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44 别墅和公寓 出售 最近 在 Mafra 关闭: Seixal, 葡萄牙, 从 140.000 €, 直到 800 m²


房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

390.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 139 m² E.C.: C
We present this 3 bedroom semi-detached house, located in Carvoeira, close to the beaches of S Juliao and Foz do Lizandro. On a plot of 169 m2, this villa of 214 m2, with excellent solar exposure, is located in an area between beach and countryside. The very quiet and peaceful neighborhood completes the charm of this house. Come and discover this house spread over 3 floors: photos will be available soon on the ground floor, we have: *The large entrance hall, large living room of 27m2 including a fireplace with heat recovery, and a large balcony. *The fully equipped 14m2 kitchen, with pantry and balcony. This floor also has a WC. 1st floor: sleeping area *Master suite with built-in cupboard and balcony. *An 11m2 bedroom with built-in wardrobe and sea view. *A 12m2 bedroom with built-in cupboard. *A bathroom with shower Floor -1: Garage and storage of 57m2 This space has a bathroom and pre-installation for a kitchen, making it easy to transform this garage into a 1-bedroom apartment with its own entrance. The exterior, 169m2, has a covered area of 40m2 with barbecue area and a large terrace. Equipment: - Double glazing - Gas central heating - Equipped kitchen - Video intercom; - Automated portal - Water heating with boiler - Energy certificate: C For your primary residence, holiday home or investment, the villa is located 10 minutes walk from S. Julião beach, 5 minutes drive from Foz do Lizandro beach and 10 minutes from the center of Ericeira. Easy access to Sintra and Mafra. Founded in France in May 2008 by three experts in the real estate sector, iad started from a visionary concept that merges real estate, the web and network marketing. iad dematerializes agencies (stores), promotes a close relationship between the real estate advisor and the client, offers a more competitive service to anyone wishing to buy, rent or sell a property. What are 21st century clients looking for when deciding to buy, rent or sell a property? You are looking for a complete, simple and competitive service. This is what we offer at iad. We do not have stores, our consultants come to meet you, having access to the latest training in the sector and a platform of exclusive tools that allow them to offer you the best service wherever you are. We give our consultants the flexibility and autonomy necessary to guarantee personalized support in the implementation of your project, whether it involves the purchase, rental or sale of a property. At iad you will find a real estate consultant that suits you. #ref: 105153
房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室+1 在 Rua das Orquídeas, Ericeira, Mafra

675.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 198 m² 土地 288 m² E.C.: A+
和 车库
房子 3 卧室+1 在 Rua das Orquídeas, Ericeira, Mafra

公寓 3 卧室 在 Caminho Vale Carneiro, Ericeira, Mafra

990.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 241 m² E.C.: A
游泳池 海景 和 电梯 和 车库
公寓 3 卧室 在 Caminho Vale Carneiro, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Caminho Vale Carneiro, Ericeira, Mafra

699.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 415 m² 土地 521 m² E.C.: A
Moradia com 3 pisos em construção. O preço de 699000 euros é na atual situação de construção, passando a 999000 euros se estiver concluída. Refere-se a presente memória ao Projecto de Licenciamento para a construção de uma moradia de habitação uni- familiar, sita na morada acima indicada, cujo lote tem uma área de cerca de 521,00 m’, o qual é propriedade do requerente. O lote objecto deste projecto insere-se no Loteamento 36/2002, na Ericeira, numa estrutura urbana consolidada, confinando a Norte com Aniceto Brito Mota e arruamento publico, a Sul com estrada publica caminho Vale Carneiro, a Nascente com Raul Romeira Lopes Tavares e a Poente Miguel de Sousa Ramos Maximiano. Os lotes confinantes e malha envolvente apresentam construções de moradias isoladas, de implantação regular, caracterizadas por construções de 2 pisos acima do solo e um piso em cave ou semi-cave, de acordo com a topografia existente no local. Este Lote apresenta uma orientação Norte/Sul e é servido por 2 arruamentos, o caminho Vale Carneiro a Sul e arruamento publico a Norte, no Loteamento, o acesso principal se encontra definido na frente Sul do lote. Este Lote encontra-se caracterizado no PDM de Mafra como Solo Urbano, Espaços Residenciais Áreas Consolidadas e insere-se no Alvará de Loteamento 36/2002. O processo que se apresenta dá cumprimento às premissas estabelecidas no regulamento de loteamento e regulamento do PDM, nomeadamente: A implantação da construção foi definida de acordo com os afastamentos mínimos estipulados no Loteamento: Afastamento Frontal Afastamento Lateral Afastamento Posterior 3,00 mts 5 mts ou 3 mts (se näo existirem väos) 6,00 mts Os parâmetros de Loteamento definem que p a Área de Construção é de 80 %, e a Área de Implantação de 35 %. A construção proposta caracteriza-se por uma moradia de 2 pisos acima do solo e um piso em semi-cave, resultando nos seguintes parâmetros construtivos: Área de Construção do Edifício (Pisos 0 + 1) Área de Construção em Cave Índice de Construção Índice de Implantação 276,30 m* 139,05 m2 53 % 26% Os restantes parâmetros de construção remete-se para o ANEXO I - Quadro Sinóptico. A construção em cave encontra-se dentro do limite perímetro de implantação da construção, sendo a sua utilização afecta às áreas de estacionamento, arrumos, lavandaria e zonas técnicas. O lote será totalmente vedado, respeitando-se as alturas definidas no regulamento de loteamento, com excepção: do muro lateral direito, que acompanha a cota do muro existente do lote confinante; A morfologia do terreno é caracterizada por uma diferença 5,75 mts, entre a frente e tardoz do lote, situação que condicionou a concepção da moradia, bem como a localização dos seus acessos (pedonais e automóvel). Assim optou-se por definir a cota de soleira, numa cota intermédia relativamente ao perfil natural do terreno, o que permite a utilização de um piso semi-enterrado para garagem, sem recurso a rampas e acessos desnivelados. De forma a cumprir com os afastamentos regulamentares, a opção volumétrica da moradia apresenta-se como um volume retangular subdividido e sobre-elevado no terreno. A separação formal do edifício, acima do solo, permite uma leitura quebrada do volume e o seu melhor ajuste ao terreno, apresentando-se como dois elementos de alturas diferente, soltos do terreno natural, dando o tratamento similar ao alçado principal e posterior. O acesso ao lote é feito através do arruamento existente, Caminho Vale Carneiro, localizado a Sul, com duas entradas distintas: O acesso pedonal é feito à direita da frente de lote, localizado junto do armário técnico dos contadores. No interior do lote, de forma a vencer o desnível até ao piso 0, foram definidos 2 lanços de escadas exteriores, que acompanham o desnível do terreno, e que dão acesso à entrada principal da moradia. O acesso automóvel é feito à esquerda da frente de lote, onde já se encontra executado o rebaixo de lancil no passeio e conforme definido no regulamento de loteamento. Assim previu-se a seguinte distribuição funcional / compartimentação para a moradia: Neste piso localizam-se a garagem para 2 lugares de estacionamento, lavandaria e tratamento de roupa, zonas técnicas, arrumos e um pequeno lavabo de apoio. A este nível foi ainda considerada uma área exterior de manobra automóvel para acesso à garagem, bem como áreas exteriores ajardinadas e de circulação. A entrada principal da moradia é feita no Alçado Nascente, recolhida em relação ao plano de fachada e localizada num plano intermédio do terreno. No piso 0 localizam-se todas as zonas sociais da habitação, que através do hall de entrada se distribuem para sala comum, sala de jantar, cozinha e lavabo. Dada a configuração do terreno foi ainda possível criar, a Poente, uma área exterior em terraço com ligação à sala de jantar e cozinha. Foi ainda definida uma ampla varanda, virada a sul, na extensão do alçado principal com acesso pela sala de estar. Neste piso localizam-se as zonas privadas da habitação, nomeadamente 3 quartos de dormir, todos com casa de banho privativa e varanda, sendo que no quarto principal foi ainda prevista uma zona para quarto de vestir. COBERTURA Na cobertura serão instalados os painéis solares e equipamento de ar condicionado, bem como a ventilação das instalações sanitárias e extração da cozinha. Estes equipamentos ficam visualmente protegidos pelas platibandas do volume. Dado que a moradia tem 3 pisos acessíveis, foi definida uma zona de acessos verticais, composta por uma escada e plataforma elevatória protegida, de forma a facilitar a mobilidade entre os diferentes pisos. Os acessos verticais encontram-se localizados no hall de distribuição dos pisos. Dada a morfologia do terreno e ocupação em área edificada e circulações, o desenho e desenvolvimento dos espaços exteriores fica condicionado pela características gerais da edificação, sendo uma consequência da melhor racionalização do espaço de logradouro. Assim propõem-se o tratamento destes espaços na continuidade do projecto de Arquitectura conforme se passa a descrever. As áreas exteriores ajardinadas e de estar ocupam parte da área de logradouro, distribuindo-se em torno da construção, sendo que no alçado poente, criou-se uma zona de estadia informal. Estas áreas, algumas ligadas entre si por percursos pedonais, aproveitam e minimizam as diferenças de cota do lote. As áreas de circulação e de estadia são enquadradas por canteiros e floreiras, que funcionam como separação física dos lotes confinantes e simultaneamente de protecção visual. A restante área de logradouro será ocupada pelo acesso automóvel e zona de manobra para entrada na garagem da habitação, tendo sido projectada de acordo com as normas e regulamentação em vigor. O sistema de rega e drenagem será definido no Projecto de Rede de águas de abastecimento e residuais. O edifício será construído em estrutura resistente com lajes, pilares e vigas de betão armado, sendo que as paredes exteriores serão duplas com isolamento térmico. A cobertura será plana, com sistema de impermeabilização e isolamento térmico do tipo cobertura de acessibilidade limitada. Os volumes principais das fachadas serão acabadas a reboco fino e pintadas a tinta plástica na cor branca, os panos recuados e elementos de separação volumétrica serão revestidos a Pedra Azul Cascais serrada e impermeabilizada. As caixilharias serão em alumínio termolacado na cor cinza com corte térmico e vidro duplo. As guardas das varandas serão em vidro laminado incolor, com estrutura de fixação em aço inox escovado. Os pavimentos das varandas serão impermeabilizados e acabados em material do tipo DECK. Os muros do lote serão rebocados e pintados a tinta plástica na cor cinza, os portões e gradeamento serão em ferro tratado e pintado na cor do material de revestimento exterior. Os pavimentos exteriores de circulação pedonal e automóvel serão lagetas de betão de acabamento diferenciado. As áreas de circulação exterior são enquadradas por floreiras e canteiros, colmatando as diferenças de cota do terreno. Os paramentos interiores serão em alvenaria de tijolo, rebocados, estucados e pintados a tinta de esmalte aquoso, e ou revestidos a material cerâmico ou pedra nas zonas húmidas, tais como cozinha e casas de banho. Nos pavimentos das zonas sociais e quartos será aplicado pavimento em madeira, sendo que nas instalações sanitárias e cozinha o pavimento será em mosaico de grés porcelânico ou pedra natural. No piso -1 os pavimentos da garagem, zonas técnicas, lavandaria e arrumos serão em material cerâmico não polido. Os tectos seráo rebocados, barrados e pintados a tinta de esmalte aquoso ou em gesso laminado, barrado e pintado a tinta de esmalte aquoso. As instalações sanitárias serão equipadas com louças sanitárias cerâmicas e restantes equipamentos necessários ao seu correcto funcionamento. As redes de abastecimento de água potável, electricidade, gás e telecomunicações serão ligadas às redes públicas. As redes de águas residuais e pluviais serão ligadas à rede pública de saneamento. Todas as instalações técnicas acima referidas serão devidamente detalhadas nos respectivos Projectos de cada Especialidade, mas sempre de acordo com a legislação específica em vigor para o sector. Os projectos das especialidades, serão entregues na Câmara Municipal e respectivas entidades para apreciação, após a aprovação do projecto de Arquitectura. Cremos ter, embora de forma sucinta, explicado a solução que se propõe, remetendo-se para as Peças Desenhadas constantes do processo uma melhor leitura do Projecto. Em tudo o que for omisso nesta memória, deverá ser seguida a legislação específica para o sector, bem como as regras da boa construção. #ref:SAFTI:004964
和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Caminho Vale Carneiro, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 5 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

980.000 €
5 卧室 总面积 370 m² 土地 999 m² E.C.: D
房子 5 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

890.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 250 m² E.C.: 评估中
Luxury villa for construction in a private condominium with sea views and private pool in Ericeira. The villa comprises: Floor -1: - Garage of 96m2, with bathroom and a storage space of more than 35.20m2. Floor 0: - Dining and living room with 33.60m2 and access to the terrace with 24.90m2 overlooking the sea and the condominium pool. - Equipped kitchen: 21.40m2 and access to the terrace with 26.00m2. - Hall: 6.65m2 - Bathroom: 2.35m2 - Laundry and Pantry: 3.30m2 - Stairs: 6.90m2 Floor 1: - Bedroom 1 en suite with 17.50m2 + bathroom of 6.50m2 and access to the private balcony of 13.15m2. - Bedroom 2 en suite with 14.95m2 + bathroom of 5.20m2 and access to the common balcony of the bedrooms of 8.15m2. - Bedroom 3 en suite with 13.0m2 + bathroom of 3.60m2 and access to the common balcony of the bedrooms of 8.15m2. - Circulation space of 3.80m2. Come and discover your new villa in the friendly and coveted village of Ericeira, in the municipality of Mafra. For other possible options in this condominium please see the references: ITH2646 and ITH2647. Why invest and live in Portugal? Paragraph 7. Safest Country in the World Global Peace Index 2023; One of the best motorway networks in the world; Portugal considered the best tourist destination in Europe in 2022, for the 5th. time in the last 6 years (WTA); Lisbon, the best seaside metropolitan destination in the world in 2022 (WTA); Madeira Island, the best island destination in the world in 2022 (WTA); Algarve having a hotel unit elected with the Best Lifestyle Resort 2022 (WTA) award; Porto elected as the best city destination in the world in 2022 (WTA) Average temperature at 12 noon, in summer: 25º C and in winter: 16º C; Considered the 7th. Best country in the world for quality of life 2022 (InterNations); Portugal is 4th. Best country in the world where expats feel most at home in 2022 (Internations); Mediterranean Diet, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO; The best fish in the world, according to Ferran Adriá, Chef El Bulli; It has 1 of the 25 most beautiful beaches in the world Tripadvisor 2022; It has 3 Portuguese wines among the 12 best in the world in 2022 (Forbes); Take advantage of this opportunity and book your visit now or ask for additional information! #ref:ITH2637
房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

860.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 250 m² E.C.: 评估中
Luxury villa for construction in a private condominium with sea views and private pool in Ericeira. The villa comprises: Floor -1: - Garage of 96m2, with bathroom and a storage space of more than 35.20m2. Floor 0: - Dining and living room with 33.60m2 and access to the terrace with 24.90m2 overlooking the sea and the condominium pool. - Equipped kitchen: 21.40m2 and access to the terrace with 26.00m2. - Hall: 6.65m2 - Bathroom: 2.35m2 - Laundry and Pantry: 3.30m2 - Stairs: 6.90m2 Floor 1: - Bedroom 1 en suite with 17.50m2 + bathroom of 6.50m2 and access to the private balcony of 13.15m2. - Bedroom 2 en suite with 14.95m2 + bathroom of 5.20m2 and access to the common balcony of the bedrooms of 8.15m2. - Bedroom 3 en suite with 13.0m2 + bathroom of 3.60m2 and access to the common balcony of the bedrooms of 8.15m2. - Circulation space of 3.80m2. Come and discover your new villa in the friendly and coveted village of Ericeira, in the municipality of Mafra. For other possible options in this condominium please see the references: ITH2646 and ITH2637. Why invest and live in Portugal? Paragraph 7. Safest Country in the World Global Peace Index 2023; One of the best motorway networks in the world; Portugal considered the best tourist destination in Europe in 2022, for the 5th. time in the last 6 years (WTA); Lisbon, the best seaside metropolitan destination in the world in 2022 (WTA); Madeira Island, the best island destination in the world in 2022 (WTA); Algarve having a hotel unit elected with the Best Lifestyle Resort 2022 (WTA) award; Porto elected as the best city destination in the world in 2022 (WTA) Average temperature at 12 noon, in summer: 25º C and in winter: 16º C; Considered the 7th. Best country in the world for quality of life 2022 (InterNations); Portugal is 4th. Best country in the world where expats feel most at home in 2022 (Internations); Mediterranean Diet, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO; The best fish in the world, according to Ferran Adriá, Chef El Bulli; It has 1 of the 25 most beautiful beaches in the world Tripadvisor 2022; It has 3 Portuguese wines among the 12 best in the world in 2022 (Forbes); Take advantage of this opportunity and book your visit now or ask for additional information! #ref:ITH2647
房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

875.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 250 m² E.C.: 评估中
Luxury villa for construction in a private condominium with sea views and private pool in Ericeira. The villa comprises: Floor -1: - Garage of 96m2, with bathroom and a storage space of more than 35.20m2. Floor 0: - Dining and living room with 33.60m2 and access to the terrace with 24.90m2 overlooking the sea and the condominium pool. - Equipped kitchen: 21.40m2 and access to the terrace with 26.00m2. - Hall: 6.65m2 - Bathroom: 2.35m2 - Laundry and Pantry: 3.30m2 - Stairs: 6.90m2 Floor 1: - Bedroom 1 en suite with 17.50m2 + bathroom of 6.50m2 and access to the private balcony of 13.15m2. - Bedroom 2 en suite with 14.95m2 + bathroom of 5.20m2 and access to the common balcony of the bedrooms of 8.15m2. - Bedroom 3 en suite with 13.0m2 + bathroom of 3.60m2 and access to the common balcony of the bedrooms of 8.15m2. - Circulation space of 3.80m2. Come and discover your new villa in the friendly and coveted village of Ericeira, in the municipality of Mafra. For other possible options in this condominium please see the references: ITH2637 and ITH2647. Why invest and live in Portugal? Paragraph 7. Safest Country in the World Global Peace Index 2023; One of the best motorway networks in the world; Portugal considered the best tourist destination in Europe in 2022, for the 5th. time in the last 6 years (WTA); Lisbon, the best seaside metropolitan destination in the world in 2022 (WTA); Madeira Island, the best island destination in the world in 2022 (WTA); Algarve having a hotel unit elected with the Best Lifestyle Resort 2022 (WTA) award; Porto elected as the best city destination in the world in 2022 (WTA) Average temperature at 12 noon, in summer: 25º C and in winter: 16º C; Considered the 7th. Best country in the world for quality of life 2022 (InterNations); Portugal is 4th. Best country in the world where expats feel most at home in 2022 (Internations); Mediterranean Diet, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO; The best fish in the world, according to Ferran Adriá, Chef El Bulli; It has 1 of the 25 most beautiful beaches in the world Tripadvisor 2022; It has 3 Portuguese wines among the 12 best in the world in 2022 (Forbes); Take advantage of this opportunity and book your visit now or ask for additional information! #ref:ITH2646
房子 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

公寓 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

375.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 120 m² E.C.: B-
Carvoeira is a charming parish located in the municipality of Mafra, in Ericeira. Known for its tranquil and picturesque environment, it’s a perfect refuge for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. With cafes and some services, Carvoeira preserves the traditional charm of the region while offering easy access to the wonderful beaches of the west coast, such as São Julião Beach It also has easy access to Lisbon. Surrounded by lush green landscapes and steeped in history, this small village captivates its visitors with its cozy atmosphere, and it’s in this atmosphere that we find this apartmentI’ll tell you all about it. First, let’s talk about the locationit’s just 4 minutes from South Beach and the center of the village of Ericeira. The apartment itself is spacious, covering 120 square meters, and filled with natural light thanks to its two wonderful balconies. Upon entering, you’re greeted by a generous entrance hall for everyday practicality, a suite with a bathroom, towel heater, and bathtub, along with two more large bedrooms to accommodate the whole family. Another bathroom provides privacy for those living in this place. Oh, and the kitchen! It’s been completely remodeled, fully equipped, and integrated with the living room, creating a perfect space to gather friends and family. The living room has space for a living and dining area and even has a balcony. And if you’re a fan of comfort, you’ll love to know that we have a fireplace with a heat recuperator to warm up on colder days, tilt-and-turn windows, and double glazing to maintain the perfect climate all year round. And that’s not allthe apartment also has a parking space, elevator, and a super spacious storage room to store everything you need. So, what are you waiting for? This apartment is the perfect combination of comfort, location, and charm. Book your visit now and start living the best of life in Ericeira, in the warm heart of Carvoeira! #ref: 78853
公寓 3 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

940.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 297 m² 土地 506 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
EXCLUSIVE WL - Do you idealise a property of excellence near the sea? This villa is the ideal combination for you and your whole family! - House that stands out for its top finishes, privileged location next to the centre of the village of Ericeira, benefits from excellent sun exposure with plenty of natural light inside. Swimming pool and relaxing leisure areas in the outdoor space. Spread over 2 floors, with 297m2 of gross construction area, this property has sea views in all its rooms, and consists of an entrance hall, a 40m2 living room with fireplace and fireplace, a modern 21m2 kitchen with a pantry and laundry area, a service bathroom and a bedroom. On the upper floor you benefit from three generous suites, all of them with their own private bathroom, walk-in closet, and 43m2 common balcony. Outside, with more than 100m2, you can count on a garden and leisure areas such as a swimming pool and barbecue. The great added value of this magnificent villa is the great use of storage spaces, with several wardrobes distributed over the two floors and in several rooms. In addition to solar panels, this villa has a pre-installation of a central heating system, central vacuum, air conditioning, you can also count on equipment such as home automation and ambient sound throughout the house. The kitchen has white lacquered furniture and is fully equipped with top built-in appliances. Here, you will experience Ericeira and all its charms to the fullest as you will be in a very exclusive property with a noble location, with excellent pedestrian access to the centre of the village, being only 1 km from the beaches. Come and meet us! Ref. 4731WE *This property is included in the situations that do not require the presentation of an Energy Certificate as its licensing permit for construction works was issued in 2019 * * All the information presented is not binding, it does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator, as well as the consultation of the property documentation * A traditional fishing village, Ericeira developed enormously during the XVI century. XX due to the growing demand as a walking area, while maintaining its original characteristics and a very unique atmosphere. In 2011 it was consecrated by the international organisation ’Save the Waves Coalition’ as a World Surfing Reserve, being the 2nd Reserve distinguished globally and remaining the only one in Europe to this day. Mafra is a place of experiences and emotions; Get to know its historical and cultural richness, flavours and traditions. Visit the fantastic monuments, gardens and local handicrafts. #ref:4731WE
游泳池 海景 和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

独立式住宅 4 卧室+2 在 Estrada do Outeirinho, Ericeira, Mafra

449.000 € 495.000 € 9%
4 卧室 总面积 285 m² E.C.: D
和 车库
独立式住宅 4 卧室+2 在 Estrada do Outeirinho, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 4 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Arado, Ericeira, Mafra

495.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 285 m² 土地 330 m² E.C.: D
和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Arado, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Casal da Várzea da Pedra, Ericeira, Mafra

930.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 292 m² 土地 515 m² E.C.: A
Imagine yourself living in a villa, where every detail has been thought out to offer maximum comfort. Located in Ericeira, just 1 km from the beaches and 7 km from Mafra, this 4 bedroom villa is in the final stages of construction. Inserted in a generous plot of 515m2, the property stands out with 257m2 of construction area, spread over 2 floors that combine elegance and functionality. The villa is distributed as follows: On the ground floor, entrance hall, bathroom, bedroom of 15m2, laundry, kitchen, living room of 37m2. On the 1st floor, 2 bedrooms of 15m2, a suite of 29m2 with dressing room and private bathroom, terrace of 24m2 and an additional bathroom serves the other bedrooms, ensuring comfort for the whole family. Outside, there is a garage for one car and a barbecue area. With the completion of the work scheduled for the second quarter of 2024, this villa represents a unique opportunity to invest in a home that is synonymous with quality of life, just 45 km from Lisbon Airport. #ref:SAFTI:004898
和 车库
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Casal da Várzea da Pedra, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Parque Infantil, Ericeira, Mafra

890.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 347 m² 土地 2.390 m² E.C.: A+
It’s called WEST RESIDENCE, it’s the latest private condominium project of contemporary architecture with high quality standards that is being born in the West region, more specifically in Ericeira. This latest bet will have 4 3+1 bedroom villas with swimming pool and excellent sun exposure and sea views and easy access to all commerce and highway, being approximately 30 minutes from Lisbon. The villas will all have 3 floors composed as follows: Floor -1 - Garage (96.1 m2); Storage (36.2 m2); Bathroom (3.6 m2). Floor 0 - Hall (6.6m2); (kitchen 21.4 m2); Laundry/pantry (3.3m2); living room (33.6 m2); Bathroom (2.3 m2); terrace (34.1m2). Floor 1 - Hall (3.8m2), suite 01 with closet (17.5m2), bathroom suite (6.5m2); w/Balcony access (13.1m2); Suite 02 (14.9m2); WC suite (5.2m2); Suite 03 (13 m2); WC suite (3.6m2); both with balcony access (8.1m2). Equipment: Fully equipped kitchen; Electric shutters; Solar panels for water heating; Pre-installation of Air Conditioning; Centralized mechanical ventilation; The villa also has a landscaped outdoor space and a large terrace and barbecue. This residential project brings together all the attractions for buyers looking for a differentiating product, in a unique location. Given the exceptional characteristics of this product, this demand can be motivated by several reasons: to live, to have a holiday home to gather friends and family or for investment in a highly exclusive tourist destination where real estate continues to appreciate. * All available information does not exempt the mediator from confirming as well as consulting the property documentation. * Ericeira - Where the sea is bluer #ref:CAS_64
和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Parque Infantil, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Parque Infantil, Ericeira, Mafra

875.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 347 m² 土地 2.390 m² E.C.: A+
It’s called WEST RESIDENCE, it’s the latest private condominium project of contemporary architecture with high quality standards that is being born in the West region, more specifically in Ericeira. This latest bet will have 4 3+1 bedroom villas with swimming pool and excellent sun exposure and sea views and easy access to all commerce and highway, being approximately 30 minutes from Lisbon. The villas will all have 3 floors composed as follows: Floor -1 - Garage (96.1 m2); Storage (36.2 m2); Bathroom (3.6 m2). Floor 0 - Hall (6.6m2); (kitchen 21.4 m2); Laundry/pantry (3.3m2); living room (33.6 m2); Bathroom (2.3 m2); terrace (34.1m2). Floor 1 - Hall (3.8m2), suite 01 with closet (17.5m2), bathroom suite (6.5m2); w/Balcony access (13.1m2); Suite 02 (14.9m2); WC suite (5.2m2); Suite 03 (13 m2); WC suite (3.6m2); both with balcony access (8.1m2). Equipment: Fully equipped kitchen; Electric shutters; Solar panels for water heating; Pre-installation of Air Conditioning; Centralized mechanical ventilation; The villa also has a landscaped outdoor space and a large terrace and barbecue. This residential project brings together all the attractions for buyers looking for a differentiating product, in a unique location. Given the exceptional characteristics of this product, this demand can be motivated by several reasons: to live, to have a holiday home to gather friends and family or for investment in a highly exclusive tourist destination where real estate continues to appreciate. * All available information does not exempt the mediator from confirming as well as consulting the property documentation. * Ericeira - Where the sea is bluer #ref:CAS_63
和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Parque Infantil, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

860.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 347 m² 土地 205 m² E.C.: 豁免财产
This fantastic condominium encompasses four magnificent villas that combine high quality construction with a perfect location, in a very quiet area and less than two minutes from the centre of Vila da Ericeira. With views of the sea and the countryside, these villas stand out for their excellent areas, a great solar orientation and excellent quality finishes, all designed for maximum comfort and well-being. The condominium also has a leisure area, garden and swimming pool, facing south, for moments of relaxation and fun. Each villa has 3 floors, distributed as follows: Floor 0 - entrance hall, living room with terrace, kitchen with dining area, laundry room and guest bathroom Floor 1 - hall of bedrooms, 3 spacious suites with balconies Floor -1 - garage for 3 cars, storage room/games room and bathroom Close to access to the motorway, schools and all services. Don’t miss this magnificent opportunity! Schedule your visit now. REF.5096WE * All the information presented is not binding, it does not dispense with confirmation by the mediator, as well as the consultation of the property documentation * We seek to provide good business and simplify processes for our customers. Our growth has been exponential and sustained. Do you need a mortgage? Without worries, we take care of the entire process until the day of the deed. Explain your situation to us and we will look for the bank that provides you with the best financing conditions. Energy certification? If you are thinking of selling or renting your property, know that the energy certificate is MANDATORY. And we, in partnership, take care of everything for you. A traditional fishing village, Ericeira developed enormously during the XVI century. XX due to the growing demand as a summer area, while maintaining its original characteristics and a very unique atmosphere. Mafra is a place of experiences and emotions; Get to know its historical and cultural richness, flavours and traditions. Visit the fantastic monuments, gardens and local handicrafts. #ref:5096WE
房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 6 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Arado, Ericeira, Mafra

449.000 € 495.000 € 9%
6 卧室 总面积 285 m² 土地 330 m² E.C.: D
和 车库
房子 6 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Arado, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Pinheiro, Ericeira, Mafra

860.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 347 m² 土地 2.390 m² E.C.: A+
和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Triplex 在 Rua do Pinheiro, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

860.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 347 m² 土地 2.390 m² E.C.: A+
Gated Community (4 Villas) with swimming pool, of typology T3+1 located in the Ericeira area, ideal for the comfort of your family, with easy access to the main access roads (A.21 / A8). The villas with contemporary lines where you privilege the elegance and beauty of nature, also enjoying a great sun exposure and sea views, have finishes with the most recent materials on the market combined with the latest technology. The ground floor consists of: - Hall (6.6m2); (kitchen 21.4 m2); Lav_/pantry (3.3m2); living room (33.6 m2); Bathroom (2.3 m2); terrace (34.1m2). On the upper floor we have THREE SUITES: - Hall (3.8m2), suite 01 with closet (17.5m2), bathroom suite (6.5m2); w/Balcony access (13.1m2); Suite 02 (14.9m2); WC suite (5.2m2); Suite 03 (13 m2); WC suite (3.6m2); both with balcony access (8.1m2). - The Basement / Garage (96.1 m2); Storage (36.2 m2); Wc (3.6 m2). Each villa has a pleasant surrounding outdoor garden, also with a large terrace and barbecue. Equipment: - Fully equipped kitchen; - Electric shutters; - Solar panels for water heating; - Pre-Air Conditioning; Centralized mechanical ventilation; * PRICES FROM 860.000.00€* *Completion of works scheduled for the end of 2025. *All the information presented is not binding, not exempting the consultation and confirmation of all the documentation of the property*. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the number (phone hidden) Luís Vieira #ref:3786LV
海景 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 3 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

860.000 €
3 卧室 总面积 347 m² 土地 2.390 m² E.C.: A+
Gated Community (4 Villas) with swimming pool, of typology T3+1 located in the Ericeira area, ideal for the comfort of your family, with easy access to the main access roads (A.21 / A8). The villas with contemporary lines where you privilege the elegance and beauty of nature, also enjoying a great sun exposure and sea views, have finishes with the most recent materials on the market combined with the latest technology. The ground floor consists of: - Hall (6.6m2); (kitchen 21.4 m2); Lav_/pantry (3.3m2); living room (33.6 m2); Bathroom (2.3 m2); terrace (34.1m2). On the upper floor we have THREE SUITES: - Hall (3.8m2), suite 01 with closet (17.5m2), bathroom suite (6.5m2); w/Balcony access (13.1m2); Suite 02 (14.9m2); WC suite (5.2m2); Suite 03 (13 m2); WC suite (3.6m2); both with balcony access (8.1m2). - The Basement / Garage (96.1 m2); Storage (36.2 m2); Wc (3.6 m2). Each villa has a pleasant surrounding outdoor garden, also with a large terrace and barbecue. Equipment: - Fully equipped kitchen; - Electric shutters; - Solar panels for water heating; - Pre-Air Conditioning; Centralized mechanical ventilation; * PRICES FROM 860.000.00€* *Completion of works scheduled for the end of 2025. *All the information presented is not binding, not exempting the consultation and confirmation of all the documentation of the property*. For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact the number (phone hidden) Luís Vieira #ref:3787LV
海景 和 车库
房子 3 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

独立式住宅 4 卧室 在 Caminho Vale Carneiro, Ericeira, Mafra

850.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 249 m² 土地 543 m² E.C.: B-
独立式住宅 4 卧室 在 Caminho Vale Carneiro, Ericeira, Mafra

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

1.080.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 379 m² 土地 325 m² E.C.: A+
埃里塞拉梦幻般的 4 卧室别墅,享有海景和游泳池 这栋正在建设中的半独立式别墅距离埃里塞拉市中心有10分钟的步行路程,预计完工日期为2023年12月 别墅的组成如下: 地下: 大厅20平方米,45平方米的大客厅,可通往长5.10米,宽3米的游泳池,开放式厨房设备齐全,面积为15平方米,卧室或办公室为16.26平方米,完整的卫生间为6.40平方米 室外空间40平方米,带门廊和烧烤设施 1楼: 它有3间套房,2间海景套房均为13平方米,卫生间为5平方米,1间衣柜为4平方米,另一间套房面积为7平方米,另一间套房面积为14平方米,壁橱面积为8平方米,卫生间面积为5平方米,均设有阳台 厕所有天窗,提供自然光线 屋顶设有室外通道,可欣赏海景,并预装按摩浴缸 别墅还设有装甲门,可视对讲机,空调,太阳能电池板 生活热水的生产将通过天然气太阳能热水器和强制循环太阳能集热器系统来确保 环境的加热将通过带炉灶的壁炉来确保,该壁炉为生物质提供,该壁炉为别墅底层的客厅,厨房和流通提供服务,以及由电热泵驱动的多分体式空调系统,该系统服务于建筑的所有主要部门,并且还 将确保住房环境的冷却 在通风方面,这是通过使用通过框架进气和通过内部卫生设施排气的自然处理,并在别墅的所有垂直跨度中安装通风网 它距离里斯本和卡斯卡伊斯20公里 #ref:MORJL010
游泳池 海景
房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 4 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

449.000 € 495.000 € 9%
4 卧室 总面积 168 m² E.C.: D
Fantastic Villa 2km from the Center of Ericeira This charming villa, located just 2km from the center of Ericeira, is a true hidden gem. Situated in a peaceful area, surrounded by other villas and nature, this property offers a serene and welcoming environment. It offers the possibility of being converted into a two-family villa, thus providing the option of extra income if desired. With 285m2 of gross floor area, it consists of three floors: - The basement, with independent entrance, includes a living room, kitchen, two bedrooms, and a bathroom. - The ground floor, featuring a spacious living room with a fireplace and a heat recovery unit that connects to a fully equipped kitchen, a bedroom/office, and a complete bathroom. - The first floor, where three bedrooms are located, one of which is a suite with a relaxing whirlpool bathtub. The villa also has pre-installation for central heating, ensuring comfort throughout the year. All windows are aluminum with tilt-and-turn mechanisms and thermal blinds, providing a bright and cozy atmosphere. The outdoor plot has a total area of 340m2, including a covered barbecue area and a spacious 33m2 garage. This is a unique opportunity to live in the charming Ericeira, enjoying its serene environment and proximity to the village center. Don’t miss the opportunity to make this villa your home in picturesque Ericeira and schedule your visit now. Although this information is accurate, it does not replace consulting the documentation with the real estate agency License AMI No. 21634. With DS PRIVATE Torres Vedras, you will have the guarantee of being accompanied by a team of dedicated and experienced professionals, providing: Close and 100% available support throughout the process; Custom market analysis tailored to your needs and requirements, using extensive experience and knowledge of the real estate market; Negotiation support and consultancy, as well as the completion of the Promissory Purchase and Sale Agreement (CPCV) and the Deed. Assistance in finding the best financing solution for your case through our Credit Intermediation service. We are credit intermediaries, registered with the Bank of Portugal under No. 7165. If you are looking for a personalized service with the support of an experienced team throughout the process, we are undoubtedly the ideal agency for you. We look forward to meeting you! #ref:DSPTVAAR53
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房子 4 卧室 在 Ericeira, Mafra

房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

930.000 €
4 卧室 总面积 292 m² 土地 515 m² E.C.: A
Excellent 4 bedroom villa in a quiet area inserted in an urbanisation mostly of villas with contemporary architecture 5 minutes from the centre of Ericeira. High quality finishes. Composed by: Floor 0 - Hall, Living Room, Fully Equipped Kitchen, Laundry and Spacious Pantry with Large Closets, 1 Bedroom, Toilet. 1st Floor - 3 Bedrooms, 1 of which is a suite, 1 bathroom. Vulcano air conditioning and AEG equipment Garden with garage and barbecue shed. Deadline for completion of the work: 2nd quarter of 2024 *All information presented is not binding, not exempting the consultation and confirmation of all the documentation of the property* Enjoy the historical tradition of Vila Pescatória, combined with the natural beauty of the beaches and the multi-cultural environment that the nomination of the 2nd World Surfing Reserve has brought us. #ref:24005CAIF
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房子 4 卧室 Duplex 在 Ericeira, Mafra

独立式住宅 3 卧室+2 在 Ericeira, Mafra

499.500 €
3 卧室 总面积 206 m² 土地 682 m² E.C.: D
独立式住宅 3 卧室+2 在 Ericeira, Mafra
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