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25 别墅和公寓 出售 在 Aveiro (行政区), 葡萄牙, 在 1.300.000 € 直到 3.900.000 €, 从 500 m²


房子 9 卧室 在 Travassô e Óis da Ribeira, Águeda

1.900.000 €
9 卧室 总面积 2.735 m² 土地 130.299 m² E.C.: E
豪华 和 车库
房子 9 卧室 在 Travassô e Óis da Ribeira, Águeda

农场 5 卧室 在 Sobrado e Bairros, Castelo de Paiva

1.640.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 758 m² E.C.: C
杜罗河地区的宏伟农场,享有山脉和派瓦河一览无余的景色,距离波尔图仅45分钟路程,插入6.7公顷的地块中,总面积为758平方米 分为三层,进入物业后,我们有一个典型的葡萄牙人的大厅,可以进入公共和私人区域在公共区域,我们有两个客厅,一个2层楼的图书馆/办公室,一个大餐厅,洗衣房,厨房和一个享有山脉和派瓦河景色的室内游泳池在私人区域,我们有5间卧室,所有套房,主人套房有2个正面,包括卧室,客厅和完整的浴室酒店的露台分布在一楼和二楼,两者都有宽敞的面积和良好的阳光照射入口楼层还设有温室和室外游泳池它有带顶棚的车库,可停放3辆车,并设有3个其他汽车的停车位 葡萄酒生产沿着酒店的场地延伸,并设有品酒室和设备齐全的酒窖,这些结构是从房屋中存在的旧教堂改建而成的谷仓里有拖拉机和其他农业设备 一般来说,房子状况良好,可以立即有人居住有可能在场地内为农村住宿进行额外的建设 对于那些想要与大自然一起安静地生活的人来说,这是一个极好的投资机会,葡萄酒产量已经结构化 #ref:MAS_138
豪华 和 车库
农场 5 卧室 在 Sobrado e Bairros, Castelo de Paiva

农场 5 卧室 在 Rua 13 de Julho, Nogueira do Cravo e Pindelo, Oliveira de Azeméis

2.600.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 796 m² E.C.: C
宏伟的农舍,在奥利维拉德阿泽梅斯有5间卧室 距波尔图机场仅40分钟路程 物业面积为130,400平方米,农业面积约为40,000平方米,用于生产蔬菜,水果,谷物和牧场 自给自足的农场,有矿山,水井和列瓦达 支持农业生产的结构,包括磨坊,奶牛,罐头,仓库,木材和工具区 酒窖设有拉加尔斯压榨机和酒窖 T1用于自制农场的住房 70,000 m2的松树和桉树林产量和一些本地树木的存在 在可以建造的区域内,它也有大约4,000m2 3层楼的房子; 一楼,地下室和阁楼,房间有直射光; 太阳能电池板和带有热回收功能的壁炉连接到散热器,用于住宅的中央供暖; 游泳池; 南方展览 ; 主屋 = 385 m2 附件 = 300 m2 车库 = 42 m2 室外 T1 = 69 m2 农业面积 = 32,000m2 森林面积 = 70,000 m2 方便前往波尔图和阿威罗; 位于圣若昂达马德拉坎布拉谷和奥利维拉德阿泽梅斯之间; 靠近阿鲁卡走道 住房区/农村/林业,距离A32节点约1公里,距离波尔图市40公里,距离奥利维拉德阿泽梅斯9公里,距离Vale de Cambra约8公里,住房区,主要由南部1公里的房屋和北部1.5公里的工业区组成 联系我们获取更多信息 美杜莎房地产是一家在波尔图里斯本和阿尔加维经营豪华住房和投资领域的公司我们专注于吸引国际投资,为客户提供一系列独特的第一手机会 我们拥有豪华住宅的现有客户和/或未来所有者以及国内和国际投资集团 我们的首要任务是在房地产买卖的调解中提供卓越的服务,评估葡萄牙资产并为客户创造股权价值 查看我们的网站并随时了解所有新闻! 美杜莎房地产 - 豪宅 #ref:Quinta_100
豪华 和 车库
农场 5 卧室 在 Rua 13 de Julho, Nogueira do Cravo e Pindelo, Oliveira de Azeméis

农场 在 Luso, Mealhada

1.500.000 €
总面积 1.200 m² E.C.: C
House with Moth very well requalified and full of charm. Inserted in a land with about 1 Ha (10,000, m2) of very well maintained area. Possibility to convert into hotel of charm or housing tourism. Possibility to increase the available construction area. A few kms from Coimbra and with excellent accessibility. #ref:Q 105
农场 在 Luso, Mealhada

独立式住宅 4 卧室+1 Triplex 在 São Jacinto, Aveiro

1.500.000 €
4 卧室 可用面积 654 m² 土地 1.150 m² E.C.: C
独特的 3 层别墅,由建筑师 Lopes da Costa 签名,拥有 12 间客房和出色的装饰,设有 5 间卧室,其中 2 间是连接浴室,厨房配有黑色花岗岩台面;独立的餐厅和客厅位于一楼的办公室,设有私人入口和日光浴室地下室:游戏室和派对室;家庭影院室,带按摩浴缸的健身房 为管家或访客提供独立工作室;设施齐全的烧烤设施;带按摩浴缸土耳其浴室和健身房的水疗中心;带电动盖的游泳池;存储面积大;车库别墅出售家具 由家庭自动化控制的外部照明;闭路电视和入侵安全系统;可视对讲;预装空调 #ref:W-0243M8
豪华 游泳池 和 车库
独立式住宅 4 卧室+1 Triplex 在 São Jacinto, Aveiro

田庄 在 Tamengos, Aguim e Óis do Bairro, Anadia

1.999.000 €
总面积 838 m² E.C.: F
The ’Quinta Senhorial dos Cerveira’, covering an area of 46,510 square metres, is located in the Bairrada area, in the Beira Litoral region, between the cities of Coimbra and Aveiro. The property has a noble emblazoned manor house with a total area of 838 square metres. An elegant palatial building with sober lines, it belonged to Bishop José Xavier Cerveira e Sousa, whose episcopal coat of arms ennobled the main façade of the building, built in the last years of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, with striking features of the ´Pombaline´ style. The building has two floors, although a third appears in the form of a mansard, but only over the central part. The rectangular plan consists of a rectangular building, a small longitudinal chapel to the right and a monumental portal to the left, which gives access to the rear and following which there are attached buildings of no architectural value. Articulated volumes with differentiated pitched roofs. Three-storey façades: ground floor, first floor and attic - marked horizontally by an architraved body and upper entablature (consisting of a frieze and cornice) and vertically by double pilasters that emphasise the raised central vertical panel. While the architectural mouldings are confined to the rear and front façades, ending in the cornerstones, the upper floor extends them with a cruciform plan. On the noble façade, there are seven openings on the ground floor - six mullioned windows and a central door - framed by stonework, the same as on the second floor, but here the three central openings come together in a balcony with a triple entrance. At the top, in line with the emblematic heraldry, there are attic windows on a cruciform plan with a smaller side to the side elevations and a central balcony between two side windows, with small side buttresses. On the left, the portal with crowning gives access to the side archivolted porch and to the front façade, which is more discreet, but the staircase entrance facing the woods stands out. To the right, the chapel has a rectangular façade, a straight lintelled portal with a small niche above the lintel, single-layered decoration interrupted by simple windings, topped by a false bell with a semicircular finial. The interior is organised by a central division in the shape of a cross, with two archivolted arches, axial to the road, and a side staircase to the upper floor. In the chapel, there is a founding altarpiece with blind niches on the sides, patterned tiles and a barrel vaulted roof. In the stone altarpiece, two corinthian pilasters, decorated with grouted motifs, frame the two central niches with round sculptures, divided by a baluster column, with an arched top and a predella with three niches with bas-relief statuary. Particularly noteworthy is the Renaissance stone altarpiece dedicated to St Cosmas and St Damian (Physical Saints), from the first half of the 16th century. This construction, possibly designed by the renowned sculptor Joaquim Machado de Castro due to his close relationship with the Cerveira family, has a significant historical connection. In the 1960s, extensive reconstruction work was carried out on the house, which gave it solid structural stability. During this process, floors 2 and 3 were fitted with cement slabs. All the windows and balcony doors were adorned with wooden shutters. More recently, all the building´s windows were replaced with new double-glazed ones. There is also a ground floor building attached to the manor house, with a living room with a fireplace and a garage for two large cars. The farmland has been fallow for over two decades. The manor house is in excellent condition. Finally, it´s important to note that this property offers a number of significant advantages, both in the residential and tourist spheres, thanks to its proximity to the A1 motorway and the region´s beaches. In addition, it is only an hour´s drive from the city of Porto and an hour and forty-five minutes from Lisbon. REF. 1920. NOTE: Users, Zone information in adverts outside our website does not always match our zone demarcation. We apologise for this, which is not our fault. Accompanied by a professional Searching for the ideal house takes time and some know-how. The property market has many offers at different prices, so it can take a long time to search, find and visit various properties until you find your ideal home, and time is money! With professional advice you can save a lot of time and find a home that you would be unlikely to find on your own. Casas Prime consultants will exhaustively search for homes that fit your profile. The best option is to let Casas Prime consultants help you: they know the market, analyse your requests and research the best options for you. This way, you´ll have access to the properties available on the websites and platforms, as well as exclusive properties that only estate agents can present. Transparency and security A complete analysis of the property´s documentation and the respective owners is fundamental in the process of buying a house. Casas Prime consultants will make sure that there are no situations that jeopardise a safe sale. They´ll take care of the paperwork, avoiding all the bureaucracy. Come and see what opportunities we have for you! #ref:1920
豪华 和 车库
田庄 在 Tamengos, Aguim e Óis do Bairro, Anadia

农场 14 卧室 在 O. Azeméis, Riba-Ul, Ul, Macinhata Seixa, Madail, Oliveira de Azeméis

1.650.000 €
14 卧室 总面积 2.340 m² E.C.: C
豪华 海景
农场 14 卧室 在 O. Azeméis, Riba-Ul, Ul, Macinhata Seixa, Madail, Oliveira de Azeméis

别墅 6 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua da Igreja, Cacia, Aveiro

2.990.000 €
6 卧室 总面积 947 m² 土地 2.400 m² E.C.: C
Located in the picturesque town of Estarreja, this spectacular 6-bedroom villa offers a perfect blend of elegance and luxury amenities. With six spacious suites, this home is ideal for those who value comfort and privacy. The first highlight of this property is the abundant natural light that floods every corner of the house, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The windows allow the beauty of the surrounding nature to seamlessly integrate with the interior. The house consists of two distinct living rooms, each designed with attention to detail and style. The entertainment area is enhanced by three well-equipped kitchens: a traditional one, a modern one, and one dedicated to parties and special events. Whatever your culinary style, this villa provides everything you need. For relaxation and leisure, the villa features an indoor pool where you can swim year-round, regardless of weather conditions. Additionally, a gym is at your disposal to stay in shape, while a Turkish bath provides moments of tranquility. This property was designed with sustainability in mind, featuring solar panels that help reduce environmental impact, as well as central heating and central vacuum for added convenience. The house is also equipped with a power generator, ensuring you never run out of electricity, even in adverse situations. For car enthusiasts, a spacious garage can easily accommodate multiple vehicles. Furthermore, two separate entrances provide fluidity and security. The location of this villa is truly privileged, being only a 30-minute drive from the stunning beaches of the region, where you can enjoy sunny days and seaside activities. Don’t miss the opportunity to live in the comfort of this magnificent 6-bedroom villa in Estarreja. It offers a comfortable lifestyle combined with all the amenities necessary for a relaxing life. Schedule a visit today and discover your new dream home. #ref:VIL_316
豪华 和 车库
别墅 6 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua da Igreja, Cacia, Aveiro

农场 10 卧室 在 São Lourenço do Bairro, Anadia

2.000.000 €
10 卧室 总面积 1.130 m² E.C.: A+
农场 10 卧室 在 São Lourenço do Bairro, Anadia

房子 5 卧室 在 O. Azeméis, Riba-Ul, Ul, Macinhata Seixa, Madail, Oliveira de Azeméis

3.000.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 899 m² 土地 8.175 m² E.C.: B
房子 5 卧室 在 O. Azeméis, Riba-Ul, Ul, Macinhata Seixa, Madail, Oliveira de Azeméis

独立式住宅 8 卧室 在 Tamengos, Aguim e Óis do Bairro, Anadia

1.999.999 €
8 卧室 总面积 838 m² 土地 46.510 m² E.C.: F
独立式住宅 8 卧室 在 Tamengos, Aguim e Óis do Bairro, Anadia

农场 6 卧室 在 Eixo e Eirol, Aveiro

2.300.000 €
6 卧室 总面积 950 m² E.C.: E
Come and discover Casa da Oliveira: Casa da Oliveira was designed by a former student of the famous and award-winning Portuguese architect, Siza Vieira. Being in an absolutely impeccable state of conservation, with every room having natural light, this property could be perfect for your family. With the main facade facing south, the spacious entrance hall gives access to the private area of the house, where you will find 6 suites, all with built-in wardrobes, with the Master Suite also having a closet, and overlooking the outdoor garden. Through the entrance hall, you also have access to the chapel, a guest toilet, the living room and the dining room, with an incredible view of the property’s outdoor space, the kitchen, a dining room, a pantry, a second bathroom and a garage with space for 5 cars. In the basement you will find a fabulous entertainment space for the whole family. Outside, there is a swimming pool, an outdoor kitchen, with barbecue and wood oven and a multi-sports field. To guarantee all convenience and comfort, Casa da Oliveira has central heating using a natural gas boiler and A/C for cooling. It will be easy to be happy at Casa da Oliveira! Book your visit! Measures are currently underway to improve the CE for Energy Class A. About IAD: iad (real estate at home) is a network of independent real estate consultants based on a completely innovative model that breaks with the traditional concept of real estate agency. What do 21st century customers look for when they decide to buy, rent or sell a property? You are looking for a complete, uncomplicated and competitive service. This is what we propose at iad. We don’t have stores, our consultants come to meet you, having access to the latest training in the sector and a platform of exclusive tools that allows them to provide you with the best service wherever you are. We give our consultants the flexibility and autonomy necessary to guarantee personalized support in the implementation of your project, whether buying, renting or selling a property. At iad you will find a real estate consultant that suits you. #ref: 104041
农场 6 卧室 在 Eixo e Eirol, Aveiro

独立式住宅 7 卧室 在 Rua Dom Sancho I, Esgueira, Aveiro

1.300.000 €
7 卧室 可用面积 604 m² 土地 1.250 m² E.C.: D
游泳池 和 车库
独立式住宅 7 卧室 在 Rua Dom Sancho I, Esgueira, Aveiro

小农场 10 卧室 在 São Miguel do Souto e Mosteirô, Santa Maria da Feira

1.700.000 €
10 卧室 总面积 1.167 m² E.C.: B
Farm for sale for Tourist Accommodation and Events near the Castle of Feira! Located in Santa Maria da Feira, a unique space that meets all the conditions for Tourist accommodation and the holding of major events. We can find a Space with: -Reception - 7 suites - 3 Kitchenette -Rooms -kitchen -Toilet This fabulous property also features: - Lounge for 300 people -Terrace - Garden area - Kitchen for catering use - Dance floor - Children’s area -Swimming pool -Parking lot With a contemporary and very versatile interior space. >> If you wish to use financing, we are CREDIT INTERMEDIARIES authorised by Banco de Portugal, and can assist you throughout the process, from the search to the moment of the deed. >> If you have doubts about obtaining a MORTGAGE, we do a pre-analysis without obligation and without any type of associated cost, an essential process for those who start looking for a house. If you have already purchased and think you are currently paying a monthly fee with an unadjusted spread, please contact us! We can help reduce your monthly fee through a simple CREDIT TRANSFER. >> IF YOU HAVE A PROPERTY TO SELL, visit us or contact us! >> We can be contacted through our social networks (FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM: /imobiliariaimo2007), our website or our mobile number - call to the national mobile network - and also by WHATSAPP! >> Making dreams come true since 2007! Internal Ref.:2170A #ref:2170A
豪华 和 车库
小农场 10 卧室 在 São Miguel do Souto e Mosteirô, Santa Maria da Feira

别墅 10 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua José Duarte Figueiredo, Luso, Mealhada

2.800.000 €
10 卧室 总面积 1.063 m² E.C.: A+
15 bedroom palace with several annexes and swimming pool on 6.5ha of land in Luso, Mealhada At the top of a hill 1 km from the Luso hot springs and overlooking the stunning forest of Buçaco, stands the village of Duparchy. The two-storey manor house, with its high and beautifully crafted ceilings, was built at the end of the 19th century and has been welcoming guests since 1988. Surrounded by a beautiful garden and a private forest, it is a fantastic place to live, offering peace, privacy and tranquillity. The property is ideal for your use as a Charming Hotel, with overnight stays and breakfast or as a full-time residence. GROUND FLOOR On the ground floor there are 3 comfortable and spacious living rooms with large windows, all with stoves and Decorated with antique and tasteful furniture. A sunny, glazed porch extends to the back of the house, overlooking the beautiful garden and swimming pool. We can still find a beautiful dining room, with a worked ceiling, stove, antique furniture and a Crystal lamp. Next to the dining room, there is a pantry, a very cosy room, embellished with French tiles painted in the kitchen. hand. Very nice for meals. From the pantry, you enter the high-ceilinged kitchen furnished at the time, next to a large pantry and a wine cellar with Large storage capacity. 1ST FLOOR A graceful handrail accompanies the staircase that joins the entrance hall to the large hall on the ground floor. On this floor there is a long corridor that leads to 6 large suites with high ceilings and large windows. Furnished with antique furniture, some very spacious and with stove in the living room, all with large bathrooms and Modern. ATTIC An interior staircase leads to the hall of a large attic. On this floor there are 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a small living room and also part of the free attic to be divided to taste. - OUTDOOR GARDEN The garden opens into a magnificent view over Luso and offers you the right environment of tranquillity and peace. The private forest with tropical plants and trees is the fruit of several generations of Discalced Carmelite monks. It provides an environment surrounded by nature, where you can find trees from all corners of the world and a large swimming pool at the rear. EXTERIOR The property includes: 6.6 ha (66,300 m²), with wall all around. Private forest. Old tower with magnificent views, water tanks and a large tank. Nearby there are private water mines. Tent for wedding parties and seminars (150 people). Bathrooms for Men and Ladies, with separate sinks. Equipped kitchen (separate) and storage. Laundry room (separate). Private parking for at least 20 vehicles. Vila Duparchy can easily continue as a Charming Hotel (as it is today as a Housing Tourism) with overnight stays and breakfast or for other purposes. Commercial. And it can be used, of course, as a private residence or holiday home. The surrounding area represents a unique opportunity for investment in new projects related to tourism, services, commercial or housing. Implantation area of 3ha (30,000 m²) for the construction of projects in the area of tourism and 1.2ha (12,000 m²) for construction of projects in the area of tourism projects in the area of services, commerce or housing, with the possibility of construction up to a maximum of 3 or 4 Floors. ABOUT THE REGION Very close to the property is the charming village of Luso. Luso is an attractive and appealing spa resort whose natural springs spring up the famous mineral water of Luso. Hot springs became popular in the eighteenth century, and these waters are renowned for their benefits to patients with renal insufficiency and rheumatism. This area is also famous for being the scene of the Duke of Wellington’s victory over Marshal Massena in 1810. Not far away, we can find the beautiful Buçaco National Park, the most famous forest in the country, with 105 hectares of woodland and features about 700 different species of trees, originally planted by the monks Carmelites in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The paths through the forest lead us to exotic plants, waterfalls, lakes and gardens. Located in the Bairrada wine region and very close to the famous Buçaco National Park, in central Portugal. It is located 6 km from the A1 North/South motorway (1 hour drive from Porto International Airport or 2 hours from Lisbon airport) and 20 km from the university city of Coimbra. It is about 1 km from the centre of Luso, where you can have all the services and the Termas do Luso. Surrounding area: In the vicinity of this property we have several types of services: - Primary School at 1km - Bank Branch at 1km - Pharmacy at 1Km - Café/Pastry Shop at 1Km - Market at 1km - Church at 1Km Residential area served by public transport. Expertimo declines any and all responsibility for the inaccuracy of the information provided on any property, which must always be verified in the presence of the Buyer Client. With this we want to eliminate all the constraints that may arise due to any change made. Schedule your visit now and get to know it first-hand! #ref:PAL_3198
豪华 和 车库
别墅 10 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua José Duarte Figueiredo, Luso, Mealhada

农场 15 卧室 在 Luso, Mealhada

2.800.000 €
15 卧室 总面积 615 m² E.C.: A+
Identificação do imóvel: ZMPT549863 Temos o prazer de lhe apresentar a Quinta ’Villa Duparchy’. Jean Alexis Duparchy foi um engenheiro francês que dominou a técnica de construção de pontes de ferro, tendo construído vários projetos do seu colega Gustave Eiffel que deixou sua marca nesta arquitetura sumptuosa, 2 delas no Luso (piscina das Termas e a ponte ferroviária). Ficando ’apaixonado’ pela vila do Luso, ele que mandou construir aí esta Magnífica Mansão que se distingue pela sua arquitetura contemporânea. Esta oferece no rés-do-chão: - 3 salas de estar, - 1 sala de jantar, - 1 cozinha, - 1 copa com azulejos franceses do século XIX, - 1 hall com uma magnífica escadaria arredondada em madeira que nos leva ao primeiro andar, 1º andar: - 6 amplas suites com lareiras em mármore esculpido e grandes quartos de banho modernos, 2º andar: - 3 quartos, -1 sala de estar, -1 quarto de banho completo, - 1 sotão amplo que permite construir mais divisões. No exterior: - 1 piscina - 1 jardim, - e terraço excelentes para relaxar, Tem ainda o encanto de estar rodeada de árvores centenárias oriundas de vários cantos do mundo. A propriedade com seis 66ha (hectares) é murada em todo o seu redor, e é atualmente explorada como Alojamento Turístico de Habitação e Eventos. Com grande potencial/Ótima para investimento: está enquadrada no PDM como área para nova construção: * para a vertente de Turismo com uma área de implantação até três hectares (3 ha); * exploração noutros sectores de atividade tais como: Lar de Idosos, Profissões liberais (i.e. Medicina) * ou construção de moradias até 2 andares, com uma área de 1,3 ha(hectares). Localizada no sopé da Mata Nacional do Bussaco e a poucos minutos do Centro Termal do Luso ( (url) ) com toda a sua beleza natural. Na vila do Luso encontra todo o tipo de comércio, mercado diário, farmácias, restaurantes, cafés, Extensão de Saúde, Centro escolar, piscina Municipal e Parques verdes para relaxar ao som dos passarinhos. A 10 minutos da cidade da Mealhada, A1 e IC2; a 20 minutos de Coimbra e a menos de uma hora da cidade e aeroporto do Porto e a diversas praias da zona. Estamos à sua inteira disposição para esclarecer quaisquer dúvidas e apoiar a nível burocrático, financeiro e fiscal. Visite e apaixone-se!!! Consigo sempre na procura de casa 3 razões para comprar com a Zome: + Acompanhamento Com uma preparação e experiência única no mercado imobiliário, os consultores Zome põem toda a sua dedicação em dar-lhe o melhor acompanhamento, orientando-o com a máxima confiança, na direção certa das suas necessidades e ambições. Daqui para a frente, vamos criar uma relação próxima e escutar com atenção as suas expectativas, porque a nossa prioridade é a sua felicidade! Porque é importante que sinta que está acompanhado, e que estamos consigo sempre. + Simples Os consultores Zome têm uma formação única no mercado, ancorada na partilha de experiência prática entre profissionais e fortalecida pelo conhecimento de neurociência aplicada que lhes permite simplificar e tornar mais eficaz a sua experiência imobiliária. Deixe para trás os pesadelos burocráticos porque na Zome encontra o apoio total de uma equipa experiente e multidisciplinar que lhe dá suporte prático em todos os aspetos fundamentais, para que a sua experiência imobiliária supere as expectativas. + Feliz Liberte-se de preocupações e ganhe o tempo de qualidade que necessita para se dedicar ao que lhe faz mais feliz. Agimos diariamente para trazer mais valor à sua vida com o aconselhamento fiável de que precisa para, juntos, conseguirmos atingir os melhores resultados. Com a Zome nunca vai estar perdido ou desacompanhado e encontrará algo que não tem preço: a sua máxima tranquilidade! É assim que se vai sentir ao longo de toda a experiência: Tranquilo, seguro, confortável e... FELIZ! Notas: Caso seja um consultor imobiliário , este imóvel está disponível para partilha de negócio . Não hesite em apresentar aos seus clientes compradores e fale connosco para agendar a sua visita. Para maior facilidade na identificação deste imóvel, por favor, refira o respetivo ID ZMPT ou o respetivo agente que lhe tenha enviado a sugestão. #ref:ZMPT549863
农场 15 卧室 在 Luso, Mealhada

农场 在 Rua de Macieira, São Miguel do Souto e Mosteirô, Santa Maria da Feira

1.750.000 €
总面积 951 m² E.C.: B
农场 在 Rua de Macieira, São Miguel do Souto e Mosteirô, Santa Maria da Feira

房子 7 卧室 Triplex 在 Esgueira, Aveiro

1.350.000 €
7 卧室 总面积 604 m² 土地 1.250 m² E.C.: D
A magnificent property dating back a century that exudes elegance, charm, and history, and is situated in the picturesque Aveiro town of Esgueira. This listed property dates back to 1929 and has been completely renovated and remodeled, maintaining its original design, providing a unique opportunity to live in a house full of history and refinement. The three-story villa is situated on a 1,250-square-meter plot and features an expansive garden adorned with leafy trees, providing an ideal setting for outdoor relaxation. In addition to covered parking for four vehicles, this area features a swimming pool, barbecue area, covered outdoor kitchen and annexe space that is utilised for storage and wine cellar. In addition, the residence is outfitted with solar and photovoltaic panels to optimise energy usage. On the first floor there is a very large hall, characteristic of the period, which connects to the common dining and living room with fireplace, the fully equipped kitchen, as well as a rawing room, an en-suite bedroom facing east and a guest bathroom. The private area, situated on the second floor, comprises a full bathroom, four bedrooms, two of which are en-suite, and a library/office area. An expansive lounge on the top floor has been converted into a roomy games room and living area, in addition to two bedrooms and a bathroom. The details of this property are remarkable, from the presence of exotic woods to the tiles, handmade panels and fantastic custom-made stained glass windows, highlighting the originality and exclusivity of the finishes. All the furniture and doors have been custom-made, further enhancing the exclusivity of the villa, and the crafted and restored ceilings add personality and sophistication to the interior spaces. Highly accessible, in close proximity to the highway, and with an abundance of services. CHARACTERISTICS: Plot Area: 1 250 m2 | 13 455 sq ft Useful area: 604 m2 | 6 501 sq ft Deployment Area: 165 m2 | 1 778 sq ft Building Area: 604 m2 | 6 502 sq ft Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 6 Garage: 4 Energy efficiency: D Internationally awarded, LUXIMOS Christie’s presents more than 1,200 properties for sale in Portugal, offering an excellent service in real estate brokerage. LUXIMOS Christie’s is the exclusive affiliate of Christie´s International Real Estate (1350 offices in 46 countries) for the Algarve, Porto and North of Portugal, and provides its services to homeowners who are selling their properties, and to national and international buyers, who wish to buy real estate in Portugal. Our selection includes modern and contemporary properties, near the sea or by theriver, in Foz do Douro, in Porto, Boavista, Matosinhos, Vilamoura, Tavira, Ria Formosa, Lagos, Almancil, Vale do Lobo, Quinta do Lago, near the golf courses or the marina. LIc AMI 9063 #ref:LS05117
房子 7 卧室 Triplex 在 Esgueira, Aveiro

农场 9 卧室 在 Recardães e Espinhel, Águeda

1.900.000 €
9 卧室 总面积 2.735 m² E.C.: E
13 ha property (quinta) located in Casainho, 2 kilometres from the centre of Águeda, Aveiro. Large property comprising eight urban properties and eight rustic properties, total gross area of 2,735 sqm, including three houses with a private area of 1,015 sqm and dependent areas and several agricultural support areas with 1,720 sqm. Total privacy and tranquillity set in a rural environment, including several houses in good condition or for rehabilitation, annex facilities and extensive outdoor areas. -Main house, with manor features, with two floors of T9 typology with large entrance hall, two rooms, dining room, with cloister-shaped interior patio and covered terrace on three fronts. Nine bedrooms, four bathrooms and a toilet. Service area with kitchen, dining area and pantry. 1,020 sqm gross area, 693 sqm gross floor area, 200 sqm terraces and patio and 127 sqm2 other dependent areas. - House 2 (Casa da Ponte), typology T4, on two floors, 210 sqm gross area. - House 3, typology T2, on two floors, with living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, 112 sqm floor area. Attached patio and barn. Outdoor areas of great expression with unobstructed views over the River Águeda valley. It comprises patios and gardens, orchard, vegetable garden, woods and trees. Excellent opportunity for housing or institutional purposes or for a charming or rural hotel with recreational components. #ref:53892
豪华 游泳池
农场 9 卧室 在 Recardães e Espinhel, Águeda

房子 4 卧室 在 Silvalde, Espinho

1.650.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 597 m² 土地 1.382 m² E.C.: A
Independent and single storey villa, with excellent sun exposure and panoramic sea views. Located next to of Espinho south entrance, on a multiple accesses road and in the ARU Zone (Urban Rehabilitation Area). Direct access to 4-car garage and high-ceilinged entrance hall. The kitchen has an open space concept, with an island, pantry and connection to a spacious living room, with fireplace. It features 3 very spacious Suites and on the upper floor it has a Master Suite with closet, office/library and a terrace with ocean views. In addition to a gym and laundry room, it has plenty of storage and natural light. The outdoor leisure area allows you to enjoy the swimming pool, patio for socializing and do a barbecue, as well as the surrounding garden. Just a few minutes from the Oporto Golf Club, extensive walkway in Atlantic north beaches, Casino, train station, highways and increasingly modern city of Espinho. #ref:7005001-8216
豪华 海景 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 在 Silvalde, Espinho

农场 4 卧室 在 Lobão, Gião, Louredo e Guisande, Santa Maria da Feira

2.250.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 732 m² E.C.: B
农场 4 卧室 在 Lobão, Gião, Louredo e Guisande, Santa Maria da Feira

房子 4 卧室 在 Silvalde, Espinho

1.450.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 597 m² 土地 1.382 m² E.C.: A
Bem-vindo à sua futura casa no coração de Silvalde, Espinho, onde a excelência se materializaem cada detalhe.DescriçãoApresentamos a notável Moradia Unifamiliar T4, um tesouro residencial situado no pitorescocenário litoral norte do distrito de Aveiro, mais especificamente, no encantador município deEspinho. Uma residência que transcende o comum e se torna um reflexo da sofisticação econforto que merece.Esta é uma oportunidade de investimento única, situada dentro de uma Área de ReabilitaçãoUrbana (ARU), que oferece potencial para revitalização, incentivos fiscais e valorização numcontexto estratégico. As construções vizinhas de baixa altura garantem que as deslumbrantesvistas permaneçam desobstruídas para o mar e a oportunidade de apreciar um poenteespetacular.Neste loteamento composto por 3 moradias semelhantes, a harmonia entre a arquitetura e aenvolvente é notável.No terreno com uma área total de 1382 m2, a área de implementação da construção abrange452 m2, proporcionando um espaço equilibrado entre a vivência interior e exterior.No rés-do-chão, a construção habitacional ocupa uma área de 290 m2, acompanhada por umaárea de estacionamento e uma zona de piscina e terraço de lazer.No 1º andar, encontramos a majestosa Master Suite e uma varanda, proporcionando umaexperiência singular de conforto e elegância.Com uma configuração de quatro frentes, esta casa foi concebida para acomodar a luz naturalem todos os recantos. Desde a zona de piscina com uma exposição solar generosa até aospátios laterais, cada espaço foi pensado para o seu máximo bem-estar. A cozinha em conceitoOpen Space, com uma ilha central versátil, convida a refeições em família e vistaspanorâmicas. Os detalhes fazem toda a diferença, esta propriedade brilha com características exclusivas: umginásio para atividades indoor, uma lavandaria prática e uma garagem fechada para quatroveículos, com pré-instalação para carregador elétrico.Este cenário de luxo é aprimorado por características como brisas solares nas suites, sistemade som e ar condicionado por conduta, portões elétricos, sistema de vídeo vigilância e pré-instalação de alarme. Os acabamentos de topo, do pavimento vinílico à carpintaria, sãoescolhas que refletem o requinte desta residência.Esta propriedade de excelência acolhe o seu estilo de vida, proporcionando acessosincomparáveis ao conforto. Imagine ter supermercados a escassos metros, estar a apenas 2minutos a pé da deslumbrante Praia de Espinho, ou a 3 minutos da Estação Ferroviária. As viasrápidas estão a curta distância, aproximando-o da cidade do Porto.Apontamento finalNão perca a oportunidade de possuir esta joia imobiliária que redefine a forma comoexperienciamos a vida. Esta casa não é apenas uma moradia, é uma narrativa onde o luxo,conforto e estilo se harmonizam perfeitamente. Agende uma visita para testemunharpessoalmente o esplendor e a exclusividade que esta propriedade oferece. Características: Características Exteriores - Jardim; Piscina exterior; Terraço/Deck; Video Porteiro; Características Interiores - Hall de entrada; Electrodomésticos embutidos; Casa de Banho da Suite; Closet; Roupeiros; Características Gerais - Primeiro Proprietário; Portão eléctrico; Orientação - Nascente; Norte; Sul; Poente; Outros Equipamentos - Painéis Solares; Vistas - Vista mar; Outras características - Garagem; Varanda; Cozinha Equipada; Arrecadação; Suite; Moradia; Acesso apropriado a pessoas com mobilidade reduzida; Ar Condicionado; #ref:2001009-338
房子 4 卧室 在 Silvalde, Espinho

农场 9 卧室 Duplex 在 Luso, Mealhada

2.800.000 €
9 卧室 总面积 1.537 m² E.C.: A+
Overlooking the forest of Buçaco, on top of a hill, stands this magnificent converted farmhouse in Hotel de Charme, working as House since 1988. With a total area of 55,640 m2, this charming property of the late 19th century. Is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a forest composed of several tropical trees. The buildings are diverse and in total the your area amounts to 1,536, 80 m 2. The Manor House, built in 1895, has of two floors, with the ground floor, 3 large living rooms with fireplaces and large Windows, dining room with fireplace, breakfast nook with French tiles hand painted, furnished kitchen, large pantry, wine cellar , glass-enclosed porch behind the House providing a view over the garden and pool. Entrance hall with connection to the hall on the first floor through the stairwell, and on this floor, long hallway that communicates with 6 rooms (suites) spacious, with high ceilings and large Windows, all with spacious and modern bathrooms and some with fireplaces. Use of attic, accessible by staircase, with hall, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and a small sitting room. Abroad, as well as of about 3 hectares occupied by private forest with tropical plants and trees, an old tower with magnificent views, several water tanks and a large tank. There is also in the vicinity, private water mines. Tent for parties and events, with capacity for 150 people, bathrooms for men and ladies, with separate sinks. In independent buildings: kitchen, storage room, laundry. Fenced property, with private parking. Farm with total privacy, tranquility and beauty. The sale includes the stuffing of the dwellings except for personal objects, pictures and pieces of furniture to name. 1 km from the Spa of Luso (Termas do Luso), few minutes from the National Park of Buçaco, just 6 km from the A1 motorway, 20 km from Coimbra and 1 hour from Porto airport. #ref:QUI2193
农场 9 卧室 Duplex 在 Luso, Mealhada

房子 10 卧室 在 São Miguel do Souto e Mosteirô, Santa Maria da Feira

1.750.000 €
10 卧室 总面积 951 m² 土地 4.376 m² E.C.: B
房子 10 卧室 在 São Miguel do Souto e Mosteirô, Santa Maria da Feira

农场 4 卧室 在 Santa Eulália, Arouca

1.900.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 995 m² E.C.: B
农场 4 卧室 在 Santa Eulália, Arouca
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