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IRS refunds have started to be paid

14 四月 2023
Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira IRS Despesas Finanças
After 1.7 million tax returns have been submitted, refund payments are now being processed, the deadline for which is only in August.
IRS refunds have started to be paid
Source: Pexels
Author: Redaction

The delivery of IRS Declarations started last April 1, allowing taxpayers to submit their accounts, through the Finance Portal, until the end of June and, according to the official statements of the Ministry of Finance, the first refunds are already being paid, having started last Thursday, April 13, to be delivered in the taxpayers' accounts. So, if you filed your tax return early, and according to the deadlines set by the Government, it is likely that you have already received, or will receive in the coming days, your tax refund. 

The Government said: "the campaign, which began on April 1, is running smoothly and without any constraints, and taxpayers can file their tax return for income earned in 2022 until June 30, regardless of income category. By 6pm on the 12th, 1.7 million tax returns had been submitted by taxpayers. Of these, 46% were submitted via the automatic IRS". 

We remind you that last year, the deadlines set by the Government varied on average 17 days, with the refund forecast, for those who opted for the Automatic IRS, of around 12 days, and around 19 days for those who submitted it manually.

To check the status of the IRS refund

Access the Finance Portal and select the IRS area. You must put your NIF and enter your password. Then you should, in your personal area of IRSclick on "Consult Declaration" and choose the year of income, in this case 2022, and select "Search". Finally, you can check the status of your declaration, which can vary between 
  • Right declaration (validated)
  • Settlement Processed (you already have information about the reimbursement amount)
  • Refund Issued (the transfer has already been processed by the Tax Authorities)
  • Payment Confirmed (check your bank account, you should have received your refund!)
The refund can also be issued by postal order or cheque, in case you don't have a bank account or if you check an invalid IBAN on the Finance portal.
Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira IRS Despesas Finanças
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