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183 别墅和公寓 出售 和 游泳池 在 Porto (行政区), 葡萄牙, 在 700.000 € 直到 1.600.000 €, 从 150 m²


房子 4 卧室 在 Foz do Sousa e Covelo, Gondomar

1.100.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 430 m² 土地 600 m² E.C.: B-
别墅有4个正面和游泳池,在杜罗河岸边,毗邻Cais da Lixa和Covelo Marina 从酒店可快速方便地前往波尔图机场(Francisco Sá Carneiro),该机场位于A41高速公路旁30分钟内完成,没有任何交通中断 它建于本世纪第一个十年末,其所有建筑开发都由当前所有者严格陪同,因此建筑质量有保证 整个结构是混凝土的,外墙是引擎盖 这是一栋面向河流的别墅,阳光照射在南部,给人一种非常愉快的热舒适感 物业部门的发展: 入口楼层: 入口大厅,可停放3辆车的车库和带阳台或替代卧室的办公室 客房楼层: 由3间套房组成,其中带水力按摩(浴缸/柱),衣柜支撑,均设有面向杜罗河的阳台 社交楼层: 设备齐全的厨房,带餐厅(始终带有杜罗河的生活图片),与客厅相连;这有一个很棒的阳台(伴随着所有这层楼);这层楼有一个支撑浴缸 泳池地板: 酒店设有一间大型联谊室,可直接通往游泳池和花园 在此楼层,还设有淋浴浴缸和洗衣处理区 在周边地区,您会发现: 杜罗河畔罕见美丽的人行道和自行车道 玛丽娜·德·科维洛 凯斯达利萨 克里斯图马河海滩 城堡植物园 波尔图的灰烬 15 分钟,沿 A41 和 A3 高速公路行驶 距河间 25 分钟路程 距波尔图机场 30 分钟路程,距 A41 高速公路 盖亚马托西纽什和马亚市 20 公里 距离佩纳菲耶尔 30 公里 特谢拉贝萨药房 贡多马尔健康中心/福斯杜索萨 乔维姆和福斯德索萨基础学校 乔维姆和福斯德索萨的学校EB 2.3 日托 #ref:221208
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 在 Foz do Sousa e Covelo, Gondomar

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 353 m² 土地 55 m² E.C.: C
房子V4 - 金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉在安塔斯地区,在波尔图 豪华的封闭式社区金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉位于安塔斯,这是波尔图市最负盛名的住宅区之一 该公寓总共由28个部分组成,在恢复的现有建筑物中,它呈现出几种类型,即T1,T2,T3,T4,T4复式,面积在118平方米至377平方米之间,在新建筑中,站立着单户联排别墅,类型T3,T4和T5,面积在220平方米至315平方米之间 封闭式社区是16,000平方米的物业的一部分,配有带太阳能电池板和直射灯的室内温水游泳池,土耳其浴室,宴会厅和广阔的花园 住宅公寓是旧建筑的修复的结果,更像是农场而不是建筑物’事实上,这是一种带有豪宅的农场,在完美的共生中容纳了公寓和别墅 在联排别墅的情况下,它们分布在两层楼上:第一层位于土地层,第二层部分被掩埋,在那里您可以进入庭院和私人花园,以及集成到别墅本身中的封闭式停车场 昆塔·达·卡萨·阿马雷拉雄伟的建筑设计,与浪漫主义时期有关,受到尊重 从这个意义上说,他保留了徽章(历史上是勇气和勇敢的象征),雄伟的入口大门和三米高的墙壁但它也保留了浪漫的石窟,人工湖和花园的原始设计,然后与田野融为一体进行农业活动 此外,在外墙围栏墙旁边突出一条行人环路,它既可以作为进入房屋和电机流通的画廊,也可以作为维护电路,延伸约600米 一套设备,由礼宾部,卫生设施,男女更衣室和用于支持或准备饭菜的食品储藏室协助’因为今天可持续性与安全一样,是社区生活最重要的价值之一,自动灌溉系统是使用现有水井的水制成的 新住宅公寓所有住宅的所有隔间均受益于自然光线,并配有坚固的阿菲泽利亚木地板,镀锡墙和假石膏天花板除了别墅的入口门外,所有的树林都有漆面饰面,别墅的选择落在涂漆的天然木材上 新建筑的外框采用阳极氧化铝(环保工艺)为自然色,并带有热玻璃,而回收的旧建筑的框架是实木,保持了原始形象 应该指出的是,进入位于-1层(地下室)的画廊的汽车通道,该画廊为同一楼层的每栋房屋的私人停车场提供服务,这是利用了住宅区的土地比相邻街道更高的配额这一事实停车场和不同楼层之间的流通通过电梯适当地集成到三层楼的建筑物中来确保,对于别墅,则通过私人升降平台来确保 一般饰面: 阿菲泽利亚实木地板; 镀锡墙和石膏假天花板; 天然木材涂漆的入口门; 外部框架采用铝阳极氧化成自然色,并带有热玻璃; 绿色屋顶; 绿色墙壁; 通过辐射地板进行空调,配有地球/水热泵和单独的地热探头; 太阳能热板支持卫生热水的加热; 周边监控家庭视频监控系统; 建造供私人使用的小花园; 恢复现有的石窟和湖泊; 室内游泳池; 土耳其浴; 自动灌溉系统; 这些照片可能不对应于分数,而是对应于同一企业的类似部分 物业编号:1297S/22 #ref:1297S/22
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

公寓 2 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Paranhos, Porto

1.070.000 €
2 卧室 总面积 251 m² E.C.: B-
公寓T2 - 昆塔达卡萨阿马雷拉在安塔斯地区,在波尔图 豪华的封闭式社区Quinta da Casa Amarela位于安塔斯,这是波尔图市最负盛名的住宅区之一 该公寓共有28个部分,在恢复的现有建筑物中,它呈现出几种类型,即T1,T2,T3,T4,T4复式,面积在118m2至377m2之间,在新建筑物中,矗立着单户联排别墅,类型T3,T4和T5,面积在220m2至315 m2之间 封闭式社区是16,000平方米物业的一部分,配有带太阳能电池板和直射光的室内温水游泳池,土耳其浴室,宴会厅和广阔的花园 住宅公寓源于旧建筑的修复,更像是农场而不是建筑物’事实上,这是一种带有豪宅的农场,其中公寓和别墅完美共生 就联排别墅而言,它们分布在两层楼上:第一层在土地水平,第二层被部分掩埋,在那里您可以进入庭院和私人花园,以及集成到别墅本身的封闭式停车场 与浪漫时期有关的昆塔达卡萨阿马雷拉的宏伟建筑设计受到尊重 从这个意义上说,他保留了徽章(历史上是勇气和勇敢的象征)雄伟的入口大门和三米高的城墙但它也保留了浪漫的石窟,人工湖和花园的原始设计,然后与农业活动的田野融为一体 此外,在外围墙旁边投影了一条人行道,它既可以作为通往汽车流通的住房和画廊的通道,也可以作为维护电路,延伸约600米 一套由礼宾服务辅助的设备,带有男女更衣室的卫生设施和用于支持或准备膳食的储藏室’由于可持续性与安全性一起成为当今社区生活最重要的价值之一,因此自动灌溉系统是使用现有水井中的水制成的 新住宅公寓所有住宅的所有隔间都受益于自然采光,并配有实心 afizélia 木地板罐头墙和假石膏天花板所有的木材都有漆面,除了别墅的入口门,其选择落在清漆的天然木材上 新建筑的外框采用阳极氧化铝(环保工艺)和热玻璃的自然颜色,而恢复的旧建筑的框架是实木,保持原始形象 应该注意的是,汽车进入位于-1层(地下室)的画廊,这些画廊为同一楼层每栋房屋的私人停车场提供服务,这是利用了住宅区的土地是比相邻街道更高的配额停车场和不同楼层之间的流通由电梯适当地集成到三层楼的建筑物中,如果是别墅,则由私人升降平台确保 一般饰面: 阿菲泽利亚实木地板; 石膏镀锡墙和假天花板; 天然木材清漆入口门; 铝制外框阳极氧化成自然色,带热玻璃; 绿色屋顶; 绿墙; 通过辐射地板进行空调,配有土/水热泵和单独的地热探头; 太阳能热板,支持卫生热水的加热; 周边监控家庭视频监控系统; 建立私人使用的小花园; 恢复现有的石窟和湖泊; 室内游泳池; 土耳其浴; 自动灌溉系统; 这些照片可能与分数不对应,而是与同一企业的类似分数相对应 型号 1297L/22 的物业 #ref:1297L/22
游泳池 底层 和 车库
公寓 2 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Paranhos, Porto

房子 4 卧室 在 Gulpilhares e Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia

990.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 495 m² 土地 174 m² E.C.: B
The villa in question is a real gem located just 250 meters from the beach, providing its inhabitants with a breathtaking view of the sea. With a privileged location and a modern architecture signed by the architect Jorge Ventura, this luxury villa is harmoniously distributed over three floors and its three fronts (West/South/East) that give it maximum luminosity through its large windows. Upon entering the ground floor, we are faced with a spacious common living room, with about 41m2, which provides a warm and inviting environment for moments of conviviality with family or friends. The living room extends to a dining space, this area enjoys natural lighting through a skylight, which if you wish you can close with its electric blackout, this area opens to an open space kitchen, fully equipped and modern, which has all the necessary Kupperbusch brand appliances to facilitate the daily life of its inhabitants, and a central island, perfect for quick meals or socializing, On this floor, we also find a bedroom and a full bathroom, which guarantee the comfort and privacy of the residents. On the first floor, there are three large Suites, one of them with a balcony overlooking the sea, walk-in closet, whirlpool bath, the two east-facing Suites share a spacious balcony and each of them with a private bathroom and built-in wardrobes. Two of these Suites also have specific lockers for shoes and desks for your perfect organization. Also noteworthy is the existence of natural light in all the bathroom facilities of these Suites. These spacious rooms guarantee the desired rest and privacy, creating an environment of comfort and tranquility. Going down to the basement, we come across a spacious lounge with approximately 45m2, which can be used for various purposes, such as a games room, gym or even a home cinema and with access to a nice English patio. There is also a full bathroom and a laundry room on this floor. Next to it, there is the garage with 92m2, with space for several vehicles and additional storage, providing all the necessary comfort for its inhabitants. Outside, this magnificent villa has a heated swimming pool with salt water and a waterfall, equipped with an automatic treatment regulator and electric thermal cover, a solar-heated shower, which allows you to enjoy relaxing moments outdoors at any time of the year. At the back of the house, there is a Weber barbeque and a wood oven, in this area enjoy the structure for suspended lighting that makes it the perfect space to organize barbecues and outdoor meals. The luxury details are evident throughout the villa, with emphasis on the air conditioning system that ensures thermal comfort in all rooms, as well as the electric solar breezes with an anti-wind safety system, which protect the house in case of adverse weather conditions. For your peace of mind and security, it is equipped with alarm and video surveillance cameras. All these elements contribute to creating an environment of luxury and refinement, combined with a privileged location and a breathtaking view of the sea. Located in the charming town of Vila Nova de Gaia, known for its vibrant culture and proximity to Porto, this modern villa stands out for its contemporary architecture and luxury amenities. Its surroundings offer a practical and comfortable life, close to services, beaches, Port wine cellars and an enviable gastronomy. With an impressive area of 494,900 m², this property is ready to welcome those looking for exclusivity and comfort in the north of Portugal. This villa is the ideal place for those looking to live in an environment of luxury, comfort and tranquility, close to the beach and with all the necessary amenities to enjoy unforgettable family moments. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this true seaside paradise your new home. For more information or to schedule a visit to this exceptional property, please do not hesitate to contact us. Discover the home #ref:M00559-RF
房子 4 卧室 在 Gulpilhares e Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 355 m² 土地 55 m² E.C.: C
房子V4 - 金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉在安塔斯地区,在波尔图 豪华的封闭式社区金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉位于安塔斯,这是波尔图市最负盛名的住宅区之一 该公寓总共由28个部分组成,在恢复的现有建筑物中,它呈现出几种类型,即T1,T2,T3,T4,T4复式,面积在118平方米至377平方米之间,在新建筑中,站立着单户联排别墅,类型T3,T4和T5,面积在220平方米至315平方米之间 封闭式社区是16,000平方米的物业的一部分,配有带太阳能电池板和直射灯的室内温水游泳池,土耳其浴室,宴会厅和广阔的花园 住宅公寓是旧建筑的修复的结果,更像是农场而不是建筑物’事实上,这是一种带有豪宅的农场,在完美的共生中容纳了公寓和别墅 在联排别墅的情况下,它们分布在两层楼上:第一层位于土地层,第二层部分被掩埋,在那里您可以进入庭院和私人花园,以及集成到别墅本身中的封闭式停车场 昆塔·达·卡萨·阿马雷拉雄伟的建筑设计,与浪漫主义时期有关,受到尊重 从这个意义上说,他保留了徽章(历史上是勇气和勇敢的象征),雄伟的入口大门和三米高的墙壁但它也保留了浪漫的石窟,人工湖和花园的原始设计,然后与田野融为一体进行农业活动 此外,在外墙围栏墙旁边突出一条行人环路,它既可以作为进入房屋和电机流通的画廊,也可以作为维护电路,延伸约600米 一套设备,由礼宾部,卫生设施,男女更衣室和用于支持或准备饭菜的食品储藏室协助’因为今天可持续性与安全一样,是社区生活最重要的价值之一,自动灌溉系统是使用现有水井的水制成的 新住宅公寓所有住宅的所有隔间均受益于自然光线,并配有坚固的阿菲泽利亚木地板,镀锡墙和假石膏天花板除了别墅的入口门外,所有的树林都有漆面饰面,别墅的选择落在涂漆的天然木材上 新建筑的外框采用阳极氧化铝(环保工艺)为自然色,并带有热玻璃,而回收的旧建筑的框架是实木,保持了原始形象 应该指出的是,进入位于-1层(地下室)的画廊的汽车通道,该画廊为同一楼层的每栋房屋的私人停车场提供服务,这是利用了住宅区的土地比相邻街道更高的配额这一事实停车场和不同楼层之间的流通通过电梯适当地集成到三层楼的建筑物中来确保,对于别墅,则通过私人升降平台来确保 一般饰面: 阿菲泽利亚实木地板; 镀锡墙和石膏假天花板; 天然木材涂漆的入口门; 外部框架采用铝阳极氧化成自然色,并带有热玻璃; 绿色屋顶; 绿色墙壁; 通过辐射地板进行空调,配有地球/水热泵和单独的地热探头; 太阳能热板支持卫生热水的加热; 周边监控家庭视频监控系统; 建造供私人使用的小花园; 恢复现有的石窟和湖泊; 室内游泳池; 土耳其浴; 自动灌溉系统; 物业编号:1297T/22 #ref:1297T/22
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

公寓 4 卧室 在 Rua de Requesende, Ramalde, Porto

900.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 389 m² E.C.: A
Magnificent T4 Top Floor, outdoor space 158m2, next to Parque da Prelada, Porto Inserted in the new private condominium Fusion Private Residence, a new private condominium, with two buildings in an urban project of excellence (typologies T1, T2, T3 and T4). A perfect harmony with the surrounding nature, which offers you the possibility of living between the urban sophistication and the serenity of the future Requesende Natural Park. In this gated community you can find the following added value / amenities: -Swimming pool - Party Room I Games I Conviviality - Enclosed garages - Parking for reduced mobility - Lounge Areas -Gymnasium - Playground -Locker room - Toilet Support -Playground A NEW CHAPTER The city of Porto is about to witness a new chapter of an urban project of excellence - the Green Terrace Porto. In perfect harmony with the surrounding nature, FUSION is more than a modern flat complex presenting a private condominium with two buildings that offer you the promise of living the balance between urban sophistication and the natural serenity of the future Requesende Urban Park. Discover FUSION, a private condominium that embodies the choice of those who value exclusivity and quality of life. A LEGACY OF EXCLUSIVITY AND UNIQUENESS Discover the pleasure of living in a space where your well-being is our priority. Every aspect of the project has been meticulously planned to offer you moments of tranquillity and relaxation. Discover the distinction in every detail of the leisure spaces that embody our commitment to your quality of life. Join us on this unique journey, where urban life finds its most beautiful expression in the nature that surrounds it. FUSION awaits all those looking for a legacy of exclusivity and uniqueness. A BALANCED LIFE Embrace life in the Park and the convenience of a singular location where a sophisticated retreat rises to bring to life unique experiences that only future residents will be able to enjoy. Just a few meters from the future Requesende Urban Park you will be able to enjoy the vibrant amenities of the city without sacrificing the peace and integrity of the natural environment. We prioritise a balanced lifestyle, with all the comfort and harmony in your daily life. Discover the pleasure of living in a space where your well-being is our priority. Think of a place where you can relax, exercise and enjoy time with the whole family. A modern refuge that combines convenience and serenity for a balanced life. CLOSE TO EVERYTHING THAT REALLY MATTERS At FUSION, quickly get in the centre of it all. With a privileged location, you will have direct access to the VCI and the Circunvalação. An urban project widely recognised for its excellent location, quick accessibility and the harmonious combination of its outdoor spaces. Living in FUSION is synonymous with exclusivity, comfort and practicality in your daily routines. This development offers you excellent accessibility and also a harmonious combination with your outdoor spaces. Call... Come and find out everything!! Your dream, your home, your world, your life. The goals that move us bring the responsibility of finding the house they are looking for, with the adjectives of a right choice, which conveys the feeling that that was the right option. At Porta 88 you have the personalised guarantee of a team attentive to the small details, details that make the difference when it comes to something as important as choosing a house, to live in, invest and locate. Our mission is to keep customers confident in achieving their dreams. The world is always changing, the real estate market has undergone a constant evolution, both in terms of prices and solutions that accompany modernisation, and Porta 88 as always present, maintaining a permanent connection with the real estate brokerage players. Our motto of commitments to life goals, increasingly demanding, because the market forces it, but in one way or another, our satisfaction will demand the best from ourselves, manifesting a constant and due presence, for the moments of pleasure they give us with the fulfilment of each one’s desires. #ref:0753_BG
游泳池 和 电梯 和 车库
公寓 4 卧室 在 Rua de Requesende, Ramalde, Porto

房子 4 卧室+1 Triplex 在 Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto

1.290.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 357 m² 土地 447 m² E.C.: C
探索住在融合了现代舒适风格和奢华的独特别墅中的机会坐落在一个以单户住宅而闻名的住宅区,这个特殊且光线充足的物业最近经过翻新,位于市中心,确保城市生活和自然宁静的和谐融合 靠近 CLIP 波尔图国际学院卢西亚达大学罗萨里奥学院费尔南多佩索阿大学,步行即可到达充满活力的城市公园餐厅咖啡馆和超市,便利设施近在咫尺博阿维斯塔大道(Avenida da Boavista)和通往海滩的风景如画的自行车道方便客人前往 别墅采用综合设计,在三个开放宽敞的楼层上发展一楼设有私人车库带连接浴室的卧室和温馨的中庭这层楼还设有一间洗衣房,配备洗衣机和烘干机,以及一间服务于后院游泳池和花园的小酒吧 上到二楼,会发现一个宽敞的厨房,配备了博世电器,包括烤箱炉灶冰箱抽油烟机洗碗机和微波炉开放式布局确保了从烹饪空间到大客厅的无缝流动,并配有壁炉,由于大窗户,自然光沐浴在自然光中客用浴室增加了地板的便利性和功能性 二楼设有三间精致的套房,每间套房都设计成宁静和私密的避风港开放光线充足的布局在这里得以延续,有望欣赏宁静的景色和宁静的夜晚 该物业的魅力延伸到户外,设有宽敞的花园游泳池和提供开放式厨房客厅卧室和浴室的附楼 - 非常适合客人或有利可图的租赁机会 此外,位于安图内斯吉马良斯的下一个 Metrobus 站距离酒店仅一分钟路程,计划于 2024 年开通,将提供与波尔图全境的连接这栋别墅是寻求豪华舒适和便利的家庭的理想度假胜地,拥有充足的生活和娱乐空间,确保无与伦比的轻松和优雅的生活方式 #ref:MORAS022
房子 4 卧室+1 Triplex 在 Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 351 m² 土地 50 m² E.C.: C
房子V4 - 金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉在安塔斯地区,在波尔图 豪华的封闭式社区金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉位于安塔斯,这是波尔图市最负盛名的住宅区之一 该公寓总共由28个部分组成,在恢复的现有建筑物中,它呈现出几种类型,即T1,T2,T3,T4,T4复式,面积在118平方米至377平方米之间,在新建筑中,站立着单户联排别墅,类型T3,T4和T5,面积在220平方米至315平方米之间 封闭式社区是16,000平方米的物业的一部分,配有带太阳能电池板和直射灯的室内温水游泳池,土耳其浴室,宴会厅和广阔的花园 住宅公寓是旧建筑的修复的结果,更像是农场而不是建筑物’事实上,这是一种带有豪宅的农场,在完美的共生中容纳了公寓和别墅 在联排别墅的情况下,它们分布在两层楼上:第一层位于土地层,第二层部分被掩埋,在那里您可以进入庭院和私人花园,以及集成到别墅本身中的封闭式停车场 昆塔·达·卡萨·阿马雷拉雄伟的建筑设计,与浪漫主义时期有关,受到尊重 从这个意义上说,他保留了徽章(历史上是勇气和勇敢的象征),雄伟的入口大门和三米高的墙壁但它也保留了浪漫的石窟,人工湖和花园的原始设计,然后与田野融为一体进行农业活动 此外,在外墙围栏墙旁边突出一条行人环路,它既可以作为进入房屋和电机流通的画廊,也可以作为维护电路,延伸约600米 一套设备,由礼宾部,卫生设施,男女更衣室和用于支持或准备饭菜的食品储藏室协助’因为今天可持续性与安全一样,是社区生活最重要的价值之一,自动灌溉系统是使用现有水井的水制成的 新住宅公寓所有住宅的所有隔间均受益于自然光线,并配有坚固的阿菲泽利亚木地板,镀锡墙和假石膏天花板除了别墅的入口门外,所有的树林都有漆面饰面,别墅的选择落在涂漆的天然木材上 新建筑的外框采用阳极氧化铝(环保工艺)为自然色,并带有热玻璃,而回收的旧建筑的框架是实木,保持了原始形象 应该指出的是,进入位于-1层(地下室)的画廊的汽车通道,该画廊为同一楼层的每栋房屋的私人停车场提供服务,这是利用了住宅区的土地比相邻街道更高的配额这一事实停车场和不同楼层之间的流通通过电梯适当地集成到三层楼的建筑物中来确保,对于别墅,则通过私人升降平台来确保 一般饰面: 阿菲泽利亚实木地板; 镀锡墙和石膏假天花板; 天然木材涂漆的入口门; 外部框架采用铝阳极氧化成自然色,并带有热玻璃; 绿色屋顶; 绿色墙壁; 通过辐射地板进行空调,配有地球/水热泵和单独的地热探头; 太阳能热板支持卫生热水的加热; 周边监控家庭视频监控系统; 建造供私人使用的小花园; 恢复现有的石窟和湖泊; 室内游泳池; 土耳其浴; 自动灌溉系统; 这些照片可能不对应于分数,而是对应于同一企业的类似部分 型号 1297Y/22 的房产 #ref:1297Y/22
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

房子 3 卧室 在 Gulpilhares e Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia

850.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 360 m² 土地 527 m² E.C.: C
Sale or Lease Excellent 3 fronts villa, in Miramar, in one of the main avenues and only 50 meters from the beach. This exclusive property, offers a special quality of life and has unique features. Villa with large and bright spaces. It has three large bedrooms, one of which is en-suite, with sea views. The bedrooms are spacious and offer the perfect environment to relax and enjoy a quiet and serene environment. The living room is large, with 45 sqm, providing an excellent space to receive visitors and spend pleasant moments with family. The dining room, integrated with an open-plan kitchen with island, has 60 sqm and is just a stone´s throw from the pool, allowing you to enjoy a nice sunbath, with maximum tranquility and privacy. The villa also has a spacious closed garage for two cars, as well as outside space to park at least three more, providing total convenience for residents and their guests. The property also has storage, laundry and pool engine room outside, to take care of all your daily needs. A special highlight of this villa is the excellent terrace/rooftop. Next to the pool it is the perfect space to enjoy relaxing moments outdoors or beautiful barbecues with friends. This villa is in excellent condition, providing future residents with a unique opportunity to live in a quality property with all the desired amenities and comfort. In addition, the price is extremely interesting, making it an excellent investment opportunity. Don´t miss the opportunity to acquire this amazing villa in Miramar. Contact us to schedule a visit and personally discover all the wonders that this property has to offer. *Also available for rent for €2,500/month. Contact us. #ref:HM230612
游泳池 海景 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Gulpilhares e Valadares, Vila Nova de Gaia

农场 6 卧室 在 Santa Marinha do Zêzere, Baião

1.000.000 €
6 卧室 总面积 510 m² E.C.: D
农场 6 卧室 在 Santa Marinha do Zêzere, Baião

公寓 5 卧室+1 在 Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos

1.500.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 378 m² E.C.: B-
Magnificent Apartment T5 +1 with 298 square meters of gross private area, inserted in a reference condominium of Matosinhos Sul, with project signed by Arqto. Rogério Cavaca . This apartment with a fantastic view of Sea, Garden and City Park consists of a spacious living room that is divided into a living area with fireplace and dining area, oriented to the south and west. The living room opens onto a pleasant balcony of 12 square meters. The service area has a kitchen with laundry treatment area and a friendly suite. Three of the five master bedrooms are en suite. The apartment also has central heating, double glazing, electric blinds and parking for four cars with storage. This project stands out for its privileged location and construction details, being the 1st in Porto to be the object of certification of the technical quality of construction and sustainability. The condominium will have 12,600 m2 of gardens On the roof of the development residents can enjoy stunning views of the City Park and the Sea while enjoying the Health Club with indoor pool, outdoor solarium in deck, jacuzzi, changing rooms and multipurpose room. This space is for the exclusive use of residents. Finishes: Floors in afizélia Masonic wood floor, central heating of natural gas and solar energy, heat recovery, bathrooms of the main suite in white stone with hot tub, security entrance door with soundproof, schuco aluminum frames with thermal cut, windows with sun protection and sound proof, balconies with wooden deck. The condominium includes a privileged location in Matosinhos, a few steps from the marginal and the beach, close to commerce and different supermarket chains, restaurants and terraces, gyms, gyms ( padel , tennis ) also having National and International Schools, Public and Private Hospital in the vicinity. It has a wide range of public transport with buses two minutes away and a metro station one kilometre away. It has excellent access, very close to the Road of the Circumvalation and access to the A4 motorway with connection to the A28 about eight minutes allowing easy access to other points of the city and the Airport Sá Carneiro. Porto City Park is the ’Walking Distance’, providing outdoor activities and sports. Foz do Douro is less than four kilometres away, and the centre of Porto is a 25-minute drive away. #ref:35644
游泳池 海景 和 电梯 和 车库
公寓 5 卧室+1 在 Matosinhos e Leça da Palmeira, Matosinhos

独立式住宅 5 卧室 在 Vilar de Andorinho, Vila Nova de Gaia

1.350.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 674 m² 土地 3.594 m² E.C.: B
House 4 FRONTS of DREAM, inserted in a land with 3,594m2! Completely REMODELED (new) with state-of-the-art equipment; Excellent construction; Kitchen with pantry 50m2; Room with 85m2; 5 bedrooms, 2 suites, office and lounge with 100m2. PVC window frames and new thermal blinds; State-of-the-art heating and cooling system and Solar Panels; Excellent outdoor area properly landscaped with drip irrigation system and 2 Well Holes; Indoor heated pool, Turkish bath, gym with changing rooms; Tennis court (multi-sports). MARK YOUR VISIT NOW! For more information and visits: (phone hidden) /6 or (phone hidden) Soluções Casa is a real estate company that has been operating in the Real Estate Mediation and Sales market for over 25 years. With a standard of seriousness in the provision of real estate services, it seeks to conduct good business efficiently, thus providing peace of mind to its customers. Originally created to sell residential properties, over the years Soluções Casa has expanded its operations to other market segments, including commercial, industrial and leisure properties across the country. Our team of collaborators is formed by experienced professionals, with vast knowledge to suggest the best alternatives. In addition, we have a fully computerized system, which allows for greater agility in research and adequacy of the property profile to the client´s requests. Backed by professionalism and seriousness, Soluções Casa is ranked among the largest real estate agents in Porto - Vila Nova de Gaia. ALL THE SERVICES WE PROVIDE TO GUARANTEE AN EFFECTIVE SALE: - Real estate advice; - Credit Intermediation: * Entity authorized by Banco de Portugal 001348; - Legal Office; - Marketing and Advertising Office. We provide constant monitoring throughout the process of buying or selling your property. MARK YOUR VISIT! For more information and visits: (phone hidden) /6 or (phone hidden) #ref:7407
游泳池 和 车库
独立式住宅 5 卧室 在 Vilar de Andorinho, Vila Nova de Gaia

公寓 3 卧室 在 Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto

1.300.000 €
3 卧室 可用面积 257 m² E.C.: B
New 3-bedroom apartment with lift in Nevogilde, one of the most prestigious areas of Porto, close to Avenida Brasil and Parque da Cidade. This property has 257 sq m of gross private area and 75 sq m of dependent area. It is in a condominium consisting of 5 apartments. It consists of an entrance hall, a lounge, kitchen, utility room, three bedrooms, (two of which are suites) and two bathrooms. On the top floor is a terrace with swimming pool and sea views. Features: - Works completed - Faces south, west and north - Kitchen equipped with Siemens appliances - Wall-mounted sanitary ware with electric underfloor heating - Reversible heat pump with condensation to air - Individual solar collectors per unit - Window frames with thermal insulation and double glazing - Oak wood flooring - Smart home system - Lift - Pool - 3 parking spaces with charging points for electric cars in the garages. The location of this apartment allows access to all kind of services and transport, with proximity to several schools, including the Oporto British School. Voted ’Best city break destination in Europe’ at the 2020 World Travel Awards, the city of Oporto was also given the top spot by Monocle’s Small Cities Index 2021. Business-friendly and export-oriented in its essence, its people are internationally minded. Deemed one of Europe’s fastest growing tech hubs, Oporto is also the country’s industrial hub. The capital of the North was voted 2nd most exciting city to live in by Time Out, having undergone a game-changing rehabilitation, restoring its medieval architecture and investing in its cultural institutions. Oporto’s Douro river is central to the city’s past, present and future. A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Douro river is flanked by some of the world’s most celebrated wines and beautiful vineyards. PROP-026871 #ref:PROP-026871
游泳池 和 电梯
公寓 3 卧室 在 Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto

房子 4 卧室 在 Canidelo, Vila Nova de Gaia

1.300.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 575 m² 土地 366 m² E.C.: 评估中
4 bedroom villa with 343 m2 of gross building area, garden, swimming pool, river and sea views, set in a 366 m2 plot of land, set in the SPLENDOURO Marina Houses development, in Canidelo, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto. Spread over three floors, the villa has on the -1 floor, the social area, with a swimming pool, garden and outdoor terrace. In the private area they have a living room, dining room with kitchenette and a toilet. On the 0th floor we have the entrance hall, a small garden and the entrance to the garage. Inside, the entrance hall, has two suites with a balcony divided by them. On the 1st floor, a private area, with two bedrooms en suite, the master suite having a large balcony. With excellent finishes and materials, it has laminated wood flooring, radiant oak finish, air conditioning, integrated home automation, pre installation of solar panels. It includes an exclusive elevator, anti-intrusion and anti-theft surveillance system, automated gates, among other details worthy of a villa of this quality. This project was conceived for those looking for a refuge, serenity and rest at home without ignoring the proximity of services, cultural offer, leisure and diversity that cities offer. Providing families with an unquestionable quality of life, where everything has been thought out for their well-being. #ref:SPD LT5
游泳池 海景
房子 4 卧室 在 Canidelo, Vila Nova de Gaia

公寓 3 卧室 在 Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto

1.350.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 378 m² E.C.: D
Fantastic 3 bedroom duplex apartment with rooftop pool for sale in Foz do Douro Situated at the level of a 6th floor this apartment, in addition to the light, has beautiful views of the sea and Douro River. The whole apartment is developed on a single floor and is equipped with a lift to the terrace, where the swimming pool is located. Spa to support the pool. All bedrooms and living room with access to the terrace. The apartment has a large living room with gas fireplace. Built-in furniture. The large, multi-window kitchen has all appliances recessed. Separate laundry room with direct light, with boiler and washing machine. Social bathroom. Large entrance hall. The private area has wide corridors. It has 3 suites, all with large closets. One of the suites has a bathtub. Wooden floors in the whole house. Central heating Window frames with double glazing and thermal cutting The energy classification is prior to the completion of the remodeling works in 2018. Garage for 2 cars. Concierge with porter Green spaces Quiet area, but equipped with all the services nearby. Close to the Catholic University, English College and the beach. umseisum is a technical reference studio, with competence in the areas of architecture, engineering, construction, design and decoration, with an internal team of dozens of managers, engineers, budget meters and architects. In addition to the technical areas, umseisum has a strong presence in the real estate business, with several open ateliers, both in the North and South of the country, and a multidisciplinary team of business managers, trained and specialized in the integrated service that the company offers. By gathering skills throughout the cycle of the construction process, from the search for the property, through the development of the projects necessary for its rehabilitation or remodeling, to the planning and execution of work, and until its delivery, equipped and decorated, umseisum offers its clients the resulting advantage, that is, the synergy created between the various teams, which translates into reducing the value of the investment and obtaining a product that meets the expectation. Thus, through its real estate area, it is possible to find the house, loft, apartment, villa or land, small or large, which corresponds to the ideal of its clients and negotiate the best price for its purchase, use the architectural area to idealize all the spaces of the dwelling with quality, durability and at low cost, settle the construction, recovery, restructuring or rehabilitation in its areas of engineering and construction, and design pieces of furniture, also decorating the total space, with its areas of design and decoration. With its business plan totally focused on optimizing the investment of its clients, umseisum specializes in achieving its objectives, taking into account their tastes, needs and financial resources available for each project. #ref:A01358-MJ
游泳池 和 电梯
公寓 3 卧室 在 Aldoar, Foz do Douro e Nevogilde, Porto

农场 15 卧室 在 Bem Viver, Marco de Canaveses

1.390.000 €
15 卧室 总面积 399 m² E.C.: F
绝佳的机会!农场有 3 个相邻的待售地块,300 米面向杜罗河,已获批项目将建造一家 5 星级乡村酒店,拥有 15 间卧室 + 别墅,带 4 间套房 + 别墅,拥有 2 间套房,均可直接欣赏杜罗河的美景,并享有绝佳的阳光方向 该项目最初被开发并批准建造一家酒店和两栋别墅,共有21间客房但是,如果买方愿意,葡萄牙旅游局已经预先批准了这三个地块并改变项目,维护建筑物的外观,从而建造一个多达28间客房的酒店 这些更改将在购买土地后进行,可以选择在项目建筑师的支持下进行 距波尔图市中心 1 小时车程,可通往河流,为酒店的客人提供难忘的抵达体验 自 2019 年以来,业主一直在开发该项目,从而节省了 5 年的官僚程序从各个机构获得许可证的旅程 #ref:QUIAS001
游泳池 和 电梯 和 车库
农场 15 卧室 在 Bem Viver, Marco de Canaveses

房子 5 卧室 在 Canidelo, Vila Nova de Gaia

1.380.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 645 m² 土地 425 m² E.C.: 评估中
5 bedroom villa with 364m2 of gross construction area, garden, swimming pool, river and sea views, set in a plot of land of 414 m2, inserted in the SPLENDOURO Marina Houses development, in Canidelo, Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto. Spread over three floors, the villa has a social area on the -1 floor, with a pool and garden. In the private area, there are three suites and a laundry room. On the 0th floor we have the entrance hall, a small garden and the entrance to the garage. Inside, after the entrance hall, living room, dining room and kitchen in open space. On the 1st floor, the private area, there are two bedrooms en suite, the master suite having a large balcony overlooking the river. With excellent finishes and materials, it has laminated wood flooring, radiant oak finish, air conditioning, integrated home automation, pre installation of solar panels. It includes an exclusive elevator, anti-intrusion and anti-theft surveillance system, automated gates, among other details worthy of a villa of this quality. This project was conceived for those looking for refuge, serenity and rest at home without ignoring the proximity of services, cultural offer, leisure and diversity that cities offer. Providing families with an unquestionable quality of life, where everything has been thought out for their well-being. #ref:SPD LT10
游泳池 海景 和 车库
房子 5 卧室 在 Canidelo, Vila Nova de Gaia

房子 4 卧室+2 在 Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma, Vila Nova de Gaia

750.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 440 m² 土地 2.480 m² E.C.: A+
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室+2 在 Sandim, Olival, Lever e Crestuma, Vila Nova de Gaia
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