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App SUPERCASA - 探索你的新家

997 小楼房和别墅 出售, 地区 Madeira, 葡萄牙, 在 120.000 € 直到 3.700.000 €, 从 200 m²


房子 3 卧室 在 Rua da Achada de Santo Antão, Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

1.495.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 355 m² 土地 382 m² E.C.: A
游泳池 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Rua da Achada de Santo Antão, Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

旧房子 2 卧室 在 Faial, Santana

125.000 €
2 卧室 总面积 200 m² 土地 2.752 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
1918 年的百年住宅,總面積為 2,920 平方米的城市土地,法亞爾,桑塔納 該物業位於一個具有分散房屋和農業特色的地區 . 優秀的陽光照射 在土地所在的高度,可以180度俯瞰法亞爾,以及聖港島Penha d´Águia海灘卡丁車賽道 靠近教堂和商店 現在的房子,流行的馬德拉建築,可以 分類為 T2 型: 土地2,920平方米; 150平方米(2層)的房子 - 不適合居住的房屋 - 2 間臥室 - 客廳 - 帶木烤箱的廚房 - 酒屋 - 石爐 - 院子 土地上的建築物可以回收,因為它們是城市物品 有足夠的道路臨街面用於新的城市建設或生態旅遊/鄉村旅遊項目 因為它位於法亞爾市區重建區內 (阿魯) 快來生活在大自然和法亞爾的寧靜中 稱呼!!!不要錯過這個機會 #ref:F399
旧房子 2 卧室 在 Faial, Santana

房子 3 卧室 在 Seixal, Porto Moniz

1.950.000 €
3 卧室 可用面积 267 m² 土地 322 m² E.C.: A
位于 Seixal 的三居室别墅! 如果您正在寻找舒适奢华的居住环境,这栋别墅将是您的理想选择 别墅设计优雅现代,共有三层,可通过楼梯或玻璃门电梯进入 别墅采用隔音和隔热材料,所有区域均配有空调,让您倍感舒适 全屋的视频监控摄像头为您提供安全保障,让您高枕无忧 在台阶上设有带水力按摩喷头的室内温水游泳池,可欣赏海景和山景 一楼是可容纳两辆车的车库通往上层的入口大厅和一个小型休闲区,您可以与家人或朋友尽情享受 二楼是设备齐全的厨房,配有开放式餐厅和雅致的客厅 三楼是卧室,其中一间是带阳台的套房,可俯瞰大海 这座奇妙的别墅地理位置独特,坐拥壮丽的海景和山景 距离丰沙尔仅 40 分钟车程,距离圣维森特镇仅 10 分钟车程,周边服务设施和商店林立 别再犹豫了,快来看看这座美丽的别墅吧 现在就预订参观! 联系我们 #ref:F106
豪华 海景 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 Seixal, Porto Moniz

房子 3 卧室 在 Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

550.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 286 m² 土地 190 m² E.C.: B
位于阿科达卡列塔的特权地区,全年气候宜人,气温温和 购买豪宅的绝佳机会该物业出售设备齐全,家具齐全 半独立式住宅,在当地住宿中具有极好的盈利潜力 独立别墅分布在2个楼层: 楼层 0: - 公共休息室,面积26.40平方米 -厨房面积为14.40平方米; -2.50平方米的社交浴室; - 阳台/露台,面积为23.65平方米 1楼: - 出入大厅; - 套房15.20平方米+私人浴室3.65平方米; - 2间卧室,面积为12.30平方米和13.05平方米; - 公共浴室4.70平方米 -带花园的房屋,面积为97.30平方米 在外面,除了可以欣赏到Calheta和Mar Arch的壮丽景色外,我们还有一个花园区,停车场和烧烤区 别墅位于马德拉岛西南海岸,距离卡列塔海滩约5分钟路程,距离丰沙尔市中心仅25分钟车程,距离机场45分钟车程 别墅享有壮丽的海景,插入一个传达很多宁静的地方 快来见面吧! #ref:F22
房子 3 卧室 在 Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 3 卧室 在 São Martinho, Funchal

2.100.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 559 m² 土地 600 m² E.C.: A
夢幻般的 3 臥室豪華別墅,全新,面積大,飾面質量上乘,以優雅的材料和卓越的品味而著稱,其中白色和優雅占主導地位 客廳光線很好,通過大門延伸到花園和泳池區 它有 3 間帶私人浴室和衣櫃的套房雙層玻璃中央吸塵器帶非常好的區域的廚房一個面積為 200 平方米的大車庫,可停放 8 至 10 輛車 它有太陽能集熱器和強制循環套件空調中央真空自動灌溉泵 雙層外牆和帶雙層玻璃的鋁製框架保證了隔熱和隔音 它距離市中心 5 分鐘路程,位於黃金地段,朝南,位於一個非常優越的區域,擁有非常好的陽光照射和充足的自然光線 它非常靠近一整套貿易和服務,並由主要道路提供服務,確保快速進入整個城市和通過快遞 海景超讚!能源認證:A 不要猶豫,現在就打電話吧! #ref:MM246
豪华 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 在 São Martinho, Funchal

房子 4 卧室+1 在 Machico, Machico

285.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 720 m² E.C.: D
马奇科(Machico)带商业空间的可回收房屋--不可错过的机会! 对于那些希望拥有自己的住房和商业店铺的人来说,这是一个绝佳的投资机会 该房产位于马奇科(Machico),对于那些既想拥有一个舒适的家,又想获得额外收入来源的人来说,这是一个不可多得的投资机会 在这栋宽敞别墅的二楼,有三间卧室一间客厅一间餐厅一间厨房一间多功能办公室和一个宽敞的后院此外,它还有一块很大的地皮,可以进行多种园艺活动 一楼有一个大车库和一个开放式空间,可以根据您的需要进行改造这个多功能区域为创造舒适的居住环境或建立一个充满活力的商业空间提供了机会 底层配备了两间浴室,并有一个商业空间,可根据您的设想进行改造,潜力巨大 该房产坐落在一个安静祥和的区域,对于那些希望重焕别墅生机,同时拥有一个商业空间以获得直接收入或未来投资的人来说,该房产是一个完美的选择 快来抢占先机吧! 请立即致电! #ref:F82
和 车库
房子 4 卧室+1 在 Machico, Machico

房子 5 卧室 在 Caniçal, Machico

995.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 633 m² 土地 1.520 m² E.C.: C
位于卡尼萨尔的绝佳位置!享有美妙的海景,宁静可控... 别墅完全按照非常高的标准进行了翻新,并配备了当今生活方式的所有现代舒适设施!非常宽敞,面积为282平方米,面向南岸,拥有充足的室内光线和1.238平方米的周围免费空间,园景花园,菜园,带娱乐露台的大型烧烤区以及带室外淋浴的10米长的温水游泳池 在楼上,房子的内部包括2个巨大的起居和饭厅开放空间,享有美妙的海景,最先进的厨房,宽敞,所有设施都可以进入外面的烧烤露台和休闲庭院,有5间卧室,6个卫生间,非常适合大家庭 对于那些想要投资的人来说,该物业已获得正式许可作为旅游住宿场所空间和当地住宿的完美位置 较低的楼层包括一个可容纳2辆车的封闭式车库,一个游戏室,洗衣店和一个办公室/工作室区,通向游泳池和花园区,外面有空间停放更多的车辆 这座美丽的房子位于一条没有出路的街道上,位于岛屿东南部的和平与安宁 - 远离市中心和城市的生活!蓬塔圣洛伦索(Ponta São Lourenço)非常适合那些对自然和徒步旅行感兴趣的人,就在附近,提供神话般的干旱悬崖和风景 距离卡尼萨尔的沙滩A Prainha有800米,您可以在那里与家人和朋友愉快地散步 - 总土地面积1,520平方米 - 总面积 421.65 mt2 - 可用面积 282 mt2 - 5间非常宽敞的客房 - 6间浴室 - 2间大型开放空间客房 - 1间宽敞且设备齐全的厨房 -房子周围的花园 - 菜园 -10吨长的温水游泳池 -带休闲空间的牛排馆 -各种汽车的室内和室外车库 - 能源认证 D - 餐厅酒吧和便利设施距离酒店有5分钟车程,距离克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多CR7国际机场有12公里(13分钟) #ref:NP299
房子 5 卧室 在 Caniçal, Machico

房子 5 卧室 Triplex 在 Paul do Mar, Calheta (Madeira)

570.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 441 m² 土地 517 m² E.C.: C
3 bedrooms +2 bedrooms house located in Paul do Mar, on the first line of the sea. The property lies in a very calm area, with good car access. It has access to a covered garage that fits for one car. The property is in excellent conditions of living, has very large divisions, with magnificent sun exposure and is distributed over 3 floors, as follows: 1st floor - covered garage for one car (with interior access to the house); - kitchen; - dining room; - social bathroom. 2nd floor - living room; - a master suite, with private bathroom; - a bedroom; - a bathroom; - access to balcony, with sea view. 3rd Floor - a master suite, with private bathroom and a closet; - laundry room; - access to balcony/terrace with sea view. The property also includes a short-term rentals license (which is active). The back of the villa, is currently rented for short-term rentals and it incorporates a large kitchen with a barbecue, two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a living room. The entrance to this site is private and separate from the main house. Nearby facilities: public parking lots, football pitch, pubs and bars, restaurants, beaches, promenade, bank and ATM, church, cafeteria/pastry shop. If you are looking to live in a villa on the front line of the sea, in a sunny place and where you have the possibility to hear the waves of the sea, this is your investment opportunity. #ref:CAS_11
海景 和 车库
房子 5 卧室 Triplex 在 Paul do Mar, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 4 卧室 在 Prazeres, Calheta (Madeira)

580.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 550 m² 土地 550 m² E.C.: C
Nestled serenely in Prazeres, this property offers a tranquil retreat along a peaceful secondary road, surrounded by nature and just a handful of neighboring homes. Comprising not just one, but two charming residences, this estate boasts a main house and a picturesque cottage. Main House Highlights: Spacious garage accommodating two vehicles. Three inviting bedrooms. A generously sized kitchen complete with a pantry for added storage convenience. A cozy lounge and dining area, perfect for hosting gatherings or relaxing evenings. A top floor that can be tailored to suit your needs, whether as a dedicated office space or an additional entertainment haven. A dedicated laundry area to streamline household chores. Built 22 years ago. Stone Cottage Features: Traditional Portuguese charm exudes from the kitchen, complete with a stone oven for authentic culinary experiences. A well-appointed bathroom for comfort and convenience. A welcoming lounge area and a serene bedroom, ideal for unwinding after a day of exploration. An additional bathroom for added comfort and privacy. Outside, discover a meticulously maintained garden adorned with a plethora of colorful flowers and lush plants, creating a peaceful oasis to escape the hustle and bustle. Entertain friends and family in style at the barbecue area, while ample parking ensures convenience for all visitors. Built over 100 years ago. The beautiful garden has an abundance of lush flowers and fruit trees. Don’t miss the chance to experience the tranquil allure of this remarkable property. Schedule your viewing today and embark on a journey to discover your dream home in Prazeres. #ref:1375
房子 4 卧室 在 Prazeres, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 3 卧室 在 Ponta do Pargo, Calheta (Madeira)

450.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 254 m² 土地 302 m² E.C.: B
House and Family run business for Sale! Rare opportunity to acquire a successful family run established business. The restaurant, located in the outskirts of Calheta comes very well equipped. Since ownership there has been continual investment in new equipment, along with fixtures & fittings which is all bought and paid for and included within the sale price which is a huge plus for any new purchaser as additional funds will not be need to be spent for some time. The restaurant is operated by the owner with the help of four members of staff. They serve a fine range of traditional dishes as well as some foreign and has a high 5 star hygiene rating. Repeated high scores and reviews from customers in trip advisor of customers satisfaction is testimony to their popularity. The business has built a strong reputation within the local community and beyond and as such has a high level of regular and repeat trade along with plenty of new passing trade. This is a superb opportunity to purchase an established business which is a great base to build upon. Amenities; Open fire for fresh barbecue Bar Kitchen 3 storage rooms Closed parking area The house consists of Top Floor Living quarters. Three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom ideal for the owner or can be renovated into 3 separate lodging rooms. There is further growth potential for a new owner to increase trade by expanding upon the current opening times and increasing the food offering by introducing a greater selection of dishes which have proven very popular. We have a selection of different properties available to fit all your requirements so call us to enquire further and obtain more information. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY For those considering an investment in a luxury residence as a second (holiday) home or as a retirement destination, consider the advantages that Madeira Island has to offer: Security. Madeira is virtually crime free and one of the safest holiday destinations in the world! Sub-tropical climate - warm & pleasant year round. Natural beauty - lush & colourful, known as the ’’Garden or Pearl of the Atlantic’’. Ease of access - within 3 hours flight time from most European cities, direct flights from over 40 destinations in Europe, daily flights to London and Lisbon. Protected environment - 70% of the island is protected parkland & forest. Activities/Amenities - wide range of sports & leisure activities; two Golf courses near to Funchal Tourist infrastructure - long known as a quality tourist destination, with lots to see & do Quality of life - a friendly, safe & clean place to visit and to live in. Legal and fiscal situation Property transfer taxes - IMT tax, Stamp duty, registration and notary fees - max. 7% Inheritance tax - Effective 1st January 2004, inheritance tax abolished in Portugal. There is still a 10% stamp duty charge though on transfer of assets. Gifts/donations to a spouse (husband or wife), children, parents or grandparents are exempt. Capital gains tax - Flat 25% tax levy on all capital gains affected by non-residents. Portuguese (EU) Residence Permit - Since July 2012, the NON-EU PURCHASER has a right to apply for a Portuguese residence permit (with subsequent freedom of movement in Schengen countries) following purchase of real estate in Portugal with A MINIMUM INVESTMENT OF 500.000 Non-Habitual Residents Regime - offering fiscal advantages particularly to non-Portuguese retirees taking up residence in Portugal ABOUT PRIME PROPERTIES MADEIRA REAL ESTATE Discover the perfect home for you in Madeira, Portugal today! Prime Properties Madeira Real Estate is a local, well-established, licensed, real estate agency providing a complete service to international buyers looking to invest in Madeira, Portugal whether for holiday homes or permanent living residence. Our properties include villas, houses, quintas, apartments, land and commercial properties. We also offer a PRO #ref:Moradia 1166
房子 3 卧室 在 Ponta do Pargo, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 5 卧室 在 São Martinho, Funchal

685.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 290 m² 土地 596 m² E.C.: D
房子 5 卧室 在 São Martinho, Funchal

房子 2 卧室 在 Santo António, Funchal

350.000 €
2 卧室 总面积 224 m² E.C.: D
Situated in the vicinity of Funchal, close proximity to the Madeira Shopping Mall and convenient public transportation, this property offers a prime opportunity for discerning buyers. The property consists of two independent residence Unit A and Unit B. The units can be sold seperately or together. Features Open-plan lounge and dining area, ideal for modern living. Two well-appointed bedrooms providing comfort and privacy. Ocean views to enhance daily living. Accommodating parking space for multiple vehicles. A closed balcony which serves as a fantastic lounge area. Laundry Outdoor barbecue facility for al fresco dining and entertaining. Built in 2003 and in excellent condition. For further details or to arrange a viewing, please contact us today. #ref:1373 B
房子 2 卧室 在 Santo António, Funchal

房子 3 卧室 在 Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

320.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 260 m² 土地 438 m² E.C.: E
* EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * Nestled in the picturesque village of Arco da Calheta, this timeless villa, built in 1998, beckons with its classic charm. Offering three spacious bedrooms, two elegant bathrooms, and a generous garage, this property is ideal for those seeking comfort and style. Step into the lovely garden with agricultural land, an ideal spot for your green thumb or hosting gatherings in the BBQ area. From here, you’ll be captivated by the breathtaking views that stretch beyond the horizon. Its excellent location ensures you’re close to public services, adding to the property’s allure. Don’t miss the chance to make this stunning villa your own. Schedule your viewings today and experience the timeless beauty of Arco da Calheta. Our services at Prime Properties Madeira are free of charge to you and do not incur any mark-ups on the property price or agent commission. ABOUT PRIME PROPERTIES MADEIRA REAL ESTATE Discover the perfect home for you in Madeira, Portugal today! Prime Properties Madeira Real Estate is a local, well-established, licensed, real estate agency providing a complete service to international buyers looking to invest in Madeira, Portugal whether for holiday homes or permanent living residence. Our properties include villas, houses, quintas, apartments, land and commercial properties. We also offer a PROPERTY FINDING SERVICE, working with a few select real estate agencies in Madeira to deliver a personalised service through the entire purchase process from viewings, negotiation, legal expertise, mortgages, relocation etc. We pride ourselves on working together to European standards of honesty, integrity and transparency. We provide excellent after sales service. #ref:1098
房子 3 卧室 在 Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 2 卧室 在 Santo António, Funchal

330.000 €
2 卧室 总面积 224 m² 土地 400 m² E.C.: D
Situated in close proximity to the Madeira Shopping Mall and convenient public transportation, this property offers a prime opportunity for discerning buyers. The property consists of two independent residence Unit A and Unit B. The units can be sold seperately or together. Expansive open-plan lounge and dining area, ideal for modern living. Two well-appointed bedrooms providing comfort and privacy. Ocean views to enhance daily living. Accommodating parking space for multiple vehicles. Versatile additional room on the lower level, suitable for various purposes such as a TV room, office, or supplementary bedroom. Outdoor barbecue facility for al fresco dining and entertaining. Conveniently located laundry area for added functionality. Built in 2003 and in excellent condition. For further details or to arrange a viewing, please contact us today. #ref:1373 A
房子 2 卧室 在 Santo António, Funchal

房子 在 Prazeres, Calheta (Madeira)

425.000 €
总面积 413 m² 土地 700 m² E.C.: E
This charming Madeiran villa, nestled on a generous 700 m2 parcel of land, offers a taste of traditional island living. Situated in the serene enclave of Prazeres, this 4-bedroom home boasts stunning vistas and the convenience of being a mere 100 meters from the heart of Prazeres. Spanning across two floors, the villa showcases 4 spacious bedrooms, including 2 luxurious suites, and 4 well-appointed bathrooms. The main level hosts a well-equipped kitchen, an inviting living room, and an elegant dining area, while a handy storage room ensures ample space for your belongings. Step outside, and you’ll discover a delightful outdoor oasis featuring a barbecue area and a lush garden, ideal for relaxation and al fresco dining. The property provides convenient car access and ample parking for multiple vehicles, ensuring that your guests always have a place to park. This prime location offers the best of both worlds, with a tranquil setting yet just 5 minutes away from a plethora of essential services, including supermarkets, restaurants, bars, banks, a hospital, and schools. It’s also just a short drive of 7 minutes from the enchanting Jardim do Mar and a mere 8 minutes from the bustling Calheta Marina and its beautiful beach. Perched at a comfortable 450 meters above sea level, this home enjoys a mild and pleasant climate throughout the year, making it an idyllic year-round retreat. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this traditional Madeiran villa your own and savor the charms of island living. Prazeres: Where Serenity Meets Convenience Nestled in the heart of Madeira’s lush landscape, the charming village of Prazeres offers the perfect blend of tranquility and modern convenience. As you explore this idyllic locale, you’ll discover a place where nature’s beauty harmonizes with essential public services to create a truly exceptional living experience. At the heart of Prazeres, you’ll find a welcoming community that thrives amidst the breathtaking scenery of the island. This picturesque village is known for its stunning vistas of rolling hills and the azure sea, where you can savor every sunrise and sunset. Prazeres is more than just a pretty face; it’s a place where daily life is both serene and convenient. The village boasts a range of essential public services, ensuring residents have everything they need right at their doorstep. Whether it’s grocery shopping at local supermarkets, enjoying delicious meals at nearby restaurants and bars, or taking care of your financial matters at the local banks, Prazeres has you covered. Healthcare is a top priority here, with access to a well-equipped hospital for your peace of mind. For families, educational opportunities are abundant with nearby schools that offer quality education to students of all ages. Living in Prazeres, you’re never far from the services that make life comfortable and enjoyable. And when it’s time to explore beyond the village, the natural beauty of Madeira beckons. From the enchanting Jardim do Mar just minutes away to the bustling Calheta Marina and its golden beach, adventure and relaxation are always within reach. #ref:1351
房子 在 Prazeres, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 3 卧室 在 Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

2.100.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 217 m² 土地 892 m² E.C.: A
Step into luxury with this magnificent 3-bedroom modern villa, nestled in the serene beauty of Arco da Calheta, now available for sale. This remarkable single-story residence, sprawled across a generous plot of 892m2, boasts meticulous design and an open-space layout that effortlessly blends the dining and living areas with the gourmet kitchen, adorned with top-of-the-line materials. A spacious laundry room adds to the convenience. Each of the three spacious bedrooms is a sanctuary unto itself, featuring private bathrooms, with two boasting walk-in closets. Wake up to the gentle southern sun or the mesmerizing sunrise to the east, as all bedrooms offer breathtaking views of the infinity pool and the azure ocean beyond. A covered garage awaits, with room for up to 4 vehicles, alongside an additional uncovered space for 2 more. Adjacent, a storage area provides the perfect spot for seasonal items or various equipment. Outside, a paradise awaits with a stunning infinity pool, barbecue area, and a lush garden, setting the scene for unforgettable al fresco dining and entertaining moments. Further enhancing this abode’s allure are its modern comforts, including air conditioning, double-glazed windows, solar panels, video intercom, and a sound system both indoors and out, ensuring every moment is filled with bliss and security. Nestled in a tranquil locale with permanent sea views and close proximity to all amenities, this villa offers the epitome of luxurious living. With an altitude below 200m, enjoy a climate of comfort year-round. Don’t miss your chance to experience the epitome of coastal luxury schedule your viewing today! #ref:1378
豪华 游泳池
房子 3 卧室 在 Arco da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 4 卧室 在 Tabua, Ribeira Brava

500.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 324 m² 土地 495 m² E.C.: C
Presenting a stunning residence now available for sale in the sought-after locale of Ribeira Brava. Strategically positioned in Ribeira, a mere 20-minute commute from the bustling city center of Funchal, at a low altitude of 165m this exquisite property awaits discerning buyers. Featuring generously proportioned rooms, including three bedrooms, with the master suite boasting an expansive walk-in closet and exclusive ensuite facilities. Externally, maintained gardens offer an inviting retreat, complemented by an open-plan lounge and dining area enhanced by a cozy fireplace. Captivating vistas of the ocean provide a picturesque backdrop, while an adjacent barbecue area beckons for al fresco entertaining. Further enhancing its appeal, this residence includes a capacious garage accommodating two vehicles alongside a well-equipped tool room. Additionally, a versatile space presents the opportunity for customization into either a home office or cinema room. Bathed in ample natural light, this home affords a tranquil living environment, with a low altitude of 166 meters contributing to its serene ambiance. Schedule your viewing today! #ref:1377
房子 4 卧室 在 Tabua, Ribeira Brava

房子 3 卧室 在 Fajã da Ovelha, Calheta (Madeira)

375.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 236 m² 土地 491 m² E.C.: D
* EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * EXCLUSIVE * Beautiful three-bedroom house nestled in the serene locale of Faja de Ovelha, Calheta. Situated on a plot of 491m2 and built in 2008, this residence boasts a captivating blend of modern comfort and timeless charm. The first floor has an open-plan lounge and dining room , complemented by a well-appointed kitchen featuring a convenient laundry room and a stylish bathroom. Ascend to the second floor to find three bedrooms, one of which is an ensuite, while the remaining two bedrooms offer access to a balcony with breathtaking views of the magnificent ocean and landscaped garden. Another complete bathroom. This residence is not just a home; it’s a haven of comfort and convenience. Equipped with heating, surveillance cameras for added security, and a barbecue area for entertaining, every detail has been carefully considered. Parking for two cars. Tucked away in a tranquil corner with a dead-end road, this property promises a quiet retreat in the heart of nature. Embrace the countryside lifestyle and relish the excellent condition of this home, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a harmonious blend of modern living and natural beauty. The lush garden, adorned with a variety of plants, adds a touch of natural splendor to the property. Faja de Ovelha offers a serene escape amidst Madeira’s natural beauty. Surrounded by rolling hills and lush landscapes, Faja de Ovelha boasts a tranquil ambiance, making it an ideal haven for those seeking peace and proximity to nature. While the village exudes a charming countryside feel, residents and visitors can enjoy convenient access to essential amenities. Local markets, quaint cafes, and friendly community services create a warm and inviting atmosphere. For those yearning for a bit of city life, the vibrant city of Funchal is just a scenic drive away. Approximately 40 minutes rom Faja de Ovelha, Funchal presents an outstanding variety of cultural attractions, shopping centers, and dining options, providing a perfect balance between rural tranquility and urban vibrancy for those who call Calheta home. Schedule your viewing today to find out more. #ref:1366
房子 3 卧室 在 Fajã da Ovelha, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 3 卧室 在 Ribeira Brava, Ribeira Brava

575.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 220 m² 土地 342 m² E.C.: B-
Spectacular Contemporary Home with Stunning Views - Available for Sale Nestled in the tranquil village of Ribeira Brava, this remarkable property is a true gem. It enjoys a south-facing orientation, providing breathtaking panoramic views of the ocean and the majestic mountains. This residence offers a well-thought-out layout, featuring three spacious bedrooms, two of which include walk-in closets, a convenient laundry room, a dedicated office space, a modern kitchen, an inviting dining area, and 2.5 meticulously designed bathrooms. The attention to detail and high-quality finishes throughout the house are truly impressive. Accessibility is effortless, with a two-car parking space provided for your convenience. The well-maintained grounds surrounding the property are designed for easy upkeep, allowing you to savor your surroundings without the hassle of extensive maintenance. Our extensive portfolio offers a range of properties tailored to suit your specific needs. We encourage you to reach out to us today for more information and a comprehensive overview of this property. We are dedicated to assisting you in your search for the ideal home. Ribeira Brava: A Picturesque Gem in Madeira, Portugal Scenic Splendor: Ribeira Brava is blessed with a breathtaking natural landscape. The municipality’s name, which translates to ’Wild River,’ pays homage to the meandering waterways that flow through its lush valleys. Verdant hillsides covered in terraced vineyards, orchards, and exotic flora create a tapestry of vibrant colors and textures. The surrounding mountains, including the imposing Encumeada and Central Mountain Range, provide a dramatic backdrop to the coastal beauty, making it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts and photographers. Coastal Charms: Ribeira Brava boasts a charming waterfront, offering both locals and visitors a tranquil escape by the sea. The picturesque promenade is perfect for leisurely strolls, with cafes and restaurants serving delicious seafood cuisine. The warm, inviting waters beckon swimmers, while the black sand beaches provide a unique contrast to the azure Atlantic Ocean. Cultural Heritage: Steeped in history, Ribeira Brava has preserved its cultural heritage through architectural treasures like the Church of São Bento, a stunning example of Manueline architecture. The town’s streets are lined with traditional Madeiran houses, some adorned with colorful azulejos (painted ceramic tiles), providing a glimpse into the island’s rich past. Festivals and Traditions: The municipality comes alive with vibrant festivals and traditions that reflect Madeira’s unique culture. From the lively Carnaval celebrations to the religious processions during Holy Week, Ribeira Brava offers an authentic taste of local life. The annual Madeira Wine Festival, showcasing the region’s renowned fortified wine, is a highlight not to be missed. Outdoor Adventures: Nature enthusiasts will find Ribeira Brava to be a paradise for outdoor activities. Hiking trails crisscross the verdant landscapes, offering breathtaking vistas and opportunities to explore the island’s diverse ecosystems. Birdwatchers will delight in the avian diversity found in the region. Warm Hospitality: Ribeira Brava is known for its warm and welcoming atmosphere. The locals, are known for their friendliness and hospitality, making visitors feel like part of the community. Whether you seek the tranquility of nature, the charm of coastal living, or an immersion in Madeira’s rich culture, Ribeira Brava promises a memorable experience. This enchanting municipality invites you to explore its wonders and create lasting memories in one of Portugal’s most picturesque settings. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY For those considering an investment in a luxury residence as a second (holiday) home or as a retirement destination, consider the advantages that Madeira Island has to offer: Security. Madeira is virtually crime free and one of the sa #ref:1341
房子 3 卧室 在 Ribeira Brava, Ribeira Brava

房子 3 卧室 在 Canhas, Ponta do Sol

475.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 204 m² 土地 250 m² E.C.: D
Welcome to your future havena stunning three-bedroom house nestled in one of the warmest and most sought-after areas of Ponta do Sol. This fabulous home, built in 2008 and recently renovated, is designed for ultimate comfort and style. and in a fantastic warm location at an altitude of 274m! The house consists of three floors Garage Enclosed Barbecue Area Laundry Section Ample Storage Space First Floor: Elegant Living Area Luxurious En Suite Bedroom Brand New Gourmet Kitchen Stylish Social Bathroom Fabulous Balcony with a Spacious Veranda Second Floor: Cozy Living Area with Stunning Views Two Beautiful Bedrooms Modern Bathroom Crafted with care, every bathroom and storage unit throughout has been custom-made by a skilled carpenter. The house is equipped with mosquito netting, solar panels, an automated exterior umbrella for shade, and a charming salamander stove for those cooler evenings, automatic water irrigation system. Outside, you’ll find a beautifully landscaped garden and breathtaking views that will make every moment magical. In Canhas, 5 minutes by car, there are two supermarkets, a bakery, a pharmacy, several restaurants, a hardware store, hairdressers, a post office, a petrol station and a small shop with the essentials (bread, fruit, drinks, etc.) within walking distance. Bonus: There’s an option to purchase this gorgeous home fully furnished! AND - Anual Tax only 240! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. Come and experience the beauty and comfort of your new home in Ponta do Sol! Schedule your viewing today! #ref:1387
房子 3 卧室 在 Canhas, Ponta do Sol

房子 4 卧室 在 Paul do Mar, Calheta (Madeira)

1.150.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 263 m² 土地 869 m² E.C.: A
Exquisite Beachfront Retreat: Modern 4-Bedroom Beach House in Paúl do Mar Nestled along the picturesque shores of Paúl do Mar, this remarkable beach house offers a rare opportunity to own a modern coastal oasis. With four bedrooms, including two en suites, and an additional two bathrooms, this property is designed to provide ultimate comfort and luxury. It boasts an open-plan kitchen and living area, a two-car garage, a saltwater heated infinity pool, an outdoor shower, a barbecue area, and meticulously landscaped gardens. Key Highlights: Contemporary Design: The beach house features a sleek and modern design that perfectly complements its coastal surroundings. Large windows flood every room with natural light, creating an inviting and airy ambiance. Indoor-Outdoor Living: This property seamlessly blends indoor and outdoor living spaces, offering endless opportunities for relaxation and entertainment. The saltwater heated infinity pool overlooks the ocean, and the barbecue area provides a perfect setting for al fresco dining. The automatic irrigation system ensures that the gardens always stay lush and vibrant. Uninterrupted Ocean Views: Enjoy breathtaking sea views from every room, especially the spacious suite on the second floor, which boasts a private balcony facing south. Tranquil Lifestyle: This beachfront residence is an ideal choice for those seeking a serene and peaceful lifestyle, far removed from the hustle and bustle of city life. Paúl do Mar is known for its tranquility and the soothing sound of the waves lapping against the shore. Layout: First Floor: This level encompasses a suite, two bedrooms, a social bathroom, a laundry room, a fully equipped open-plan kitchen, a dining room, and a spacious living room that opens to the outdoor paradise. Second Floor: The upper level features an exceptional suite with a private balcony that captures stunning southern ocean views. Outdoor Paradise: Step outside to find a saltwater heated infinity pool, a convenient outdoor shower, beautiful gardens with an automatic irrigation system, a magnificent barbecue area, and an additional bathroom. Garage: The property includes a two-car garage for your convenience. Convenience: This beach house offers easy access to a range of amenities, including restaurants, various services, and is just a few meters from the pristine beach. If you dream of living by the sea, surrounded by tranquility and natural beauty, this modern beach house is the perfect choice. Schedule your viewing today and seize the opportunity to experience coastal living at its finest. Discover Paul do Mar: Your Slice of Paradise in Calheta Nestled on the southwestern coast of the enchanting island of Madeira, Paul do Mar in Calheta invites you to experience a truly idyllic and unspoiled corner of this island paradise. With its natural beauty, charming atmosphere, and unique offerings, Paul do Mar promises an unforgettable escape. #ref:1315
房子 4 卧室 在 Paul do Mar, Calheta (Madeira)

房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua Dr. Manuel Germano Gonçalves, Estreito da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)

338.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 330 m² E.C.: E
3 bedroom house located in the parish of Estreito da Calheta, municipality of Calheta. Property is located in a sunny place, with good car access. It has 3 floors, which are arranged as follows: Ground floor - barbecue; - access to a small garden; - It has an attachment, which can be renovated into an apartment. Floor 1 - two rooms; - a kitchen; - a bathroom; - dispensation and collection; - access to the balcony; Floor 2 - three bedrooms; - a bathroom; - access to attic with terrace (with some sea view). - parking space for two cars; Facilities near the villa: - minimarket; - pharmacy; - gymnasium; - restaurants and bars; - Calheta beach (5 min by car); - Jardim do Mar Beach (6 min by car); - Paul do Mar Beach (8 min by car); If you are interested in this villa, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be waiting for you. #ref:CAS_13
海景 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua Dr. Manuel Germano Gonçalves, Estreito da Calheta, Calheta (Madeira)