der Welt (WTA); Algarve mit einer Hoteleinheit, die mit der Auszeichnung fuer das beste Lifestyle-Resort 2022 (WTA) ausgezeichnet wurde; Porto wurde 2022 zum besten Stadtziel der Welt gewaehlt (WTA) Durchschnittstemperatur um 12 Uhr mittags, im Sommer: 25º C und im Winter: 16º C; Gilt als der 7. Platz. Bestes Land der Welt fuer Lebensqualitaet 2022 (InterNations); Portugal belegt den 4. Platz. Bestes Land der Welt, in dem sich Expats im Jahr 2022 am wohlsten fuehlen (Internations); Mittelmeerdiaet, die von der Unesco zum Weltkulturerbe erklaert wurde; Der beste Fisch der Welt, laut Ferran Adriá, Chefkoch ’El Bulli’; Es hat 1 der 25 schoensten Straende der Welt Tripadvisor 2022; Es hat 3 portugiesische Weine unter den 12 besten der Welt im Jahr 2022 (Forbes); Nutzen Sie diese Gelegenheit und buchen Sie jetzt Ihren Besuch oder fragen Sie nach weiteren Informationen! #ref:ITH2256
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Grundstück auf Repeses e São Salvador, Viseu

Grundstück auf Oliveira, Cinfães

675.000 €
Grundstücke 19.000 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Next to the banks of the Douro River, in the municipality of Cinfães, this land with a total of 18970.3 m2, integrated in the demarcated region of the Douro, has an approved project for a villa with 3 bedrooms, garage for 2 cars, annex building to support the pool and swimming pool. Plot Area: 18.970,30m2; Total Implantation Area: 336,80m2 Main building: 295,70m2 Annex building: 4,30m2 Pool: 36,80m2 Total Construction Area: 300m2 Main building: 295,70m2 Annex building: 4,30m2 There is also an adjacent land with 6785 m2, with an unapproved project for the recovery of two ruins (mill house) and construction of a swimming pool. One of the ruins will be transformed into a 2 bedroom villa with the small pool, and the mill’s house in a 1 bedroom villa. Construction area: 6785 m2 Total area of implantation: 140.45 m2 House 2 Bedrooms: 98, 80 m2 House of the mill: 41,65 m2 #ref:35722
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Grundstück auf Oliveira, Cinfães

Grundstück auf Valença do Douro, Tabuaço

400.000 €
Grundstücke 0 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Delimited by a municipal road and a small stone path, which leads to the top of the hill of Valença do Douro, the Casa da Vinha may be implanted in a 3.2 hectare vineyard that is located on a gentle slope facing Pinhão, with stunning views over the river. Stunning views over the Douro (North and West sun exposure). Casa da Vinha (Valença do Douro) is an innovative concept in the Douro region, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. A vineyard with a privileged location, where your future home can be born, and from where you can enjoy views over the Douro River. The current owner and one of the most reputable producers in the region, can take on the responsibility of taking care of the vineyard using regenerative viticulture practices and producing the wine from this property, part of which is bottled with a brand of his choice. From this 3.2-hectare vineyard, great DOC Douro red wines and also high quality Port Wines are born, produced in a traditional way by a family business with 400 years of history in the Douro. The owner company may be responsible for all the work of the vineyard, assuming all the costs inherent to it, having as a counterpart all the production of the vineyard. The owners will have, in turn, 360 bottles to choose between LBV Port Wine, Vintage in exceptional years, as well as DOC Douro red, bottled with the brand of their choice. The North and East sun exposure allows for a slower maturation period, producing balanced and elegant wines. #ref:35846
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Grundstück auf Valença do Douro, Tabuaço

Grundstück auf Mangualde, Mesquitela e Cunha Alta, Mangualde

490.000 €
Grundstücke 9.546 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Mangualde, Mesquitela e Cunha Alta, Mangualde

Gründstück auf Valença do Douro, Tabuaço

520.000 €
Grundstücke 45.286 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Welcome to Quinta do Sansão, an idyllic retreat located on the stunning slopes of Valença do Douro, in the heart of the Alto Douro Wine Region. With an incredible panoramic view of the Douro River and the Pinhão skyline, this 4.5 hectare property is a unique opportunity for anyone looking to invest in a rural tourism or housing project. With the legal possibility of building a building for housing and/or rural tourism, as well as the placement of bungalows in an area of about 11,000 m2, this property offers enormous potential for financial profitability. Quinta do Sansão has two registered D.O.C. wine brands , producing 20 barrels of wine under the ’Quinta do Sansão’ and ’Dona Marina’ brands, as well as 6 benefit barrels. With electricity, water and an agricultural warehouse, the property is ideal for those looking to enter the wine market and produce their own brand. The Alto Douro wine region is an area of great prestige and is classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. With its mountains that create an ideal microclimate for wine production, this region is home to the famous Port wine and has been producing wines for over 2,000 years. Don’t miss this unique investment opportunity at Quinta do Sansão, a property that offers a perfect combination of natural beauty, business potential and a relaxing lifestyle. Come and discover for yourself why this property is so special and be part of the history of wine in the Alto Douro Vinhateiro. Please contact us to arrange a visit. Watch the promotional video on Youtube Channel Douro Real Estate *At IAD we share business with any consultant or real estate agency. We promote properties in more than 250 national and international real estate portals. If you are a professional in the sector and have a qualified buyer, contact me and schedule your visit. #ref: 57116
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Gründstück auf Valença do Douro, Tabuaço

Grundstück auf Bodiosa, Viseu

600.000 €
Grundstücke 32.230 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Bodiosa, Viseu

Grundstück auf Vila Seca e Santo Adrião, Armamar

800.000 €
Grundstücke 30.000 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Vila Seca e Santo Adrião, Armamar

städisches Grundstück auf Cavernães, Viseu

445.000 €
Grundstücke 59.000 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Grundstück mit natürlichem See/Teich, Ruinen für die Sanierung und/oder für den Bau eines Industriegebäudes/Lagerhallen, mit ca. 50.000 m2. Mit mehreren Gebäuden und einem großen Potenzial für den Bau Ihres landwirtschaftlichen Betriebs oder für den Bau eines fantastischen ländlichen Tourismusprojekts, eines Reiterhofs, eines Industriepavillons oder einer lokalen Unterkunft oder eines Aktivitätszentrums. Die Aussicht auf die Berge ist fantastisch, es ist leicht zugänglich, es hat eine fantastische Ost-West-Sonnenausrichtung. Über: - 4 km von der Ausfahrt A25 entfernt -5 km von der Ausfahrt A24 entfernt -10 km vom Zentrum von Viseu Ist dies der ideale Ort, den Sie suchen? Rufen Sie an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten. #ref:1110001/23AVR
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städisches Grundstück auf Cavernães, Viseu

Gründstück auf Barcos e Santa Leocádia, Tabuaço

350.000 €
Grundstücke 24.250 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Excellent business opportunity for those looking to invest in a refuge in the middle of the Douro and/or for those who want to invest in Agritourism. With wide and privileged views of the Douro, recently recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, it enjoys total privacy in an extremely peaceful location. Magnificent farm very well located located on the outskirts of the historic and wine-producing village of Douro, with a stunning landscape surrounded by nature (Serra do Marão and Serra Alvão) and endless vineyards and olive groves.... With good accessibility; one for cars and 2 for pedestrians. Total area of 24250 square meters with very well treated vineyards. New Vine; Viosinho Rabigato and Touriga Franca strains. Old Vine; with a wide variety of grape varieties for the production of Port wine and wine for consumption. Total Strains; 18,500 (vines) Its annual production is; 12,500kg = 9,166 Liters of drinking wine 4,564 Liters of wine benefiting from Port Wine - Letter D The olive grove on this property (41 trees) produces +/- 120 Liters / year. It also has a variety of fruit trees; 5 cherry trees, 2 apple trees, 5 pear trees, 1 quince tree, 3 almond trees, 1 fig tree, 2 hazel trees and 2 elder trees. There is also a large stone tank to capture water from the spring. There is a shale warehouse (shanty) measuring around 50 square meters and in front of it a completely restored stone threshing floor with automatic gates. This property is entirely fenced in shale walls (around 1150 linear meters). Annual subsidies for the maintenance of agricultural activity and for the maintenance of shale walls. Its terraces are flat and quite wide. Book your appointment now, because you can’t miss this magnificent opportunity to have a piece of the Douro!!!! #ref: 108044
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Gründstück auf Barcos e Santa Leocádia, Tabuaço

Gründstück auf Carregal do Sal, Carregal do Sal

350.000 €
Grundstücke 52.900 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
FARM IN CARREGAL DO SAL 5.29 Hectares 1,000 m2 of urban area Located in the Carregal do Sal region, this farm stands out for its production mainly in pine nuts, completely structured, with an irrigation system and excellent organization and excellently well cared for and completely walled. In addition to the large agricultural area, the property has around 1,000 m2 of urban area, with a project to build a house. Support areas throughout the property. #ref: 113623
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Gründstück auf Carregal do Sal, Carregal do Sal

Grundstück auf Samodães, Lamego

400.000 €
Grundstücke 11.718 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Land in Douro with 11,718m2, next to the N222, in the Douro Demarcated Region and next to the Six Senses Douro Valley hotel. Land with PIP for reconstruction and expansion of a building for T.E.R. - Agritourism with 358m2: Floor 0: 191m2 Floor 1: 167m2 Land with vineyards and fruit trees, properly treated and in production. The Alto Douro Wine Region is a particularly representative area of the landscape that characterizes the vast Douro Demarcated Region, the oldest wine-growing region regulated in the world. It is an area with more than 26 thousand hectares, classified by UNESCO, on December 14, 2001, as a World Heritage Site, in the category of cultural landscape, surrounded by mountains that give it particular mesological and climatic characteristics. #ref:PRT15148
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Grundstück auf Samodães, Lamego

Gründstück auf Viseu, Viseu

400.000 €
Grundstücke 970 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Plot of land for construction in height to sell in Viseu. Located in Gumirães with an area of 970m2 with feasibility of building a plot with 4 floors with 714 m2 of implantation. It is in zone H3 in the new PDM. You can start construction right away by simply submitting a project and carrying out some infrastructure works. The land is located in a very good area, with schools, shops and public transport. For more information, please visit . CHECK OUT OUR PROPERTIES IN (---) #ref:11106
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Gründstück auf Viseu, Viseu

städisches Grundstück auf Campia, Vouzela

474.000 €
Grundstücke 13.550 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Land located in the industrial zone of Campia.The land is intended for industrial construction.Excellent access to the highway. #ref:1882
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städisches Grundstück auf Campia, Vouzela

Gründstück auf Repeses e São Salvador, Viseu

540.000 €
Grundstücke 420 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Gründstück auf Repeses e São Salvador, Viseu

Grundstück auf Oliveira, Cinfães

675.000 €
Grundstücke 19.000 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Next to the banks of the Douro River, in the municipality of Cinfães, this land with a total of 18970.3 m2, integrated in the demarcated region of the Douro, has an approved project for a villa with 3 bedrooms, garage for 2 cars, annex building to support the pool and swimming pool. Plot Area: 18.970,30m2; Total Implantation Area: 336,80m2 Main building: 295,70m2 Annex building: 4,30m2 Pool: 36,80m2 Total Construction Area: 300m2 Main building: 295,70m2 Annex building: 4,30m2 There is also an adjacent land with 6785 m2, with an unapproved project for the recovery of two ruins (mill house) and construction of a swimming pool. One of the ruins will be transformed into a 2 bedroom villa with the small pool, and the mill’s house in a 1 bedroom villa. Construction area: 6785 m2 Total area of implantation: 140.45 m2 House 2 Bedrooms: 98, 80 m2 House of the mill: 41,65 m2 #ref:35722
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Grundstück auf Oliveira, Cinfães

Gründstück auf Viseu, Viseu

350.000 €
Grundstücke 1.200 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Plot of land with project included to sell 2 km from Rossio in Viseu. With 1200m2 of area allows a deployment of 360m2 x 2 floors. In the price is included this or other project to choose from who to buy, concrete walls, entrance gate. This project has the maximum area that can be built on this lot but you can choose a smaller house. With all infrastructure, water, electricity, telecommunications and gas. Next to schools, commerce, public spaces for children. With public transport, free parking and plenty of sun. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PLACE WHERE YOU CAN LIVE NEXT TO NATURE BUT WITH ONE FOOT INSIDE THE CITY - THIS IS YOUR LAND. SEE OUR PROPERTIES IN (---) #ref:11316
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Gründstück auf Viseu, Viseu

Grundstück auf Abraveses, Viseu

682.000 €
Grundstücke 4.400 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Land for construction for sale in Abraveses/ Viseu - Property, with 4400m2, 2 km from the center of Viseu, consisting of two villas to recover. A T2 with rooms, large lounge with room for wine cellar and a floor. Another villa with 2 floors, T3 with living room. It includes a wine cellar and wine vats, an indoor barbecue. Internal tarmac accesses. In the outside area has a kennel, and parking space for several vehicles. It also has a large outdoor pool, which needs recovery. HAS PROJECT FOR SENIOR RESIDENCE SEE OUR PROPERTIES IN (---) #ref:8581-1
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Grundstück auf Abraveses, Viseu

Grundstück auf Viseu, Viseu

500.000 €
Grundstücke 3.257 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Viseu, Viseu

Grundstück auf Valença do Douro, Tabuaço

520.000 €
Grundstücke 45.286 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Valença do Douro, Tabuaço

rustikales Grundstück auf Rua do Santíssimo, Orgens, Viseu

425.000 €
Grundstücke 19.032 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Non building
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rustikales Grundstück auf Rua do Santíssimo, Orgens, Viseu

Bauland auf Urbanização Quinta da Cruzada, São Pedro do Sul, Várzea e Baiões, São Pedro do Sul

450.000 €
Grundstücke 576 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Grundstücke für den Bau von zwei unfertigen Gebäuden, mit einer Lizenz gegen Zahlung. Insgesamt 27 Wohnungen, im Zentrum der Stadt São Pedro do Sul. Das Hotel liegt zwischen der Sekundarschule, der Grundschule, dem Supermarkt, den städtischen Schwimmbädern und dem städtischen Markt. Freier Blick über die Stadt. Die Gebäude sind 50 m von der EN 16 entfernt, der Hauptstraße, die die Stadt durchquert, und gleich weit vom historischen Zentrum und dem neuen Geschäftszentrum der Stadt entfernt. Etwa 16 % sind bereits gebaut. (Fundamente und fünf Platten). ARU-Zone: Mehrwertsteuer um 6 % gesenkt. Viseu und die drei Gemeinden in der Region Lafões haben eine große Nachfrage nach Wohnraum und praktisch kein Angebot. #ref:MA0331
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Bauland auf Urbanização Quinta da Cruzada, São Pedro do Sul, Várzea e Baiões, São Pedro do Sul

Grundstück auf Repeses e São Salvador, Viseu

350.000 €
Grundstücke 880 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Repeses e São Salvador, Viseu

Gründstück auf Viseu, Viseu

480.000 €
Grundstücke 5.206 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Gründstück auf Viseu, Viseu
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