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162 别墅和公寓 出售 在 Nazaré, Leiria, 葡萄牙, 从 340.000 €, 直到 575 m²


独立式住宅 4 卧室 Triplex 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

460.000 €
4 卧室 可用面积 327 m² 土地 441 m² E.C.: D
房子位于纳扎雷的卓越住宅区 附近有一所学校,一个梦幻般的Take way,一个小超市和一家很棒的餐厅!在周围,我们有大面积的绿地,市政游泳池和体育馆 这所房子由3层楼组成,一楼是一个17.5平方米的大厅,可通往上下两层,一个客厅,两个环境39.05平方米,一个厨房15.92平方米,一间卧室12.10平方米,一个带淋浴底座和窗户的浴室4.45平方米,一个厨房和一个57.40平方米的大阳台,全天都有阳光 在楼上,我们发现一个14.40平方米的走廊,三间卧室分别为1594平方米18.50平方米和16.10平方米,其中一间浴室面积为5.18平方米,浴室面积为漩涡浴缸,阳台面积为2.11平方米,另一间面积为21.90平方米 在较低的楼层,我们有一个 69.5 m2 的车库和一个 14.20 m2 的客厅 由于土地的坡度,业主建造了一个附楼,里面有两间卧室,每间卧室面积为12平方米,厨房面积为9.71平方米,浴室面积为2.10平方米 别墅拥有绝佳的曝光率,从顶楼的阳台上可以欣赏到一些海景 快来拜访你未来的家吧...... #ref:013/2024.PA
独立式住宅 4 卧室 Triplex 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

公寓 3 卧室 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

425.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 276 m² E.C.: A
这间宏伟的三居室公寓是一栋新近完工的现代建筑的一部分,位于佩德内拉(Pederneira)的山顶,佩德内拉(Pederneira)是Praia da Nazaré周围的山丘之一 公寓包括 3 间卧室(1 间带连接浴室)开放式客厅/厨房宽敞的流通区2 间浴室私人花园和阳台,从那里可以看到纳扎雷海公寓还设有一个带自动门的封闭式车库 Petronero 大楼的建造采用了饰面细节和精选的特殊材料,建筑的外部覆层采用卡波托制成提供最先进的隔热材料,以及对部分和地板之间的隔音和陶瓷的注意,营造出真正的优质环境和室内舒适度 公寓配有空调DHW 太阳能电池板露台旁的私人烧烤设施这将为您提供与家人和朋友愉快社交的绝佳时刻并且在建筑物的地下室还有一个封闭的车库(盒子) 这间公寓的厨房设备齐全:炉灶抽油烟机洗衣机洗碗机烤箱微波炉冰箱组合 这间公寓位于大楼内,让您从清晨到黄昏都能享受充足的自然光线 至于大楼内的公共基础设施,电梯和游泳池脱颖而出,拥有绝佳的阳光照射,让您从清晨到黄昏都能度过愉快的时光 佩德内拉(Pederneira)是位于纳扎雷(Nazaré)村以东的住宅区,即使在今天,仍保留着传统的迹象,例如:市政厅的旧建筑,母亲教堂和Pillory有些游客认为佩德内拉(Pederneira)的景色是周围最具象征意义的景色,可以看到整个海滩,圣米格尔·阿坎霍(SãoMiguel Arcanjo)的灯塔,避难所以及大西洋的无限景色 突出: 配备空调 - Samsung 电动百叶窗 带双层玻璃的宽热切割框架 设备齐全的厨房 彩色可视对讲 带嵌入式照明的吊顶 悬挂式卫生洁具 带衣柜的卧室 公共游泳池 电梯 封闭式车库 面积(大约) : 門廳- 客厅 - 25.10 m2 厨房 - 8.00 m2 卧室 - 13.50 m2 卧室 - 13.50 m2 卧室(套房) - 14.50 m2 阳台(面向大海) - 46.45 m2 露台(朝南) - 90.90 m2 车库 (箱) - 19.20 m2 距离: 餐厅 - 3 分钟 超市 - 5 分钟 佩德内拉观景台 - 2 分钟 Nazaré(海滩)- 6 分钟 里斯本(机场)- 1 小时 13 分钟 Caldas da Rainha(花园博物馆商店活动)- 28 分钟 奥比多斯(中世纪村庄,城堡,主题活动)- 34分钟 奥比多斯(高尔夫球场)- 44 分钟 对于那些想在银海岸度过愉快的休闲时光的人来说,这是一个绝佳的选择,享受被认为是葡萄牙最典型的海滩,并以其人民的传统钓鱼活动美食沙滩上的体育赛事和纳扎雷峡谷产生的巨浪而闻名于世 凭借纳扎雷提供的多样性和无障碍质量学校服务医疗保健邻近商业新鲜产品的日常市场人民的安全和友好,再加上村庄的自然美景,您可以将您的生活质量提高到高标准,并且可以完美地,这间三居室公寓享有海景和泳池景观, 被视为永久居留的财产 联系Casas & Properties,让您的梦想成真 在葡萄牙一个独特的地区银海岸生活并享受难忘和美好的时光 安排您的访问! #ref:019/2024.AD
游泳池 底层 海景 和 电梯 和 车库
公寓 3 卧室 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

独立式住宅 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Valado dos Frades, Nazaré

465.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 277 m² 土地 2.480 m² E.C.: B
四卧室别墅,设有游泳池花园和乡村和大海之间的土地 别墅位于瓦拉多斯弗拉德斯(纳扎雷),条件优越,设有4间卧室,带壁炉/壁炉的客厅,设备齐全的厨房,位于车库楼层,可容纳2辆轻型车辆,还有一个带浴室的一室公寓 房屋设备考虑了环境可持续性问题,配备了用于室内供暖的热泵系统用于热水的太阳能电池板以及安装雨水储存蓄水池以提供灌溉和游泳池 这栋别墅交通便利(A8高速公路),距离纳扎雷海滩仅10分钟路程 在Valado dos Frades镇,在别墅的步行范围内,您可以找到银海岸城镇提供的真正简单生活所需的所有服务瓦拉多多斯弗拉德斯(Valado dos Frades)是纳扎雷市的一个教区,约有3,000名居民,拥有:迷你市场,肉店,糕点店和面包店,餐馆,咖啡馆,药房,邮局,警察局(GNR),卫生站和教区委员会以及通往高速公路的通道 瓦拉多多斯弗拉德斯(Valado dos Frades)是纳扎雷市的一个教区,这里的人民传统上与文化和体育联系在一起该村生活的亮点之一是每年举办葡萄牙最著名的爵士音乐节之一 住在Valado dos Frades意味着能够充分享受银海岸平静而简单的生活方式,在与大自然交流的独特环境中呼吸乡村的空气,别墅周围环绕着松树林和农田,但插入了市区 然而,几分钟后,您就可以在海边,在葡萄牙最典型的渔村 - 纳扎雷 - 享受其壮丽的海滩,边缘大道及其咖啡馆和餐馆,享受与人民交往的乐趣 在纳扎雷海滩上,乘坐电梯,您可以到达该地区的另一个景点,并以NªSraªdaNazaré圣殿而闻名于世,享有海滩的壮丽景色,拥有独特的观景点和露台,近年来,由于巨浪一年四季,圣米格尔堡灯塔都是大浪冲浪爱好者欣赏纳扎雷峡谷和梦幻般的北海滩的好去处 突出: 土地面积为 2.480 m2 热泵集中供暖 用于卫生热水的太阳能电池板 带摆动停止和热断裂的框架 双层玻璃 防盗门 6,000 升和 2 X 1,000 升的蓄水池,用于雨水收集 带自动门的封闭式车库 盐水电解处理的游泳池 能源认证 - B 类 面积(大约) : 楼层 0 入口大厅 = 12 m2 客厅 = 26 m2 厨房 = 21 m2 储藏室 = 5 m2 房间 = 14 m 带衣柜的卧室 = 14 m2 浴室套房 = 3 m2 带衣柜的卧室/套房 = 14 m2 共用浴室 = 8 m2 房间 = 12 m2 储藏室 = 5 m2 楼层 -1 客厅/酒窖 = 18 m2 浴室 = 5 m2 存储 = 3 m2 车库 = 41 m2 距离: Nazaré(海滩/水上运动)- 10 分钟 São Martinho do Porto(海滩/水上运动) - 20 分钟 Alcobaça(修道院/文化活动)- 10 分钟 Caldas da Rainha(温泉医院/花园/博物馆)- 30 分钟 奥比多斯(中世纪城堡/主题活动)- 30 分钟 里斯本(机场)- 1 小时 10 分钟 选择无与伦比的生活质量,生活在乡村和海滩之间,享受这栋位于瓦拉多斯弗拉德斯 - 纳扎雷的梦幻般的四居室别墅,提供所有无障碍服务,步行即可到达,距离纳扎雷和圣马蒂纽杜波尔图的标志性海滩只有几分钟的路程 你有没有想过让你的生活变得更好? 联系Casas & Properties,并参观您在银海岸的下一家酒店 #ref:007/2024.AD
游泳池 和 车库
独立式住宅 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Valado dos Frades, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 Duplex 在 Rua do Cossi, Famalicão, Nazaré

540.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 140 m² 土地 410 m² E.C.: A
让自己置身于一个注重舒适和优雅的空间中 这栋别墅拥有三间宽敞的卧室,坐落在纳扎雷(Nazaré)卡萨尔莫塔(Casal Mota)的一个安静区域酒店享有田野和Serra de Aire e Candeeiros的壮丽景色,距离Nazaré海滩仅有几分钟的路程 它于 2022 年完工,只有一个所有者它状况良好,设有带游泳池和花园的壮观露台,您可以在那里放松身心,欣赏一览无余的山景 这栋别墅由2层楼组成楼下设有两间享有游泳池和山脉景致的宽敞卧室一间浴室和一间储藏室楼上设有一间卧室一间浴室一间带岛台的厨房,这是增加风格和功能的好方法,还有一个面向群山的阳台厨房岛台的两侧都配有门,便于放置或取出物品,并提供额外的储物空间和更多的工作空间 户外空间是休息以及与家人和朋友社交的理想场所客人可以使用游泳池花园休息室和俯瞰田野的观景台凉棚里有两辆车的空间,还有一个储藏室别墅的街道上也有足够的停车位突出显示房屋的外墙,这些外墙在周边配备了照明 在照片中,您可以看到不同时间的一些风景,可以从房子的露台或厨房的阳台上考虑 主要特点: - 三间带内置衣柜的卧室 - 两间设备齐全的浴室 -客厅开放式厨房设备齐全 - 俯瞰游泳池和山脉的阳台 -带热泵的游泳池,花园,休息室和凉亭 - 各种仓储设施 - 可容纳两辆车的凉棚 - 太阳能电池板加热的水 -空调 距离: 里斯本 - 1小时30分钟 阿尔科巴萨 - 15 分钟 波尔图圣马蒂纽 - 13 分钟 Foz de Arelho - 30 分钟 莱里亚 - 30 分钟 Caldas da Rainha-25分钟 在纳扎雷(Nazaré)的中心,除了村庄的丰富历史和各种传统外,您还会发现各种服务和商业几分钟路程外还有著名的北海滩(Praia do Norte),以世界上最大的海浪而闻名距离其他景点仅有15分钟路程,如阿尔科巴萨(Alcobaça)及其雄伟的修道院,以及最著名和最重要的海滨度假胜地圣马蒂尼奥·杜·波尔图(São Martinho do Porto) 有关别墅的更多详细信息,请与我们联系 #ref:027/2024.AF
游泳池 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Duplex 在 Rua do Cossi, Famalicão, Nazaré

复式结构住宅 2 卧室 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

369.000 €
2 卧室 总面积 173 m² E.C.: A
Property Description (T2) This development is a private residence consisting of luxury apartments located in Nazaré, on the cliff of Pederneira. This apartment has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and an open space living room and kitchen. Exceptional apartments: The residence’s modern and pure architecture favors natural materials and tones. Each apartment is made up of spacious and bright spaces, as well as living rooms that extend onto magnificent terraces/gardens located on the ground floor. The apartments also include equipped kitchens open to the living room, beautiful bedrooms, refined bathrooms and a magnificent outdoor space. In Mar a Vista happiness is also abroad: Common equipment that will cheer up the whole family. With two pools, one for adults and one for children. The wooded and flowered gardens will help you relax and allow you to share moments of conviviality among the residents. For the more sporty ones, a gym fully equipped by the promoter will be at your disposal. DESCRIPTION OF FINISHES, SERVICES AND INSTALLATIONS Air conditioning system for heating and cooling Hot water for sanitary use through heat pumps Thermal insulation ensuring class A energy efficiency Excellent sound insulation Kitchens equipped with built-in brand appliances Windows and balconies with double glazing 3 point security lock electric blinds Floor and baseboards of living rooms, dining room, kitchen, passage areas and bathrooms in ceramic flooring. Fully tiled bathrooms Floor and baseboards of the rooms in ceramic flooring or floating floor Italian-style showers and/or baths with a glass-enclosed shower enclosure Brand bathroom equipment Terrace floor and balcony Composite deck (WPC) or ceramic floor according to the floors TV sockets in the living room and bedrooms 1 Telephone and Internet connection per apartment video intercom DESCRIPTION OF COMMON AREAS BASEMENT: Parking spaces, storage and maintenance rooms Changing room with showers and WC by the pool Fully equipped fitness room 3 elevators LANDSCAPED AREAS: Heated swimming pool for adults Heated swimming pool for children Entrance gate with electric lock and video intercom Automatic garage door with individual command Book your visit now, we will be happy to welcome you! #ref:DÚP_236
和 电梯 和 车库
复式结构住宅 2 卧室 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

640.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 284 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
Spectacular design in a seafront villa on the Costa Prata, in a development designed just for you! *Located on the Costa Prata, on the edge of the protected area, where green areas are respected for the good of all and can never be built in front of, or cover up the privileged view of the sea and the famous town of Nazaré. *Located between the famous beach of the giant waves of Nazaré and the bay of São Martinho do Porto with no waves or movement, a perfect beach for families and children with stunning views. *A project designed especially for your well-being and quality of life. Where the privilege of good taste and refinement come together in a luxurious space. Quality from its unique location, structure and careful construction to the excellent finishes. *Every room in the property faces the Atlantic Ocean. It will be impossible to lose sight of the sea! * Quiet and private area with excellent access to the highway, 1 hour from Lisbon airport and just a few minutes from Nazaré beach and all services. * You can enjoy our rich gastronomy with restaurants facing the sea, with fresh fish and seafood from our coast, as well as our farmers’ market for organic fruit and vegetables. *Supermarkets or traditional shops, as well as close contact with the typical and traditional culture of Nazaré, will be your choices. Villa comprising: * 3 bedrooms (1 of them fully en-suite) * 3 bathrooms * Open-plan living room / kitchen * Terrace +Pool *Outdoor leisure area *Laundry room *Storage *Covered car point *The villa includes air conditioning, kitchen equipped with dishwasher and washing machine, combi, hob, oven and extractor (chimney), central vacuum, solar panel and exterior fittings. Please contact us! We’d be delighted to present this unique project that could be your dream home! #ref:CAS_220
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

公寓 2 卧室 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

419.000 €
2 卧室 总面积 63 m² E.C.: E
Property characteristics: - Type 2 - 63m2 Gross Area - 1 ° floor - Balcony - Open Space Kitchen and Living Room - 2 Bedrooms with wardrobe - 1 Bathroom - Entrance Hall / Hallway - Spacious parking space - Access to common terrace - 2 Elevators - Very Good Sun Exposure - Lacks intervention Schedule your visit now! #ref:ID712101-95
海景 和 电梯 和 车库
公寓 2 卧室 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré

720.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 286 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
Silver Coast Seaside Residential Project: Oasis of Luxury and Wellness Welcome to your new seaside retreat, an exclusive project on the stunning Silver Coast, where nature and luxury meet to create a unique lifestyle. Privileged Location: This exclusive development is strategically located on the Costa Prata, bordered by a protected area that preserves green spaces and guarantees breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and the famous village of Nazaré. With its proximity to the famous giant wave beach of Nazaré and the tranquil bay of São Martinho do Porto, you’ll have the best of both worlds - adrenaline and serenity. Specialised Design: The project was designed with your well-being in mind. Every room in the villa strategically faces the Atlantic Ocean, guaranteeing panoramic views that turn every moment into a unique experience. The luxurious spaces are a testament to good taste and refinement, from the unique location to the impeccable finishes. Convenience and Accessibility: Enjoy the tranquillity of a quiet and private area, with excellent access to the motorway, just one hour from Lisbon airport. The proximity to Nazaré beach and all essential services makes this an ideal place to live. Your seafront villa is an affordable oasis where comfort meets exclusivity. Gastronomic and Cultural Experience: Explore the rich local gastronomy with seafront restaurants offering fish and seafood fresh from the coast. Visit the local farmers’ market, where you’ll find organic fruit and vegetables. Choose between modern supermarkets and traditional shops to fulfil your daily needs.Also, immerse yourself in Nazaré’s typical and traditional culture, enriching your life with authentic experiences. Conclusion: This is more than a place to call home; it’s an invitation to live a life of luxury, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Silver Coast.Welcome to your new chapter of elegance and serenity, where every sunrise is a celebration of the Atlantic and life by the sea. #ref:CAS_223
房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

520.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 271 m² 土地 707 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
New 3 bedroom villa with swimming pool in Famalicão da Nazaré (Fraction B). In the final phase of construction, this modern 3-bedroom house is located, in a condominium of 4 houses, where modernity and comfort are valued. Its strategic location provides easy access to the region’s beautiful beaches, as well as nearby historic cities and tourist attractions. The proximity of cities and towns such as São Martinho do Porto, Caldas da Rainha, Nazaré or Alcobaça, rich in historical heritage and enormous natural beauty, provide a high quality cultural offer. S. Martinho do Porto Bay has an extensive area of walkways over the sand dunes and the Tornada River that extend to Salir do Porto, inviting walks and hikes in tune with nature. The purity of the air you breathe is guaranteed by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. Among many other leisure activities, we highlight the excellent Beltico golf course, or for those who prefer surfing, the world-renowned beaches of Northern Nazaré, or Supertubos beach in Peniche. Still with the possibility of choosing some finishes, such as flooring, tiles, interior carpentry. Consisting of entrance hall, open space living room with kitchen. It has 1 suite with closet and private bathroom, 2 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, 2 guest bathrooms, laundry room, barbecue and carport for parking that easily accommodates two vehicles. For your comfort and well-being, it is equipped with pre-installation of VMC for air renewal, electric shutters, pre-installation of central vacuum, air conditioning, electric gate for easy access. Highlighting some construction details: *Structured in reinforced concrete *With thermal insulation of facades with ’capoto’ *Coverage with 2 layers of thermal insulation screens *Interior walls in dry construction with acoustic insulation *Pre-installation of air renewal VMC *Kitchen *Pre-installation of central vacuum *Air conditioning *Electric blinds *PVC frames and double glazing *Blank carpentry - with a sample option (under quote) *AC4 floating bedroom flooring *Ceramic flooring in the rest *Electric gate *Swimming pool with chlorine treatment *Pre-installation for car charging In the center of Portugal, Silver Coast, close to access to highways and freeways, this property is located 3km from Praia do Salgado, 6km from the award-winning São Martinho do Porto Bay, 8km from the fishing village of Nazaré and capital of giant waves and Salir do Porto Beach, 21km from the historic spa town of Caldas da Rainha; 19km from Praia da Foz do Arelho; 50km from Peniche, capital of surfing; 57km from the Sanctuary of Fátima and 107km from Lisbon international airport and with easy access via the A1 and A8. At Simply House, we share business with any real estate consultant or real estate agency with an AMI license. If you are a professional in the sector and have a qualified client, contact me for more information and schedule your visit. Don’t miss this opportunity to make an excellent investment. My name is Sofia Feliciano, I am a real estate consultant at Simply House on the Silver Coast, Portugal. #ref:ID712106-18
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

独立式住宅 4 卧室+1 Duplex 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

989.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 421 m² 土地 1.058 m² E.C.: A
This is the house of your dreams! Large, practical and modern, this luxury villa perfectly represents the best trends in design, materials, luminosity and fluidity of spaces. Everything here has been thought out down to the smallest detail, a care that gives it its incomparable exclusivity. For sale fully equipped and furnished with the best appliances and modern style furniture, this is the appropriate house for those who want to live in Nazaré in association with quality and differentiation across the board. #ref:BH00061
和 车库
独立式住宅 4 卧室+1 Duplex 在 Nazaré, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

460.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 268 m² 土地 747 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
New 3 bedroom villa with swimming pool in Famalicão da Nazaré (Fraction D). In the initial phase of construction, this modern 3-bedroom house is located, in a condominium of 4 houses, where modernity and comfort are valued. Its strategic location provides easy access to the region’s beautiful beaches, as well as nearby historic cities and tourist attractions. The proximity of cities and towns such as São Martinho do Porto, Caldas da Rainha, Nazaré or Alcobaça, rich in historical heritage and enormous natural beauty, provide a high quality cultural offer. S. Martinho do Porto Bay has an extensive area of walkways over the sand dunes and the Tornada River that extend to Salir do Porto, inviting walks and hikes in tune with nature. The purity of the air you breathe is guaranteed by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. Among many other leisure activities, we highlight the excellent Beltico golf course, or for those who prefer surfing, the world-renowned beaches of Northern Nazaré, or Supertubos beach in Peniche. Still with the possibility of choosing some finishes, such as flooring, tiles, interior carpentry. Consisting of an entrance hall, an open space living room with the kitchen, which is equipped with excellent quality appliances from the Bosh brand, namely the hob, oven, extractor fan, combined refrigerator and dishwasher. It has 1 suite with closet and private bathroom, 2 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, 2 guest bathrooms, laundry room, barbecue and carport for parking that easily accommodates two vehicles. For your comfort and well-being, it is equipped with pre-installation of air conditioning, electric blinds, electric gate for easy access. Highlighting some construction details: Structured in reinforced concrete With a capoto thermal insulation sistem of facades Coverage with 2 layers of thermal insulation screens Interior walls in dry construction with acoustic insulation Kitchen Pre-installation of air conditioning Electric blinds PVC frames and double glazing Blank carpentry - with a sample option (under quote) AC4 floating bedroom flooring Ceramic flooring in the rest Electric gate Swimming pool with chlorine treatment Pre-installation for car charging In the center of Portugal, Silver Coast, close to access to highways and freeways, this property is located 3km from Praia do Salgado, 6km from the award-winning São Martinho do Porto Bay, 8km from the fishing village of Nazaré and capital of giant waves and Salir do Porto Beach, 21km from the historic spa town of Caldas da Rainha; 19km from Praia da Foz do Arelho; 50km from Peniche, capital of surfing; 57km from the Sanctuary of Fátima and 107km from Lisbon international airport and with easy access via the A1 and A8. At Simply House, we share business with any real estate consultant or real estate agency with an AMI license. If you are a professional in the sector and have a qualified client, contact me for more information and schedule your visit. Don’t miss this opportunity to make an excellent investment. My name is Sofia Feliciano, I am a real estate consultant at Simply House on the Silver Coast, Portugal. #ref:ID712106-20
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré

725.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 327 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
Silver Coast Seaside Residential Project: Oasis of Luxury and Wellness Welcome to your new seaside retreat, an exclusive project on the stunning Silver Coast, where nature and luxury meet to create a unique lifestyle. Privileged Location: This exclusive development is strategically located on the Costa Prata, bordered by a protected area that preserves green spaces and guarantees breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and the famous village of Nazaré. With its proximity to the famous giant wave beach of Nazaré and the tranquil bay of São Martinho do Porto, you’ll have the best of both worlds - adrenaline and serenity. Specialised Design: The project was designed with your well-being in mind. Every room in the villa strategically faces the Atlantic Ocean, guaranteeing panoramic views that turn every moment into a unique experience. The luxurious spaces are a testament to good taste and refinement, from the unique location to the impeccable finishes. Convenience and Accessibility: Enjoy the tranquillity of a quiet and private area, with excellent access to the motorway, just one hour from Lisbon airport. The proximity to Nazaré beach and all essential services makes this an ideal place to live. Your seafront villa is an affordable oasis where comfort meets exclusivity. Gastronomic and Cultural Experience: Explore the rich local gastronomy with seafront restaurants offering fish and seafood fresh from the coast. Visit the local farmers’ market, where you’ll find organic fruit and vegetables. Choose between modern supermarkets and traditional shops to fulfil your daily needs.Also, immerse yourself in Nazaré’s typical and traditional culture, enriching your life with authentic experiences. This is more than a place to call home; it’s an invitation to live a life of luxury, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Silver Coast.Welcome to your new chapter of elegance and serenity, where every sunrise is a celebration of the Atlantic and life by the sea. #ref:CAS_225
房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

540.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 271 m² 土地 756 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
New 3 bedroom villa with swimming pool in Famalicão da Nazaré (Fraction A). In the final phase of construction, this modern 3-bedroom house is located, in a condominium of 4 houses, where modernity and comfort are valued. Its strategic location provides easy access to the region’s beautiful beaches, as well as nearby historic cities and tourist attractions. The proximity of cities and towns such as São Martinho do Porto, Caldas da Rainha, Nazaré or Alcobaça, rich in historical heritage and enormous natural beauty, provide a high quality cultural offer. S. Martinho do Porto Bay has an extensive area of walkways over the sand dunes and the Tornada River that extend to Salir do Porto, inviting walks and hikes in tune with nature. The purity of the air you breathe is guaranteed by its proximity to the Atlantic Ocean. Among many other leisure activities, we highlight the excellent Beltico golf course, or for those who prefer surfing, the world-renowned beaches of Northern Nazaré, or Supertubos beach in Peniche. You can also choose some finishes, such as flooring, tiles, interior carpentry and whether you prefer chlorine or salt treatment in your pool. Consisting of entrance hall, open space living room with kitchen. It has 1 suite with closet and private bathroom, 2 bedrooms with built-in wardrobes, 2 guest bathrooms, laundry room, barbecue and carport for parking that easily accommodates two vehicles. For your comfort and well-being, it is equipped with VMC for air renewal, electric shutters, central vacuum, invisible air conditioning (in duct), electric gate. Highlighting some construction details: Structured in reinforced concrete With thermal insulation of facades with ’hood’ Coverage with 2 layers of thermal insulation screens Interior walls in dry construction with acoustic insulation Air exchange VMC Kitchen Central vacuum Invisible air conditioning (in duct) Electric blinds PVC frames and double glazing Blank carpentry - with a sample option (under quote) AC4 floating bedroom flooring Ceramic flooring in the rest Electric gate Swimming pool with chlorine or salt treatment Pre-installation for car charging Garden with synthetic grass In the center of Portugal, Silver Coast, close to access to highways and freeways, this property is located 3km from Praia do Salgado, 6km from the award-winning São Martinho do Porto Bay, 8km from the fishing village of Nazaré and capital of giant waves and Salir do Porto Beach, 21km from the historic spa town of Caldas da Rainha; 19km from Praia da Foz do Arelho; 50km from Peniche, capital of surfing; 57km from the Sanctuary of Fátima and 107km from Lisbon international airport and with easy access via the A1 and A8. At Simply House, we share business with any real estate consultant or real estate agency with an AMI license. If you are a professional in the sector and have a qualified client, contact me for more information and schedule your visit. Don’t miss this opportunity to make an excellent investment. My name is Sofia Feliciano, I am a real estate consultant at Simply House on the Silver Coast, Portugal. #ref:ID712106-17
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 在 Rua do Cossi, Famalicão, Nazaré

1.325.000 €
总面积 852 m² 土地 852 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
Welcome to your seaside oasis in stunning Nazaré. This is a truly unique opportunity to own land with a building, offering the best views of the iconic Nazaré beach. Located in one of the most coveted spots in the region, this land offers more than a simple property; it is an invitation to live a life of elegance and serenity, where the Atlantic stretches as far as the eye can see. Main Features: 3 Unified Lots in an Unbeatable Location: Strategically located to capture the most stunning views of the beach and ocean. Infinite Potential: With an existing building, this land offers the freedom to customize and create your dream residence. Guaranteed Appreciation Investment: Appreciation in this unique location is virtually assured, making this property not just a home, but also a solid investment in your future. Why Choose This Property? This place is a symphony for the senses, where each sunrise and sunset paint a spectacular picture of the Atlantic waters. The proximity to the beach offers the convenience of diving into the refreshing waters in the blink of an eye. Here, tranquility meets convenience, and luxury meets authenticity in one of the most beautiful coastal villages in Portugal. CHARACTERISTICS OF LOT 4 (3+4+10) - Lot area: 852.20 m2; - Number of Floors: 2 above the threshold level and 1 below the threshold level; - Basement area: 207.00 m2 (for 6 parks, with use of a garage); - Ground floor area: 285.00m2; - Construction area: 450.00m2; - 1 fire; - Use: housing and annex - **Possibility of building with 2 bedrooms, in the rooftop area.** * the property is under construction and already has a lot of material purchased to install: Facade, exterior tiles, kitchen, bathroom, home automation, interior and exterior lighting, etc. ** value presented with the construction in its current state. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to own a piece of paradise. Contact us today for more information and schedule a visit. #ref:CAS_35
房子 在 Rua do Cossi, Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

460.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 748 m² 土地 748 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
3-bedroom detached house with swimming pool in Famalicão. In a premium location, this is the home you dreamed of. Built in reinforced concrete and covered with thermal insulation on the hood, fraction D has A.Q.S. heating. by solar panels, air renewal via controlled mechanical ventilation - double-flow VMC with energy recovery. PVC frames and double glazing. Kitchen equipped with BOSCH equipment (hob, oven, extractor hood, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine. Bedrooms with AC4 type floating floor and remaining rooms with ceramic flooring. Controlled vehicle gate. Electric blinds. Central Vacuum. Air conditioning ’Invisible system’. #ref:BH00054_D
和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

540.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 160 m² 土地 756 m² E.C.: A
Detached 3 bedroom villa with pool in Famalicão. In a premium location, this is the house I dreamed of. Built in reinforced concrete and coated with thermal insulation in hood. A.Q.S. heating by solar panels. Air renewal via controlled mechanical ventilation - double flow VMC with energy recovery. PVC frames and double glazing. Kitchen equipped with BOSCH equipment (Hob, oven, extractor fan, combined, dishwasher and laundry. Bedrooms with floating floor type AC4 and other divisions in ceramic floor. Car gate with control. Electric blinds. Central Aspiration. Air conditioning ’Invisible system’. #ref:BH00054_A
和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

480.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 160 m² 土地 719 m² E.C.: A+
3-bedroom detached house with swimming pool in Famalicão. In a premium location, this is the home you dreamed of. Built in reinforced concrete and covered with thermal insulation on the hood, fraction D has A.Q.S. heating. by solar panels, air renewal via controlled mechanical ventilation - double-flow VMC with energy recovery. PVC frames and double glazing. Kitchen equipped with BOSCH equipment (hob, oven, extractor hood, refrigerator, dishwasher and washing machine. Bedrooms with AC4 type floating floor and remaining rooms with ceramic flooring. Controlled vehicle gate. Electric blinds. Central Vacuum. Air conditioning ’invisible system’. #ref:BH00054_C
游泳池 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré

640.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 284 m² E.C.: 评估中
Silver Coast Seaside Residential Project: Oasis of Luxury and Wellness Welcome to your new seaside retreat, an exclusive project on the stunning Silver Coast, where nature and luxury meet to create a unique lifestyle. Privileged Location: This exclusive development is strategically located on the Costa Prata, bordered by a protected area that preserves green spaces and guarantees breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean and the famous village of Nazaré. With its proximity to the famous giant wave beach of Nazaré and the tranquil bay of São Martinho do Porto, you’ll have the best of both worlds - adrenaline and serenity. Specialised Design: The project was designed with your well-being in mind. Every room in the villa strategically faces the Atlantic Ocean, guaranteeing panoramic views that turn every moment into a unique experience. The luxurious spaces are a testament to good taste and refinement, from the unique location to the impeccable finishes. Convenience and Accessibility: Enjoy the tranquillity of a quiet and private area, with excellent access to the motorway, just one hour from Lisbon airport. The proximity to Nazaré beach and all essential services makes this an ideal place to live. Your seafront villa is an affordable oasis where comfort meets exclusivity. Gastronomic and Cultural Experience: Explore the rich local gastronomy with seafront restaurants offering fish and seafood fresh from the coast. Visit the local farmers’ market, where you’ll find organic fruit and vegetables. Choose between modern supermarkets and traditional shops to fulfil your daily needs.Also, immerse yourself in Nazaré’s typical and traditional culture, enriching your life with authentic experiences. Conclusion: This is more than a place to call home; it’s an invitation to live a life of luxury, surrounded by the natural beauty of the Silver Coast.Welcome to your new chapter of elegance and serenity, where every sunrise is a celebration of the Atlantic and life by the sea. #ref:CAS_220
房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

540.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 271 m² 土地 754 m² E.C.: A
House under construction, 3 bedroom single storey with modern finishes, land, individual pool, located in a quiet area, very close to Nazaré Beach and excellent sun exposure. House with electric shutters, solar panels, VMC with double flow and by pass (controlled mechanical ventilation), PVC and double glazed window frames, central vacuum, invisible air conditioning, automatic gate, option of chlorinated or salted swimming pool, garden with synthetic grass and barbecue. The villa comprises: Living room in open space, kitchen with peninsula, equipped with hob, oven, extractor fan, dishwasher and combined. 3 bedrooms, one of which is a suite, and 3 bathrooms (one of them is a suite). Check out this and other properties in (url hidden) #ref:10685
和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Famalicão, Nazaré

房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré

725.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 269 m² 土地 327 m² E.C.: 评估中
Spectacular design in a seafront villa on the Costa Prata, in a development designed just for you! *Located on the Costa Prata, on the edge of the protected area, where green areas are respected for the good of all and can never be built in front of, or cover up the privileged view of the sea and the famous town of Nazaré. *Located between the famous beach of the giant waves of Nazaré and the bay of São Martinho do Porto with no waves or movement, a perfect beach for families and children with stunning views. *A project designed especially for your well-being and quality of life. Where the privilege of good taste and refinement come together in a luxurious space. Quality from its unique location, structure and careful construction to the excellent finishes. *Every room in the property faces the Atlantic Ocean. It will be impossible to lose sight of the sea! * Quiet and private area with excellent access to the highway, 1 hour from Lisbon airport and just a few minutes from Nazaré beach and all services. * You can enjoy our rich gastronomy with restaurants facing the sea, with fresh fish and seafood from our coast, as well as our farmers’ market for organic fruit and vegetables. *Supermarkets or traditional shops, as well as close contact with the typical and traditional culture of Nazaré, will be your choices. Villa comprising: * 3 bedrooms (1 of them fully en-suite) * 3 bathrooms * Open-plan living room / kitchen * Terrace +Pool *Outdoor leisure area *Laundry room *Storage *Covered car point *The villa includes air conditioning, kitchen equipped with dishwasher and washing machine, combi, hob, oven and extractor (chimney), central vacuum, solar panel and exterior fittings. Please contact us! We’d be delighted to present this unique project that could be your dream home! #ref:CAS_226
房子 3 卧室 在 Rua do Campo, Famalicão, Nazaré
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