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Zh-cn: 590 广告


房子 6 卧室 在 Rua dos Jacintos, Amora, Seixal

1.290.000 €
6 卧室 总面积 377 m² 土地 1.050 m² E.C.: B
豪华独立式 6 卧室别墅位于贝尔韦德,一楼 一楼的物业是新的,插入一个1050平方米的地块,毗邻Herdade da apostiça,使该物业具有和平与安宁的独特特征 酒店拥有最先进的设备,提供以下设施: - AEG设备齐全的厨房; - 电地暖厕所; - 6块光伏板; - Sal 9x5 游泳池,带平板电脑; - 自流钻孔; - 中央真空; - 带电动和热百叶窗的PVC; -报警; - 集中式百叶窗; - 大金热泵; - 带壁炉的壁炉; - 带灌溉系统的花园; 快来看看你的梦想家园 贝尔韦德 它是塔霍河南岸的一个地方,插入阿莫拉教区塞萨尔市和塞图巴尔区 其中有许多类似房屋的建筑,用作第一和第二房屋 它的增长主要发生在 1970 年代以后这个小镇坐落在广阔的松树林 Pinhal da Aroeira 中,非常靠近 Fonte da Telha 的海滩,使其成为塔霍河南岸最令人向往的地区之一 周围环绕着属于Pinhal da Aroeira的精致和新鲜空气,在其周围环境中,我们面临着与众不同的宁静与和谐,在它旁边,我们可以找到各种服务来改善您的幸福感,从国家级获奖最多的酒店之一,Evidência Belverde酒店,餐厅,超市,两分钟路程是欧洲最著名的高尔夫球场之一, Herdade de Aroeira I& II酒店的高尔夫球场坐落在一片受保护的松树林中,距离Costa da Caparica海滩线600米 注意:此属性不可用于房地产共享 如欲了解更多信息,请联系: 佩德罗·席尔瓦 SCI房地产集团 #ref:9913
和 车库
房子 6 卧室 在 Rua dos Jacintos, Amora, Seixal

独立式住宅 5 卧室+2 Triplex 在 Rua Ria de Aveiro, Corroios, Seixal

1.780.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 370 m² 土地 1.200 m² E.C.: B
独立式住宅 T5,带地下室和游泳池的传统建筑 - Verdizela 总面积370m2,土地面积1200m2,建筑面积268m2 房子有3层,包括: 中转: - 入口大厅20m2,瓷砖地板 - 客厅40平方米,带假天花板,马赛克地板,带壁炉的壁炉,可俯瞰花园 - 厨房 36m2山毛榉家具硅石台面假天花板和露台 配备烤箱炉灶抽油烟机冰箱冰柜微波炉和洗碗机, -带3平方米和假天花板的社交浴室 - 套房 19m2,带浮动地板,7m2 浴室,4m2 壁橱,花园景观 - 套房15平方米,带浮动地板,带推拉门的衣柜,7平方米的浴室,配有假天花板和窗户 1楼: - 21平方米的套房,带浮动地板,6平方米的浴室,带推拉门的衣柜,俯瞰花园的阳台 - 18平方米的卧室,带浮动地板,带推拉门的衣柜,阳台,俯瞰花园 - 19m2房间,浮动地板,20m2露台,俯瞰花园 - 完整的8m2浴室 挖掘: - 机房/洗衣房,面积为10m2 - 40 m2 的游戏室 - 洗手间 4m2 -55平方米的车库,可停放3辆车 45平方米的附楼,设有完整的浴室,可通往游泳池和储藏室 配备双层玻璃中央真空吸尘器通风对流器电动百叶窗自动门太阳能电池板预安装环境音响自动灌溉报警和 7 个监控摄像头和一楼的空调 在机舱内有一个颗粒锅炉,为中央供暖和洗衣机供电 室外空间设有花园和氯池,门廊区设有烧烤设施 除了地下室的车库空间外,屋内还有停放4辆车的空间 靠近商店药店学校花园和公共交通 阳光照射:北前/南后,东/西侧 距离里斯本 25 公里,距离海滩 4 公里 #ref:15392
豪华 和 车库
独立式住宅 5 卧室+2 Triplex 在 Rua Ria de Aveiro, Corroios, Seixal

独立式住宅 5 卧室 在 Corroios, Seixal

1.600.000 € 1.700.000 € 6%
5 卧室 总面积 370 m² 土地 1.019 m² E.C.: A
独立式住宅 5 卧室 在 Corroios, Seixal

房子 3 卧室 在 Rua da Achada de Santo Antão, Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

1.495.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 355 m² 土地 382 m² E.C.: A
游泳池 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Rua da Achada de Santo Antão, Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 353 m² 土地 55 m² E.C.: C
房子V4 - 金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉在安塔斯地区,在波尔图 豪华的封闭式社区金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉位于安塔斯,这是波尔图市最负盛名的住宅区之一 该公寓总共由28个部分组成,在恢复的现有建筑物中,它呈现出几种类型,即T1,T2,T3,T4,T4复式,面积在118平方米至377平方米之间,在新建筑中,站立着单户联排别墅,类型T3,T4和T5,面积在220平方米至315平方米之间 封闭式社区是16,000平方米的物业的一部分,配有带太阳能电池板和直射灯的室内温水游泳池,土耳其浴室,宴会厅和广阔的花园 住宅公寓是旧建筑的修复的结果,更像是农场而不是建筑物’事实上,这是一种带有豪宅的农场,在完美的共生中容纳了公寓和别墅 在联排别墅的情况下,它们分布在两层楼上:第一层位于土地层,第二层部分被掩埋,在那里您可以进入庭院和私人花园,以及集成到别墅本身中的封闭式停车场 昆塔·达·卡萨·阿马雷拉雄伟的建筑设计,与浪漫主义时期有关,受到尊重 从这个意义上说,他保留了徽章(历史上是勇气和勇敢的象征),雄伟的入口大门和三米高的墙壁但它也保留了浪漫的石窟,人工湖和花园的原始设计,然后与田野融为一体进行农业活动 此外,在外墙围栏墙旁边突出一条行人环路,它既可以作为进入房屋和电机流通的画廊,也可以作为维护电路,延伸约600米 一套设备,由礼宾部,卫生设施,男女更衣室和用于支持或准备饭菜的食品储藏室协助’因为今天可持续性与安全一样,是社区生活最重要的价值之一,自动灌溉系统是使用现有水井的水制成的 新住宅公寓所有住宅的所有隔间均受益于自然光线,并配有坚固的阿菲泽利亚木地板,镀锡墙和假石膏天花板除了别墅的入口门外,所有的树林都有漆面饰面,别墅的选择落在涂漆的天然木材上 新建筑的外框采用阳极氧化铝(环保工艺)为自然色,并带有热玻璃,而回收的旧建筑的框架是实木,保持了原始形象 应该指出的是,进入位于-1层(地下室)的画廊的汽车通道,该画廊为同一楼层的每栋房屋的私人停车场提供服务,这是利用了住宅区的土地比相邻街道更高的配额这一事实停车场和不同楼层之间的流通通过电梯适当地集成到三层楼的建筑物中来确保,对于别墅,则通过私人升降平台来确保 一般饰面: 阿菲泽利亚实木地板; 镀锡墙和石膏假天花板; 天然木材涂漆的入口门; 外部框架采用铝阳极氧化成自然色,并带有热玻璃; 绿色屋顶; 绿色墙壁; 通过辐射地板进行空调,配有地球/水热泵和单独的地热探头; 太阳能热板支持卫生热水的加热; 周边监控家庭视频监控系统; 建造供私人使用的小花园; 恢复现有的石窟和湖泊; 室内游泳池; 土耳其浴; 自动灌溉系统; 这些照片可能不对应于分数,而是对应于同一企业的类似部分 物业编号:1297S/22 #ref:1297S/22
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 355 m² 土地 55 m² E.C.: C
房子V4 - 金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉在安塔斯地区,在波尔图 豪华的封闭式社区金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉位于安塔斯,这是波尔图市最负盛名的住宅区之一 该公寓总共由28个部分组成,在恢复的现有建筑物中,它呈现出几种类型,即T1,T2,T3,T4,T4复式,面积在118平方米至377平方米之间,在新建筑中,站立着单户联排别墅,类型T3,T4和T5,面积在220平方米至315平方米之间 封闭式社区是16,000平方米的物业的一部分,配有带太阳能电池板和直射灯的室内温水游泳池,土耳其浴室,宴会厅和广阔的花园 住宅公寓是旧建筑的修复的结果,更像是农场而不是建筑物’事实上,这是一种带有豪宅的农场,在完美的共生中容纳了公寓和别墅 在联排别墅的情况下,它们分布在两层楼上:第一层位于土地层,第二层部分被掩埋,在那里您可以进入庭院和私人花园,以及集成到别墅本身中的封闭式停车场 昆塔·达·卡萨·阿马雷拉雄伟的建筑设计,与浪漫主义时期有关,受到尊重 从这个意义上说,他保留了徽章(历史上是勇气和勇敢的象征),雄伟的入口大门和三米高的墙壁但它也保留了浪漫的石窟,人工湖和花园的原始设计,然后与田野融为一体进行农业活动 此外,在外墙围栏墙旁边突出一条行人环路,它既可以作为进入房屋和电机流通的画廊,也可以作为维护电路,延伸约600米 一套设备,由礼宾部,卫生设施,男女更衣室和用于支持或准备饭菜的食品储藏室协助’因为今天可持续性与安全一样,是社区生活最重要的价值之一,自动灌溉系统是使用现有水井的水制成的 新住宅公寓所有住宅的所有隔间均受益于自然光线,并配有坚固的阿菲泽利亚木地板,镀锡墙和假石膏天花板除了别墅的入口门外,所有的树林都有漆面饰面,别墅的选择落在涂漆的天然木材上 新建筑的外框采用阳极氧化铝(环保工艺)为自然色,并带有热玻璃,而回收的旧建筑的框架是实木,保持了原始形象 应该指出的是,进入位于-1层(地下室)的画廊的汽车通道,该画廊为同一楼层的每栋房屋的私人停车场提供服务,这是利用了住宅区的土地比相邻街道更高的配额这一事实停车场和不同楼层之间的流通通过电梯适当地集成到三层楼的建筑物中来确保,对于别墅,则通过私人升降平台来确保 一般饰面: 阿菲泽利亚实木地板; 镀锡墙和石膏假天花板; 天然木材涂漆的入口门; 外部框架采用铝阳极氧化成自然色,并带有热玻璃; 绿色屋顶; 绿色墙壁; 通过辐射地板进行空调,配有地球/水热泵和单独的地热探头; 太阳能热板支持卫生热水的加热; 周边监控家庭视频监控系统; 建造供私人使用的小花园; 恢复现有的石窟和湖泊; 室内游泳池; 土耳其浴; 自动灌溉系统; 物业编号:1297T/22 #ref:1297T/22
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

公寓 4 卧室 在 Nogueira, Fraião e Lamaçães, Braga

1.300.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 533 m² E.C.: A
Luxurious 4 bedroom apartments with Exclusive and Futuristic design, bright and refined, under construction, with large areas, floor area of the apartment of 282 m2 plus terrace with about 230 m2. And it should be noted that on this terrace we have a swimming pool for the exclusive use of the apartment. Bright and refined apartments, place of excellence with panoramic views over the city, close to areas of commerce, services, leisure and well-being. Equipment: - Full air conditioning by VRV; - Underfloor heating; - Gas boiler for heating sanitary water and underfloor heating; - VMC controlled mechanical ventilation - Kitchen with appliances. Hob, Oven, Microwave, Wall Extractor; - Electric blinds; - Built-in foci; - LED strips on the balconies; - Alarm pre-installation; - Gates sectioned into the outside and the inside. Exclusive of the 2 Penthouses: - Heated pool with heat pump; - Deck floor in composite deck; - Elevator to exit in the apartment; Finishes: - In the entrance hall, living room and bedrooms, the floor will be in solid wood; - Kitchen, laundry and bathrooms in ceramic kerlite; - False ceilings with built-in spotlights; - Doors and windows in Cortizo aluminum frames; - Lighting sinks and pre-installation of blackouts. With high quality materials and finishes. A T4 for the price of 1.300.000,00€ and another for 1.550.000,00€. We also have Apartments T3 with areas ranging from 168 m2 to 187 m2, individual garages for one to two cars, prices from €480,500.00 to €548,500.00 T2 all sold. Take advantage of this opportunity, book your visit!! ️ Call Nuno Barrocas + (phone hidden) WhatsApp) #ref:clix mais AP 1010
游泳池 和 电梯 和 车库
公寓 4 卧室 在 Nogueira, Fraião e Lamaçães, Braga

房子 5 卧室 Triplex 在 Luz, Lagos

1.260.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 524 m² 土地 458 m² E.C.: C
This magnificent 5-bedroom villa has been very well thought out, with large rooms leading from the ground floor onto a generous south-facing terrace, offering optimum sunshine all day long. The villa, divided over 3 floors with a lift for ease of movement, comprises on the ground floor a spacious, welcoming entrance hall, a very large living room divided between a large, bright reception room with an fireplace and a spacious dining room offering superb sea views from its large terrace, perfect for meals and BBQs. The traditional kitchen is fully equipped and has an adjoining pantry. On the same floor, at the end of the hallway is a first en-suite bedroom with access to a small private balcony with sea views and a bright bathroom with bath. Also on the ground floor is a guest toilet. The garage is located on the same level and has both internal and external access. The first floor, accessed by a handsome staircase decorated in Portuguese stone, leads to a spacious hall from which the 4 bedrooms are distributed. The large master bedroom, with its four-poster bed, has magnificent sea views and access to a large indoor and outdoor covered terrace. The other two bedrooms are also en-suite with sea views and each have private balconies. The 5th bedroom can be used as a study and the family bathroom is at the end of the hallway. All bedrooms have high-quality built-in wooden wardrobes. The fully finished basement is currently used as a large games room, office area, kitchenette, full bathroom with walk-in shower and a large storage room. The outdoor space is very pleasant with its lovely heated swimming pool, very private out of sight, a built-in barbecue area and a small garden complete this offer. Additional features of this exceptional property include the full installation of air conditioning, electric central heating in all rooms, central vacuum extraction, an alarm system with CCTV control and a heated swimming pool, a carport and double glazing. The lift serves all 3 floors. There is still another unfinished area, where it would be possible to create a large T1 flat or two small T2 flats. This house is undoubtedly a great opportunity for a large family looking for living space under the same roof, or a superb opportunity for a Bed & Breakfast project. A visit is definitely required to fully appreciate all the volumes, quality materials and features of this unique property. #ref:ML1003
海景 和 车库
房子 5 卧室 Triplex 在 Luz, Lagos

房子 5 卧室 在 S.Maria e S.Miguel, S.Martinho, S.Pedro Penaferrim, Sintra

1.450.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 400 m² E.C.: C
房子 5 卧室 在 S.Maria e S.Miguel, S.Martinho, S.Pedro Penaferrim, Sintra

房子 4 卧室 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 355 m² E.C.: C
An exclusive and private condominium, located in Antas, Porto, stands out for its luxury and proximity to the iconic Praça Velasquez. With an area of 15,500 m², it offers top amenities including an indoor heated pool, Turkish bath, and spacious gardens with imposing trees, a grotto, and a lake, all protected by a high wall ensuring comfort, quality, security, and privacy. Designed by the renowned architect Eduardo Souto de Moura, the condominium combines the renovation of old romantic mansions with new contemporary constructions. With sustainable technologies and top-notch finishes, our stunning villa blends perfectly with the city and nature, representing a true urban village embedded in the soul of Porto. This project is a masterpiece that reflects Souto de Moura’s legacy in the 21st century, merging historical charm with modernity and sustainability. PROJECT FEATURES: GENERAL: [+] 15,500 m² project [+] Designed by the renowned architect Eduardo Souto de Moura [+] Completed in 2021 VILLA: [+] Contemporary V4 villa [+] Usable area: 273 m² [+] 2 floors [+] 2 suites + 2 bedrooms [+] 5 bathrooms [+] Suite facing a 68.5 m² garden [+] Private use garden [+] Enclosed garage for 3 cars TOP-NOTCH FINISHES: [+] Botticini marble [+] Afizélia wood flooring [+] Underfloor heating and cooling system [+] Exterior frames with thermal glass in anodized aluminum [+] Home automation system [+] Electric blinds [+] Central vacuum system [+] Hydraulic elevator SUSTAINABILITY: [+] Sustainable systems such as geothermal energy [+] Solar panels [+] Green roofs [+] Vertical green walls EXTERIOR/AMENITIES: [+] Indoor heated pool with direct external light [+] Romantic grotto and lake with surrounding garden [+] Turkish bath with changing rooms [+] Gardens with large trees, grotto, and lake [+] Meeting and event room with kitchen, pantry, and bathrooms [+] Reception with full control of the video intercom system [+] Private use common gardens [+] Condominium gardens for common use with about 3,000 m² [+] Pedestrian circuit around the entire perimeter of the development (500 m) [+] Recovered existing water wells supplying the automatic irrigation system for all gardens and roofs. #ref:CAS_150
和 车库
房子 4 卧室 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

公寓 3 卧室 在 Rua Alto da Balaia, Albufeira e Olhos de Água, Albufeira

1.270.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 554 m² E.C.: B-
Penthouse flat with sea view and lots of privacy, located on the fourth floor of a contemporary building, with lift to the only flat on this floor. In the entrance hall we are immediately presented with a glimpse of the natural light that floods the flat through its large glazed elevations that also allow us to appreciate the vast pine forest that surrounds the development. We didn’t even notice that we were already in the kitchen area and in the open-plan dining room, with a huge island, a table for eight people and all the necessary equipment. From this space you can already observe and communicate with the living room, with the huge terrace and the sea on the horizon as a backdrop. Two en-suite bedrooms, a third bedroom and a full bathroom are available. The house has underfloor heating, inverter air conditioning system and a wonderful gas fireplace. The terrace outside the flat extends in an area of 350 m2 to the south and a corridor and around the entire house. This terrace is decorated with a wide variety of plants, four day beds with pergola covers, a jacuzzi for six people and a social area with several garden sofas that can accommodate several people. There is also a small gym outside to keep in shape and a pantry for gardening and maintenance items. The owner of this fantastic flat has the use of the tennis court, the garden and the pleasant communal swimming pool. Maria Luísa beach is only about a ten-minute walk away, considered one of the most stunning beaches in the municipality of Albufeira. This 1 bedroom flat is transformed into a three-bedroom flat according to the published plan. We can consider this area of Balaia, between Olhos de Agua and Albufeira, very quiet, practically without traffic and very close to some shops and restaurants with a five-to-ten minute walk. The pine forest that surrounds the development is extremely pleasing to the eye and provides a well-being that is difficult to achieve in other places. The property is at a distance of 2 km from a supermarket and other services. The airport is thirty-five kilometres away, a golf course is one kilometre away, the Hospital is less than 4 km away and the Health Centre is 5 km away. The GNR is about 4 kilometres away. APA_52208 #ref:APA_52208
顶层 海景 和 电梯 和 车库
公寓 3 卧室 在 Rua Alto da Balaia, Albufeira e Olhos de Água, Albufeira

别墅 5 卧室 在 Mexilhoeira Grande, Portimão

1.200.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 350 m² 土地 2.850 m² E.C.: A+
This excellent luxury detached 5 bedroom villa with a private pool is on a plot of 2,850m2. It is located in the quiet and privileged countryside of Vale da Ribeira with stunning landscapes. It has excellent connections and is only a 10 minute drive to the Historic city of Lagos, the town of Portimão, beautiful sandy beaches and two 5* golf courses. Additional information: This modern, detached villa is full of character and has been finished to a very high standard. Electric gates lead to the driveway and entrance of the property. The hallway opens into a large living room with a beautiful high wooden beamed ceiling and a fireplace and this flows into the dining area. Patio doors from the living/dining area open onto a very spacious South West facing terrace which is perfect for relaxing and Al Fresco dining and has enjoys the most amazing country views. The amazing sunsets can be experienced as well. The fully fitted kitchen is equipped to a high standard including an island and can be open or closed with sliding doors. Next to the kitchen is a large utility room which opens onto the mature and well maintained garden. There is also a guest bathroom and direct access to the garage. Stairs lead to the lower floor where all the 5 bedrooms which are very generous in size have access to the pool area and have fitted wardrobes. On this level there is a laundry room, 4 ensuite bedrooms of which one is the master with a stand alone bath. There is an additional bedroom and a family bathroom with shower. The outdoor area around the villa is large with a swimming pool, shower and pool bar with fridge and sink, plus a barbecue area and mature and well maintained gardens. There are also 2 external storage rooms for pool and gardening equipment. This villa is equipped with high quality materials including A/C, underfloor heating, solar panels for electricity and hot water. #ref:AB0437
和 车库
别墅 5 卧室 在 Mexilhoeira Grande, Portimão

房子 5 卧室 在 Albufeira e Olhos de Água, Albufeira

1.250.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 424 m² 土地 476 m² E.C.: B
3 + 2 bedroom villa of modern style located in Albufeira, distributed over three floors - basement, ground floor and first floor. Upon entering the house, you are greeted by an entrance hall that gives access to the different areas of the house. The villa features a living room and a dining room, both spacious and ideal for entertainment. The living room and the dining room have exit to a wonderful balcony, which offers a pleasant view over the pool and an outdoor space to relax. Five bedrooms, all of them en suite, which provides comfort and privacy to residents and guests. In addition to the en-suite rooms, there is even one more bathroom for visitors, which is convenient for those visiting the house. Games room, which can be a fun space for residents. Garage, offering safe space for parking vehicles. Storage laundry, allowing easy care of clothes, cleaning of the house and greater organization. Equipped with air-conditioning, which helps to keep the indoor environment comfortable, especially in hot climates. The presence of double glazing contributes to thermal and acoustic insulation. Outside the property, there is a modern swimming pool, ideal for moments of leisure and relaxation on hot days. ~ A leisure area and a dining area, which provides outdoor activities and enjoy meals. The location of the villa is in the central area of Albufeira, close to the Oura area, means that the locals are conveniently located close to shops, restaurants, beaches and other attractions that Albufeira has to offer. This villa offers a number of amenities, well-distributed spaces and a comfortable environment both inside and outside the house. Its central location adds additional value by providing easy access to all that Albufeira has to offer. Distances: Faro Airport (FAO): 30 km Golf: 5 km Beaches: 2 km Commercial Area: 1 km Medical clinic: 1 km Pharmacies: 1 km Book your visit with us now and come and see this beautiful villa. You have the dream, the VAP Team has the house - VAP TEAM! VAP261882 #ref:VAP261882
房子 5 卧室 在 Albufeira e Olhos de Água, Albufeira

房子 4 卧室 在 Bensafrim e Barão de São João, Lagos

1.400.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 514 m² 土地 36.000 m² E.C.: C
Magnificent property with 514 m2 of total construction on land with a total area of 36,000 m2, of which 12,000 m2 are urban and are fully fenced. Located in the middle of nature to provide you with tranquility, with stunning and panoramic views of the countryside and only 5 minutes drive from Bensafrim and 10 minutes from Lagos. The location of this villa is great, because in a few minutes by car is close to all amenities such as beaches, international schools, shops, supermarkets, golf resorts, sports facilities, etc. When entering the property by automatic gates there is a garage with covered shed for 3 cars and garage closed for 1 car. This property has the advantage of having a single floor and consists of entrance hall, service bathroom, open space kitchen, dining and living room with very bright fireplace and overlooking the pool and gardens, 4 bedrooms and a total of 3 bathrooms, a large storage room / laundry room and has the attic the size of the property. All divisions of the property have direct access to the outside, to the saltwater pool, jacuzzi, barbecue, outdoor kitchen, pool bar, pool side house and solarium. The pool area also has a pergola with very nice sofas. This property has automatic irrigation system, complete central heating, air conditioning, bore hole with reserve of 15,000 liters and also network water with reserve of 3,000 liters. Don’t miss this opportunity, book your visit now. #ref:2315
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 在 Bensafrim e Barão de São João, Lagos

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Nogueira, Fraião e Lamaçães, Braga

1.200.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 450 m² 土地 1.100 m² E.C.: A
This exclusive 4-bedroom villa, with a footprint of 294m² and a gross construction area of 450m², is located on a generous plot of 1100m² in one of the most desirable areas of the city of Braga. The architectural project, designed by the renowned architect Nuno Meira, stands out for its strategic use of open spaces and high-quality materials, offering a top-notch residential experience. The property enjoys complete privacy and features striking architecture with exposed concrete, complemented by a flat roof with a slab finish, reflecting a contemporary and sophisticated lifestyle. The strategic location of this villa allows for the perfect combination between the tranquility of nature and urban conveniences, offering panoramic views that can be enjoyed through the large windows that also guarantee excellent thermal efficiency. ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN [+] Architectural project: Arq. Nuno Meira [+] House completely built in exposed concrete ’Renaferbet’ [+] Flat roof with slab finish [+] Interior shutters in wooden veneer in the living room, kitchen, and office INDOOR COMFORT [+] Strong multilayer flooring in Hard Maple [+] Indirect lighting in all LED cornices, carried out by ’Flosel’ [+] ’Efapel’ wall controls ’Siza Vieira’ series [+] Built-in wardrobes with interior LED lighting in MDF with birch veneer [+] Paneled walls in MDF with birch veneer FINISHES & EQUIPMENT [+] Kitchen with ’Samsung’ and ’BOSCH’ appliances [+] Silestone countertops and kitchen island [+] ’Sanindusa’ bathroom fixtures [+] ’Roriz’ taps [+] ’JNF’ door handles [+] Electric blinds in bedrooms ENERGY AND EFFICIENCY [+] Energy certificate A [+] ’Mitsubishi’ air conditioning with independent control per room, installed in ducts in the false ceiling. [+] 300L heat pump TECHNOLOGY AND SECURITY [+] Outdoor security cameras accessible via app [+] Alarm pre-installation [+] Video intercom with access control in the entrance hall and kitchen OUTDOOR AND LEISURE [+] Swimming pool with heating pre-installation [+] Spacious 66m² garage. #ref:CAS_145
和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Nogueira, Fraião e Lamaçães, Braga

房子 5 卧室 在 Lagoa e Carvoeiro, Lagoa

1.495.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 536 m² 土地 1.500 m² E.C.: C
Excellent villa built with high quality materials and situated in a serene and well-kept location, just a few minutes from Carvoeiro and the town of Lagoa. Composed of two floors and a swimming pool. On the ground floor, you´ll find a cosy entrance hall leading to an extremely spacious and fully equipped kitchen, a convenient utility room, a laundry room, a garage and a bathroom with shower. The living room with a fireplace and the open-plan dining room are spacious and have direct access to the terrace, pool and garden. In addition, there is an en suite bedroom and a further bedroom, currently used as an additional room. On the first floor, there are three bedrooms, with access to a large terrace, and a bathroom with a relaxing whirlpool bath. There is also an additional terrace, perfect for enjoying the panoramic views. Outside, there is an additional bathroom to support the pool and an inviting wine cellar for socialising with friends and family. The pool, with its generous dimensions of 12x4 metres, is heated by an efficient heat pump. The garden has an automatic irrigation system, as well as some fruit trees. The property has two entrances and enough space to park several cars. Outside there is also an entertainment area ideal for children with a playground with swings and a slide. Don´t miss out on this unique opportunity and book your visit now! Features: Central heating with external diesel tank; Air conditioning; Central vacuum system. #ref:4296
游泳池 和 车库
房子 5 卧室 在 Lagoa e Carvoeiro, Lagoa

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 351 m² 土地 50 m² E.C.: C
房子V4 - 金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉在安塔斯地区,在波尔图 豪华的封闭式社区金塔达卡萨阿马雷拉位于安塔斯,这是波尔图市最负盛名的住宅区之一 该公寓总共由28个部分组成,在恢复的现有建筑物中,它呈现出几种类型,即T1,T2,T3,T4,T4复式,面积在118平方米至377平方米之间,在新建筑中,站立着单户联排别墅,类型T3,T4和T5,面积在220平方米至315平方米之间 封闭式社区是16,000平方米的物业的一部分,配有带太阳能电池板和直射灯的室内温水游泳池,土耳其浴室,宴会厅和广阔的花园 住宅公寓是旧建筑的修复的结果,更像是农场而不是建筑物’事实上,这是一种带有豪宅的农场,在完美的共生中容纳了公寓和别墅 在联排别墅的情况下,它们分布在两层楼上:第一层位于土地层,第二层部分被掩埋,在那里您可以进入庭院和私人花园,以及集成到别墅本身中的封闭式停车场 昆塔·达·卡萨·阿马雷拉雄伟的建筑设计,与浪漫主义时期有关,受到尊重 从这个意义上说,他保留了徽章(历史上是勇气和勇敢的象征),雄伟的入口大门和三米高的墙壁但它也保留了浪漫的石窟,人工湖和花园的原始设计,然后与田野融为一体进行农业活动 此外,在外墙围栏墙旁边突出一条行人环路,它既可以作为进入房屋和电机流通的画廊,也可以作为维护电路,延伸约600米 一套设备,由礼宾部,卫生设施,男女更衣室和用于支持或准备饭菜的食品储藏室协助’因为今天可持续性与安全一样,是社区生活最重要的价值之一,自动灌溉系统是使用现有水井的水制成的 新住宅公寓所有住宅的所有隔间均受益于自然光线,并配有坚固的阿菲泽利亚木地板,镀锡墙和假石膏天花板除了别墅的入口门外,所有的树林都有漆面饰面,别墅的选择落在涂漆的天然木材上 新建筑的外框采用阳极氧化铝(环保工艺)为自然色,并带有热玻璃,而回收的旧建筑的框架是实木,保持了原始形象 应该指出的是,进入位于-1层(地下室)的画廊的汽车通道,该画廊为同一楼层的每栋房屋的私人停车场提供服务,这是利用了住宅区的土地比相邻街道更高的配额这一事实停车场和不同楼层之间的流通通过电梯适当地集成到三层楼的建筑物中来确保,对于别墅,则通过私人升降平台来确保 一般饰面: 阿菲泽利亚实木地板; 镀锡墙和石膏假天花板; 天然木材涂漆的入口门; 外部框架采用铝阳极氧化成自然色,并带有热玻璃; 绿色屋顶; 绿色墙壁; 通过辐射地板进行空调,配有地球/水热泵和单独的地热探头; 太阳能热板支持卫生热水的加热; 周边监控家庭视频监控系统; 建造供私人使用的小花园; 恢复现有的石窟和湖泊; 室内游泳池; 土耳其浴; 自动灌溉系统; 这些照片可能不对应于分数,而是对应于同一企业的类似部分 型号 1297Y/22 的房产 #ref:1297Y/22
游泳池 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Avenida dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Bonfim, Porto

房子 4 卧室 在 Alcabideche, Cascais

1.600.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 388 m² 土地 1.215 m² E.C.: D
Moradia de 7 assoalhadas, T4 - Condominio Aldeia Residence, Bicesse, Cascais, com piscina e jardim privado.Esta moradia destaca-se pela sua luminosidade, terraços com vista mar, e por ser a primeira do condomínio, pela sua área exterior com cerca de 1000 m2.Todas as divisões têm aquecimento central e ar condicionado.Painéis solares, caldeira. É composta pela seguinte distribuição de espaços:Piso 1:- 1 master suite com roupeiros embutidos e terraço - 2 quartos com varandas/ terraços- Generoso hall privativo para os dois quartos com o WC.Vista Mar.Piso 0: Acesso direito ao jardim- 1 Suite- 1 cozinha equipada com electrodomésticos SMEG- 1 WC social- 1 sala generosa com lareiraExterior:Jardim com cerca de 1000 m2Piscina privativaBarbecueDeckCom sebes em todo o redor.Cave:- 3 divisões amplas, 1 delas com acesso ao jardim- 1 WC completo- 1 Lavandaria O condominio:Composto apenas por 12 moradias, este condomínio destaca-se pela sua privacidade e espaços verdes e parque infantil, fácil acesso á A5. Com uma localização de excelência. A apenas 1 Km várias de várias escolas internacionais como:International Christian School of CascaisTasis Portugal International SchoolBritish International SchoolKing´s College SchoolSt. Dominics International School Entre outras.Localização bem servida de comercio e serviços, assim como creches e jardins de infância para os mais pequeninosA 3 km da praia.Marque a sua visita. O custo apresentado na eficiência energética, é o investimento calculado pela ADENE para ter uma classificação energética minima de classe BPartilhamos no regime de 50% / 50 % da comissão com qualquer empresa com licença AMI válida Características: Características Exteriores - Condomínio Fechado; Barbeque; Jardim; Parqueamento; Piscina exterior; Terraço/Deck; Porta blindada; Video Porteiro; Sistema de rega; Braai Pit; Common Areas; Características Interiores - Hall de entrada; Lareira; Sala de Cinema; Electrodomésticos embutidos; Casa de Banho da Suite; Closet; Roupeiros; Lavandaria; Deck; Características Gerais - Porteiro; Despensa; Portão eléctrico; Orientação - Nascente; Sul; Poente; Outros Equipamentos - Serviço de internet; TV Por Cabo; Gás canalizado; Aquecimento central; Sistema de Segurança; Alarme de segurança; Painéis Solares; Depósito de água; Máquina de lavar louça; Frigorífico; Máquina de lavar roupa; Vistas - Vista montanha; Vista mar; Vista cidade; Vista jardim; Vista campo; Jungle View; Outras características - Varanda; Cozinha Equipada; Arrecadação; Suite; Moradia Geminada; Moradia; Acesso apropriado a pessoas com mobilidade reduzida; #ref:1217-3057
房子 4 卧室 在 Alcabideche, Cascais