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2.402 Grundstücke zu verkaufen, Region Alentejo, Portugal, von 50.000 € bis 950.000 €

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Grundstück auf Abitureiras, Santarém

180.000 €
Grundstücke 72.364 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Een prachtig stuk grond van 7,4 hectare met een schilderachtige omgeving, gemaakt voor iemands droomproject; of het nu toerisme, paardensport of gewoon de perfecte locatie voor een zelf ontworpen huis en toekomstige levensstijl op het Portugese platteland is. Het potentieel is ongelooflijk, met verschillende locaties die ideaal zijn voor de bouw, elk met zijn eigen kenmerken. Als je ronddwaalt ontdek je uitgestrekte zuidelijke en westelijke uitzichten en afgelegen open plekken. Het land is voornamelijk open met glooiende heuvels en zachte valleien, bezaaid met olijfbomen - sommige eeuwen oud - maar met gebieden van steenpijnbomen die schaduw bieden en de perfecte achtergrond voor ongelooflijke vergezichten al een Quinta da Marinha. Tweederde van het perceel wordt begrensd door en ligt boven een beschermde ecologische zone die bestaat uit een lint van inheems bos dat afloopt naar wijngaarden op de voorgrond en Monte Juntos in de verte. Het is alsof de natuur alles zorgvuldig heeft ontworpen, puur voor het plezier van de eigenaar. Dit object is niet alleen mooi, maar ook praktisch. Een verhoogd pad door het land heeft directe toegang tot de hoofdweg (de Rua Principal das Abitureiras) en elektriciteit en water zijn gemakkelijk bereikbaar aan de rand van het terrein. Op een paar minuten van een dorp met een bar/café, slechts 20 minuten van de stad Santarem met zijn gotische architectuur, moderne voorzieningen en een scala aan restaurants en winkels en een uur van het vliegveld van Lissabon krijg je privacy en rust zonder geïsoleerd te raken. Het stadsbestuur van Santarém gaf de volgende parameters voor toegestane bouw: Residentieel: -Bouwoppervlak 300m2 - Bouwoppervlak 600m2 -Aantal verdiepingen 2 Bouw van een bijgebouw met een maximum van 2000m2 Een constructieve voorziening is ook toegestaan voor ander gebruik, namelijk Klasse C en D Industrie, ’Toerisme, Recreatie en Vrije tijd’ in de volgende parameters: - Uitvoeringsoppervlak 6000m2 max. -Opbouw oppervlakte 8000m2 max. #ref:FR294
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Grundstück auf Abitureiras, Santarém

Grundstück auf Redondo, Redondo

65.000 €
Grundstücke 6.120 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Redondo, Redondo

Grundstück auf Santo Estevão, Benavente

342.054 €
Grundstücke 20.002 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Santo Estevão, Benavente

Baugrundstück auf Vale de Santiago, Odemira

125.000 €
Grundstücke 6.375 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Terreno com Oliveiras - ALENTEJO - ODEMIRA - VALE DE SANTIAGO Dados de Terreno e PDM: 0,6375 há / 6375m2; Categoria II, Índice de Ocupação Liquida 0,5 área de ocupação máxima 3187,5m2; Índice de utilização liquida 0,8 área bruta máxima 5100,0m2; n.º máximo de pisos 2, densidade populacional 60 (38,3 Habit. n.º hab. máximo 3/fogo, 12,75 fogos; Frente de terreno aproximado 165 m.l.; profundidade aproximada 35 m.l. Poço/furo na propriedade; ramal de água pública está acessível; ramal de Electricidade está igualmente acessível. Vale de Santiago é uma freguesia portuguesa do município de Odemira, com 59,24 km² de área e 554 habitantes (2011). O nome ’Vale de Santiago’ tem origem na Ordem de Santiago, ao qual pertencia o lugar. É uma freguesia do interior do concelho, situada entre o rio Sado e a ribeira de Campilhas, predominando a planície. Santa Catarina é a padroeira da freguesia, que é homenageada na festa religiosa de 25 de Novembro. A feira anual de Vale de Santiago realiza-se no último sábado de Agosto e no primeiro domingo de Setembro nas Fornalhas Velhas. Ao nível associativo, conta com a Sociedade Recreativa de Vale de Santiago e com o Centro Cultural e Desportivo das Fornalhas Velhas. Nesta freguesia há ainda a registar o monte de Columbais, onde se diz ter nascido Cristóvão Colombo. (by wikipedia) O monte da Comuna (do qual já pouco resta), onde um grupo de anarquistas, liderados por António Gonçalves Correia, criou a chamada Comuna da Luz, que deu origem à revolta dos trabalhadores rurais do Vale de Santiago na crise de 1918. A Comuna da Luz está também associada à morte de Sidónio Pais: o assassino do então Presidente-Rei foi José Júlio da Costa, agrário de Garvão, quem serviu de mediador entre as autoridades e os revoltosos do Vale de Santiago. Land with Olives Land data and PDM: 0.6375 ha / 6375m2; Category II, Occupation Index Net 0.5 Maximum occupancy area 3187,5m2; Index liquid using 0.8 5100,0m2 maximum gross area; Maximum Number of floors 2, density 60 (38.3 Habit No inh most 3 / fire 12.75 fires..; Front driving ground 165 br.m .; 35 approximate depth M.L. Terrain avec oliviers - ALENTEJO - ODEMIRA - VALE DE SANTIAGO Données foncières et PDM: 0,6375 ha / 6375m2; Catégorie II, indice d’occupation net 0,5 surface d’occupation maximale 3187,5 m2; Indice d’utilisation nette 0,8 surface brute maximale 5100,0 m2; nombre maximum d’étages 2, densité de population 60 (38,3 Habit. maximum nombre d’habitants 3 / feu, 12,75 logements; Devant le terrain environ 165 m.l.; profondeur approximative 35 m.l. #ref:NL606
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Baugrundstück auf Vale de Santiago, Odemira

Gründstück auf Rua Coronel António Manuel Batista, Fazendas de Almeirim, Almeirim

450.000 €
Grundstücke 16.521 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Gründstück auf Rua Coronel António Manuel Batista, Fazendas de Almeirim, Almeirim

städisches Grundstück auf Santa Maria do Castelo e Santiago e Santa Susana, Alcácer do Sal

205.000 €
Grundstücke 6.604 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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städisches Grundstück auf Santa Maria do Castelo e Santiago e Santa Susana, Alcácer do Sal

Grundstück auf Cartaxo e Vale da Pinta, Cartaxo

750.000 €
Grundstücke 1.094 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Vendem-se 5 lotes de terreno para construção de 5 edifícios (30 fogos), na Urbanização das Laranjeiras/Terreiro da Feira (Rua Manuel Bernardo das Neves e Rua da Feira de Todos os Santos). Inseridos em alvará de loteamento, muito centrais, junto ao edifício da feira, Intermarché, nova esquadra da PSP, café Kabulas 2 e Nova Escola Básica Marcelino Mesquita. Zona residencial bastante calma, com zona ajardinada em toda a urbanização. Zona muito central, com bons acessos rodoviários e acessos às principais vias de comunicação. #ref:IMOPP-00012
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Grundstück auf Cartaxo e Vale da Pinta, Cartaxo

rustikales Grundstück auf Monsaraz, Reguengos de Monsaraz

60.000 €
Grundstücke 9.750 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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rustikales Grundstück auf Monsaraz, Reguengos de Monsaraz

Grundstück auf Santiago do Cacém, S.Cruz e S.Bartolomeu da Serra, Santiago do Cacém

740.000 €
Grundstücke 27.500 m² E.C.: Auswertung läuft
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Grundstück auf Santiago do Cacém, S.Cruz e S.Bartolomeu da Serra, Santiago do Cacém

rustikales Grundstück auf Almodôvar e Graça dos Padrões, Almodôvar

725.000 €
Grundstücke 846.325 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Land with eighty-four hectares, with registered as urban items, located in the Municipality of Beja, in the Union of Parishes of Almodôvar and Graça dos Padrãos. The schist land, composed of olive trees, cork oaks, holm oaks, strawberry trees, has a spring and two dams. Eighty percent of the land has been cleared, allowing several cork oak shoots to appear in the landscape. The yield obtained from existing cork oaks, olive trees and strawberry trees has been regular, as has the yield from beekeeping. The terrain has the ability to accept other types of crops due to its fertility. Shale land has small valleys where water flows, creating small vegetable gardens of fertile land. We are thus commercializing a land that could be used for agricultural exploration with existing trees, intensifying production or a new exploration of avocados or other crops that may need a lot of water, as the land has the possibility of storage through the increase and conditioning of existing dams. There is a natural spring and a stream already delineated in different parts of the land. Due to the erosion of the hills, the land in the valleys is quite fertile, creating small floodplains that can be used as vegetable gardens. The property already has paths inside, making it easy to access any part of the land with vehicles suitable for this type of soil. The existing ruins, have volumetry to be considered as such, form a small hamlet on top of one of the hills, allowing a view over the land and an extensive landscape over the surrounding hills. Electricity can be obtained by downloading or through solar panels. In a straight line, the property is 40 km from Faro, 70 from Beja and 14 from the A2 highway. #ref:SÒL_49112
Non building
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rustikales Grundstück auf Almodôvar e Graça dos Padrões, Almodôvar

städisches Grundstück auf Rua Cardeal D. Henrique, Almeirim, Almeirim

300.000 €
Grundstücke 6.280 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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städisches Grundstück auf Rua Cardeal D. Henrique, Almeirim, Almeirim

Grundstück auf São Cristóvão, Montemor-o-Novo

290.000 €
Grundstücke 69.750 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Rustic plot of land with 6.975 hectares located in São Cristóvão, in the municipality of Montemor-o-Novo, with easy accessibility and extending to a stream, featuring traditional olive tree cultivation, with an ongoing project for a Owner-Farmer 4-bedroom villa. The project includes a single-story detached villa with 287.60 sqm of footprint/construction area, featuring typical regional architecture, with masonry walls, tile roofing, porches, and terraces, aiming to enhance the outdoor living experience and the surrounding green area. The structure will be a mixed construction of reinforced concrete and solid wood. The villa is comprised of an entrance hall with access to the common living room with 92.65 sqm and a service area with a kitchen, a guest bathroom, and a pantry, followed by a circulation area that provides access to four suites, each with excellent areas of 21.60 sqm and access to a terrace. The villa will be equipped with photovoltaic panels, solar panels, and heat pumps. Located just a 20-minute drive from the center of Montemor, 35 minutes from Alcácer, and 50 minutes from Comporta. Only 1h15 minutes from Lisbon. #ref:81025
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Grundstück auf São Cristóvão, Montemor-o-Novo

Grundstück auf Couço, Coruche

127.500 €
Grundstücke 20.250 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Venha conhecer a tranquilidade Ribatejana a uma hora de Lisboa Terreno misto em Coruche, na tranquila freguesia do Couço, com vinte mil duzentos e cinquenta metros quadrados, no qual se encontra edificada uma casa de habitação de rés do chão, com duas assoalhadas, uma cozinha e com a área coberta de quarenta e três metros quadrados, a necessitar de obras. Possui poço, cultura arvense, figueiras, laranjeiras, limoeiro e macieira. Localizado nesta tranquila freguesia, com facilidade de acesso através da A1, ou A12 via Ponte Vasco da Gama e seguindo pela estrada nacional 119, num ambiente rural muito típico da zona Ribatejana. Fale connosco agora e marque já a sua visita. SOBRE A IMOPP A missão da IMOPP consiste na satisfação total das expectativas e desejos dos nossos Clientes, com o objectivo de conseguir sempre o melhor negócio. Por si Pelo seu imóvel Pelos seus sonhos! CRÉDITO BANCÁRIO Disponibilizamos também um serviço de intermediação de crédito, devidamente certificados pelo Banco de Portugal (registo 4770), fazemos a gestão de todo o processo de financiamento, sempre com as melhores soluções do mercado para que este processo seja completo, simples e eficaz. Assim, quando procurar a sua casa, encontrará igualmente o crédito à habitação mais ajustado às suas necessidades. A nossa principal preocupação é a satisfação dos nossos Clientes! As informações disponibilizadas são de cariz meramente informativo, não podendo ser consideradas vinculativas, não dispensando a consulta e confirmação das mesmas junto da mediadora. #ref:IMOPP-00096
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Grundstück auf Couço, Coruche

Grundstück auf Reguengos de Monsaraz, Reguengos de Monsaraz

155.000 €
Grundstücke 1.760 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Lote de Terreno Urbano (Parcela B) com 1760 m2, para a construção de moradia independente com uma área de 440m2 em Reguengos de Monsaraz. Este lote de terreno tem 3 sobreiros e 2 oliveiras. Conta com os arruamentos, iluminação publica e todas as infraestruturas. Lote com uma área plana, limpa de obstáculos, inserida num quarteirão e envolvente de moradias familiares. Oferece uma orientação solar norte, sul, nascente e poente. Fica a 5 minutos do centro da cidade de Reguengos de Monsaraz onde encontra todos os serviços necessários e uma fantástica piscina municipal tão apetecida nestas terras quentes do Alentejo. Muito próximo dos acessos para Monsaraz (15Km), Mourão (21Km) Évora (36 Km) e Espanha (35Km). Esta zona é servida por 4 das melhores Praias Fluviais da zona: Monsaraz (20Km); Mourão (23Km; Amieira(19Km) e Azenhas D’El Rei no Alandroal (30Km) Zona em forte expansão e muito procurada, valorizada pela qualidade de vida em poder viver numa moradia unifamiliar independente com muito sol e beneficiando dos serviços da zona e da Paz que é o Alentejo. Ganha a tranquilidade do campo, dentro da cidade. Marque já a sua visita. A MILLION GROUP surge da união de sinergias, da complementaridade e experiência dos seus fundadores. Susana Ferreira, Armando Fonseca e Soraia Sousa iniciam a sua colaboração sob a matriz de uma marca internacional e decidem criar um novo conceito para o setor imobiliário. Sentiram os desafios com uma perspetiva mais universal e flexível na abordagem do mercado imobiliário, e a criação da marca MILLION GROUP vem responder a todas as necessidades. Era preciso dar corpo a uma filosofia e uma forma de estar no mercado, nova e diferenciadora. Os nossos valores CONFIANÇA, PROXIMIDADE, MATURIDADE, UNIVERSALIDADE. CONFIANÇA - Conquistada interna e externamente pelo rigor e a lealdade na relação que estabelecemos com os nossos Consultores, Parceiros, Clientes e Amigos. PROXIMIDADE - Uma relação sincera, com acompanhamento, apoio e disponibilidade permanente. MATURIDADE - Um património de experiência e conhecimento no mercado imobiliário. UNIVERSALIDADE - Baseada numa presença abrangente em todos os segmentos de mercado, a profissionalizar os nossos consultores com foco na satisfação dos nossos clientes. O que fazemos ’Concretizamos sonhos’ Uma verdadeira síntese emocional do que fazemos todos os dias. Conciliamos compradores e vendedores, promovemos negócios e apoiamos a sua concretização. #ref:MG0758
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Grundstück auf Reguengos de Monsaraz, Reguengos de Monsaraz

Grundstück auf Romeira e Várzea, Santarém

110.000 €
Grundstücke 260 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Romeira e Várzea, Santarém

Grundstück auf Abela, Santiago do Cacém

380.000 € 480.000 € 21%
Grundstücke 362.500 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Abela, Santiago do Cacém

Grundstück auf Santo André, Santiago do Cacém

240.000 €
Grundstücke 40.000 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Land von 4 Hektar mit Rentabilití¤t Mit einfachem Zugang von einer Gemeindestraíe, in einer lí¤ndlichen Gegend und am Rande der Gemeinde Azinheira de Barros, Gemeinde Grândola, steht ein 4 Hektar groíes Grundstí¼ck zum Verkauf, das sich durch seine Ruhe auszeichnet Herz von Alentejo! Eingebettet in diese Gemeinde aus dem Mittelalter und mit einem natí¼rlichen und kulturellen Erbe von historischer Bedeutung und einer zeitlosen landschaftlichen Schí¶nheit, bietet dieses Land ein Flussbett, eine fí¼r die Region charakteristische Flora, eine Ackerkultur, nur Olivenbí¤ume, die fí¼r etwa 1 behandelt wurden Jahr, um eine gute Ernte zu geben. Das Grundstí¼ck ist teilweise eingezí¤unt, aber alles ist mit Orientierungspunkten ausgeschildert. Die Stromleitung ist einfach zu installieren, da die Abzweigung auf etwa 500 Metern verlí¤uft. Lassen Sie sich diese hervorragende Investitionsmí¶glichkeit nicht entgehen! Fí¼r weitere Informationen oder um einen Besichtigungstermin zu vereinbaren, kí¶nnen Sie uns per E-Mail oder Telefon kontaktieren und die Referenznummer der Immobilie NS 625 angeben Standort: Azinheira dos Barros, Grândola Gesamtflí¤che: 40.000 m2 Jahr der Einschreibung in der Zentrale: 1951 CE: Ausgenommen REF. DES EIGENTUMS: NS 625 AMI-Lizenz 14540 Verlassen Sie sich beim Verkauf Ihrer Immobilie auf unser Engagement, unsere Unterstí¼tzung und unser Engagement! Wenden Sie sich an uns, um eine Simulation zu erhalten. Alle unsere Kredit- und Versicherungsvermittlungsdienste sind kostenlos. Planen Sie noch heute Ihren Besuch und erfahren Sie mehr í¼ber diese Gelegenheit! íbersetzt von Google #ref:NS625
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Grundstück auf Santo André, Santiago do Cacém

Grundstück auf São Francisco da Serra, Santiago do Cacém

490.000 €
Grundstücke 57.750 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
5.775 ha Land mit Ruinen Dieses í¼ber eine Gemeindestraíe leicht zu erreichende Grundstí¼ck mit guter Anbindung an die A2 liegt in einer lí¤ndlichen Gegend am Rande der Gemeinde São Francisco da Serra, Gemeinde Santiago do Cacém, einem Grundstí¼ck mit 5.775 ha, die sich durch Ruhe im Herzen der Alentejo-Kí¼ste auszeichnet! Es befindet sich in dieser Gemeinde mit einem Natur- und Kulturerbe von konservatorischer und historischer Bedeutung und einer zeitlosen landschaftlichen Schí¶nheit. Dieses Land verfí¼gt í¼ber einen Wasserlauf, einen Anschluss an das Stromnetz, eine fí¼r die Region charakteristische Flora und eine vielfí¤ltige Ackerbaukultur landwirtschaftlicher Natur. mit Korkeichen ohne Zugluft. Eingebettet in ein Tí¤lergebiet, das Ihnen einen herrlichen Blick auf die Kí¼ste von Santo André und Santiago do Cacém bietet. In Bezug auf Gebí¤ude wird je nach ihren Merkmalen und auf Anfrage und Bewertung durch CM Santiago do Cacém und andere verantwortliche Stellen das Vorliegen einer Rentabilití¤t fí¼r den Bau von Wohnungen (fí¼r Landwirte mit der entsprechenden Lizenz) bis zu 231 m2 als mí¶glich erachtet. und bis zu 577,5 m2 fí¼r landwirtschaftliche Einrichtungen. Auch der Bau touristischer Siedlungen in lí¤ndlichen Gebieten ist erlaubt. Es empfiehlt sich jedoch, das PIP im Detail zu konsultieren. Es liegt zwischen den Bergen und dem Meer, 14 km von Melides und den wunderschí¶nen Strí¤nden der Costa de Santo André, 22 km von Grândola und 30 km von Sines und den wunderschí¶nen Wanderwegen der Costa Vicentina entfernt! Lassen Sie sich diese hervorragende Investitionsmí¶glichkeit nicht entgehen! Fí¼r weitere Informationen oder um einen Besichtigungstermin zu vereinbaren, kí¶nnen Sie uns per E-Mail oder Telefon unter Angabe der Objektreferenz NS 671 kontaktieren Standort: São Francisco da Serra, Santiago do Cacém Gesamtflí¤che: 57750 m2 Jahr der Registrierung im Hauptsitz: 1989 CE: Ruinenzertifikat REF. EIGENTUM: NS 671 AMI-Lizenz 14540 Vereinbaren Sie noch heute Ihren Besuch und erfahren Sie mehr í¼ber diese Gelegenheit! íbersetzt von Google #ref:NS671
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Grundstück auf São Francisco da Serra, Santiago do Cacém

Grundstück auf Grândola e Santa Margarida da Serra, Grândola

450.000 €
Grundstücke 21.500 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Grândola e Santa Margarida da Serra, Grândola

Grundstück auf Canaviais, Évora

120.000 €
Grundstücke 5.500 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
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Grundstück auf Canaviais, Évora

Grundstück auf Melides, Grândola

800.000 €
Grundstücke 126.250 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Rustic land with the area of 12.62 ha has light and the location is quite privileged, where it can be in full harmony with nature, contemplating the landscape of sea, countryside and mountains, access is easy by dirt. It is very close to the beaches of Melides, Carvalhal and Comporta. Feasibility of housing construction up to 500 m2 (for farmer’s residence) and for rural hotel project up to 5,050 m2, obeying the binding opinion of the competent authorities. Composed mostly of sobreiros, pines and medronheiros. Excellent investment. Bank Financing: Habita is a partner of several financial entities enabling all its customers free simulations of Housing Credit. Location: Melides is a portuguese parish in the municipality of Grândola, an area of approximately 155.2 km2, the parish of Melides, located in the coastal strip, 5 kms from the Atlantic Ocean and in the vicinity of the lagoon of the same name. From the point of view of the relief presents two distinct zones: on the coast dominated the heaths, of reduced fertility, occupied by pine forests and eucaliptals, and cut by two floodplains of agricultural appetite - Fontaínhas and, especially, the floodplain of Melides, where the cultivation of rice abounds; - in the rest of the area the mountain is predominant, occupied by cork mounted and some pine forest, especially meek. Melides Beach is located in the long strip of sand that makes the separation between the sea and the Melides Lagoon. Here will have shipwrecked the adventurer Portuguese the sixteenth century, Fernão Mendes Pinto, when he was attacked by corsicanries. His adventures were recorded in the work ’Pilgrimage’ Walking the 4 kms of the road that gives access to the beach, through pine forests and rice pads, you reach Melides, typical Alentejo village, with white houses and quiet streets that is well worth a visit. The village of Melides must have emerged as a small cluster of fishermen/farmers who gradually concentrated their previously dispersed dwellings. The economic connection of these to the bar seems undoubted to us and the first oracle, Holy Navy, is proof of this. Its toponym may originate from the Latin militi (military) and, as a curiosity, there is mention of the existence of two villages called Melide, one in Spain, Galicia, and another in Switzerland, next to Lake Lugano. Within the scope of the heritage are advised the following visits: old urban nucleus of the village, where you can see some buildings of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, with balcony windows and wrought iron balconies; ruins of the Church of Santa Marinha (late 19th century). XV - beginnings of the XVI), where are still visible botaréus of unusual dimension; church of St. Peter (20th century. XVII - XVIII) that preserves elements of interest such as the vaulted ceiling of the chancel, a stone lavatory, in the sacristy, boasting the cross of the Order of Santiago and imaginary coeva; the pottery of Master Chico, being worthy of register the oven of typically Roman characteristics; molinological set of Boavista (windmills), from which you enjoy a vast landscape; fountain of the Eyes with a lunch park. It is a copious spring that supplies water to the village and part of the parish, and its surroundings are very pleasant. After Comporta, Melides is the new destination sensation in Alentejo thanks to its deserted beaches, cork-mounted, days of silence and several new charming hotels... It’s not really a hidden secret anymore. In recent years, there have been several articles in the national and international press about Melides. After comporta’s success, which the Financial Times even described as ’the Hamptons of Portugal’, it seems that the focus is now redirected a little further south, towards Melides. The celebrated shoe designer, Christian Louboutin, was only the first. With houses around the world, including a castle in France, an apartment in LA and a mansion in Lisbon, the designer swapped Comporta for Melides about six years ago, and his on-site hotel (long-advertised) is already under construction. Melides presents a set of almost secret refuges, where there is no lack of comfort, elegance and sophistication... And there are several dream homes that the mounted and the pine forest hide. This is the case of the Italian Countess Noemi Marone Cinzano (she sold the Cinzano empire in 1999 to the Campari group and has since been a producer of organic wines in Argentina and Italy), who has built here a holiday retreat already photographed by AD-Architectural Digest North American. The same can be said of belgian architect and designer Vincent Van Duysen, who designed and built an iconic house here, and who has also been entitled to reporting in the New York Times. The beaches The municipality of Grândola has the largest stretch of beach in the country, so those who arrive here have plenty to choose from. In addition to the most popular beaches of Tróia, Comporta, Carvalhal and Pêgo, in the Melides region, the best known is Melides Beach, an extensive sandy beach with beach support. In the vicinity of the beach is the Melides Lagoon that extends to the village through extensive rice pads and small islands where the richness of flora and fauna ensure activities such as bird watching, canoeing or walking. It follows The New Open Beach, with access from EN 261-2 through a path partially on dirt, covered by pine forests. Almost always empty, Galé Beach is the lady that follows. A secret that begins to unravel. As well as Praia da Vigia, another paradise, with access by a sandy road with about 5km. By the way, it is worth saying out of curiosity that it is in this area that Christian Louboutin has the house... #ref:IS092002 (2)
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Grundstück auf Melides, Grândola

Gründstück auf EN120, Santiago do Cacém, S.Cruz e S.Bartolomeu da Serra, Santiago do Cacém

70.000 €
Grundstücke 183 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Plot for housing - -Santiago do Cacém Plot of land, for construction of single-family villa, with a total area of 183m2, with an area of implementation of 87m2 and construction area of 242m2. Based on the allotment permit issued by the CM of Santiago do Cacém, it is authorized the construction of a house of typology T4, with basement, two floors and a floor indented. Situated in a residential area close to commerce and services, with great sun exposure. Bank Financing: Habita is a partner of several financial entities enabling all its customers free simulations of Housing Credit. Location: Santiago do Cacém is a Portuguese city in the District of Setúbal, is the headquarters of one of the largest municipalities in Portugal, with an area of 1,059.77 km². It is home to one of the largest municipalities in Portugal, with 1,059.77 km² of area and 29,749 inhabitants (2015 INE), subdivided into 8 parishes. The municipality is bordered to the north by the term of Grândola, to the northeast by Ferreira do Alentejo, to the east by Aljustrel, to the south by Ourique and Odemira and to the west by Sines and has coastline in the Atlantic Ocean. It is the only municipality in the entire Alentejo that contains 2 cities within its term (Santiago and Santo André). It also has three villages (Cercal, Alvalade and Ermidas-Sado). Culture and leisure: There are many popular and cultural manifestations in the county: the feast of Our Lady of Grace, held on the last Sunday of May, with various religious ceremonies, namely prayer meetings, and the annual fairs, on the fourth Sunday of April and the fourth Sunday of July; Santiagro, ’Agricultural Fair’, in May, of economic and cultural promotion; FATAL - Alentejo Coastal Handicraft and Tourism Fair; the traditional Green Grass festivals, both in July; the Monte Fair in September; the traditional festivals of Aldeia dos Chãos in August and The Day of the Municipality, on July 25. In handicrafts, we highlight the latoaria works, lace, embroidery, clay and cork work, tapestry and wood. As a cultural installation, the municipality has the Municipal Museum of Santiago do Cacém, in which the numismatics and archeology sections are to be taken up, the latter representative of human occupation in the region, since the times of the Upper Paleolithic. In the collection of ethnography, highlight the traditional Alentejo cuisine, which joins the recreation of a popular room, which makes counterpoint with another of markedly bourgeois taste and which is part of a remarkable legacy of one of the families of the region - the Counties of Avillez. In 1895 the first automobile arrived in Portugal, owned by the Count of Avilez, santiago do Cacém; The title of curiosity, also the 1st Rolls Royce that came to Portugal, came to Santiago do Cacém, owned by José Sande Champalimaud and the car registration with no. 1, in 1904, went also to Santiago do Cacém, on behalf of Augusto Teixeira de Aragão. Points to visit: - Castle of Santiago do Cacém - Miróbriga Archaeological Station - Municipal Museum of Santiago do Cacém - Castle of Santiago do Cacém - Badoca Safari Park - Medieval Alvalade Bridge - Old Castle area with the ruins of the Roman city Miróbriga - Church of Santiago or Mother Church of Santiago do Cacém #ref:GR102202
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Gründstück auf EN120, Santiago do Cacém, S.Cruz e S.Bartolomeu da Serra, Santiago do Cacém

Grundstück auf Rua do Almagre, Redondo, Redondo

198.000 €
Grundstücke 32.000 m² E.C.: Freigestelltes Eigentum
Features: - 3 ha of land: ideal for exploring nature or starting an agricultural project. Buildable according to new PDM; - Partially sealed; - Pond with spring; - Spectacular Alentejo landscape: enjoy breathtaking views every morning; - Strategic location: close to the village of Redondo, with easy access to local amenities; Ideal Investment! Live the true essence of the Alentejo, in a peaceful and inspiring environment. Schedule a visit! #ref:JG2278
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Grundstück auf Rua do Almagre, Redondo, Redondo
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